Chapter 508: General Control Room

Only then did Lin Fan suddenly realize that this girl looked very similar to the "big guy".

Even though this is the world of face-squeezing games, after all, before the face-squeezing, it is based on the individual's own appearance. On this basis, even if the player's face-squeezing is changed, there will be more or less Some of their own original characteristics.

And these two people, no matter in face shape or facial features, can still see some similarities.

So, are these two actually siblings?

Originally, Lin Fan only thought that this "big brother" called her sister because he respected the girl, but now it seems that the two people should be related by blood.

"Another batch of new materials has been produced, and the teacher is now in the material room. Who is he? Do you know that this is a military important place, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.'

The girl looked at "Big Brother" coldly, and said angrily.

"His name is Shuangmu. The vice president asked me to bring him. Your teacher knows about it, but he may not have had time to tell you. Next, he will also participate in the exploration of the ruins. And he is very powerful Yes, the bosses are almost blowing him up to the sky, maybe he can be of great help to the ruins exploration work.

The "big brother" told the story of Lin Fan honestly. After hearing this, the girl's complexion improved a bit.

"Since you are a distinguished guest, talk to them well, and don't make troubles with scumbags all day long. You have to be more mature and prudent when entrusting such an important job to you, do you hear~


The girl let go of exploring Lin Fan's identity, but she didn't let go of preaching to the "big brother".

"Well, well, I must know. I'm just a little more lively, and I'm not stupid."

Facing the girl's preaching, the "big brother" has no way to resist, and can only nod and bow in response.

The girl turned a blind eye to this, and did not believe the words of the "big brother" at all. After just casting a glance at him, he stopped paying attention to him, and looked at Lin Fan instead.

"Since the vice president asked him to bring you here, it proves that the vice president has decided to let you know everything in this laboratory. Everything you want to know can be answered here."

Maybe it's because the people in this resident are more straightforward, everyone speaks straight to the point, straightforward, and doesn't make any twists and turns with him at all, which makes Lin Fan feel very comfortable listening.

"Out of courtesy, let me introduce myself first. My id name is Shuangmu, and my current level is 42. I will explore the ruins with other people in the next action. Then, in addition to the things about the ruins, I want to ask first, who are you?"

Although Lin Fan is not much of a gossip person, there is such a young girl at the bottom of the underground and in the deepest laboratory, which makes Lin Fan very curious as to what special ability she has that can Let her be here.

Lin Fan didn't think that in such a place, someone would be able to come in through the back door through connections. Therefore, such a young girl must have some special ability to be able to become such a core figure.

It's like being a "big guy".

This is really interesting. This pair of sisters and brothers are all very powerful. I don't know who they are in real life, and what kind of family can raise such a pair of completely opposite personalities, but they still have different personalities. The same special Excellent youth.

"id Qinghe is the assistant to the chief engineer of this laboratory, and the chief engineer of this laboratory is my teacher. His ID number is "Qingyun", you can call him "Mr. Qingyun".

The girl not only told her ID number, but also her identity and the name of the lab owner, which happened to be convenient for Lin Fan to call him after he came in later.

"What is your laboratory researching? Being able to be at the bottom of the entire research institution, and it is the room at the end, it must be a research with high confidentiality

The girl didn't say much about other personal information, but Lin Fan felt that enough was enough. He's not a pervert, and he's not an account checker, so there's no need to ask other people's identities in such detail

"That's right, this is the main control room of the entire underground laboratory. All the technologies and materials obtained from the ruins are transferred, configured and distributed to various laboratories (Li Dezhao) through this place, and they will carry out each part of the study.

And after they finish researching part of their research content, they will also hand it over to this general control room. After the final processing is carried out by this laboratory's main control room, they will be handed over to the people on the ground. "

Therefore, this place belongs to the deepest part of the underground and is under heavy security. It is also the place where the vice president asked the boss to bring Lin Fan here.

This really brought him to the core Nakaha at once.

"As for the specific research, I can only say that we have obtained a lot of technology from the ruins, and it is hard to tell for a while. As a non-professional, you may not be able to understand it. Let me give you a list You should see for yourself first."

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