Online Game Mechanic: 10,000-Fold Increase In The First Rush!

Chapter 513: Items That Don’T Belong To God’S Domain

Chapter 513: Items that do not belong to God's Domain

No matter what the reason was, all these reasons prompted Lin Fan to enter the ruins to explore. Sure enough, he was different from everyone else.

"I don't know if it's convenient to ask, why can you understand this text? Do you see that they are exactly the same as Chinese characters, or that you can understand the meaning even if they are strange-shaped characters?"

Mr. Qingyun was very curious about this.

"It's a text I've never seen before, but I can understand its meaning. Regarding this point, I once proposed the concept of water of truth with your Zuzhou guild. Some time ago, I was lucky enough to get I found a special item. After eating this special item, the eater can have an experience similar to that of baptizing the water of truth.

I originally thought that after eating that flower, it was equivalent to baptizing the water of truth, but now it seems that the effects of the two are not exactly the same. The special items I ate should have even more miraculous effects.

This is not something that can't be said, and even speaking out will be more beneficial to Lin Fan. Maybe there are many people in the Zuzhou Guild, and some people have seen similar items.

"What kind of item? Are there other similar items?" It turned out to be the effect of a special item, which made both Mr. Qingyun and Aoki stare.

As scientists and engineers, inventing, creating and researching new items are their common hobbies.

"Since it's a special item, I naturally only got that one. And it's a delicate flower, it disappears after you eat it in your mouth. There can't be another one, unless you can find something similar to it. flower.

It is a very common six-petal flower, the color is pink and tender, no different from the common roadside flowers. At the beginning, I realized that this flower without water was different, because it couldn't be destroyed at all. That's why it's on. "

Lin Fan described the shape and condition of the flower, hoping to get something from Mr. Qingyun, but unfortunately, Mr. Qingyun and the others had never heard of such a thing.

What's more, there are so many wildflowers on the roadside, who will notice whether there is a problem with which kind of flower.

This made Lin Fan a little disappointed, but at the same time felt nothing strange. After all, the effect of this flower may be very against the sky, and the more such a thing against the sky, the more precious and rare it must be. It would be strange if it could be seen everywhere.

There is no way to get other information about this special item from Lin Fan, which makes the people in the Zuzhou Guild feel a little disappointed, but they are very happy about the special ability that Lin Fan now possesses.

They believe that this exploration will definitely make great progress.

After reading the diary, it is the translation tool. This translation prop is a flat four-square block, which looks a little strange.

There are messy lines carved on it, and it is the kind that looks dazzling without any rules, and even makes people feel a little dizzy and nauseated after looking at it for a long time.

At least, Lin Fan felt that it was not a good thing when he first saw it.

Lin Fan has not used the system to check things for a long time, after all, he has not encountered any special items. This time, Lin Fan used the characteristics of the system to observe the translation prop after a long absence.


This time it was good, there was only one item with three question marks, which meant that they didn't know anything, and as for the remaining attributes and levels, they didn't exist at all.

This also made Lin Fan understand for the first time that this translation item might not be something in the world of God's Domain, so the system has no way to detect all its information.

Apart from being able to detect that it is an item, it does not belong to the level of God's Domain, nor does it belong to God's Domain.

"Do you know that this translation tool is not something in God's Domain? Where did this tool come from?" Lin Fan asked subconsciously.

"Isn't it something from God's Domain? Impossible, we bought it from a merchant in Xuanwu City, how could it not be something from this world?" Aoki personally presided over the purchase of translation props, so her reaction was the best. quick.

"Have you used the system to observe this thing? No attributes are displayed, which proves that this is not something in God's Domain, so the system has no way to detect it." Lin Fan said his inference.

"But (Nuo Lihao) doesn't this happen to special mysterious items? Others in the guild have also obtained mysterious items, and they are all question marks, which is fine." Aoki does not agree with Lin Fan's deduction .

Mystery items, mystery is normal.

"I have also obtained many mysterious items, but no matter how mysterious they are, they still have levels and attributes, but there are question marks after the levels and attributes. But this time, the translation item does not even have the two columns of levels and attributes. Isn't that enough proof?"

Lin Fan didn't think so, there should be plenty of smart people in the Zuzhou Guild.

"You mean there are no attributes and levels? Impossible, we can see it!"

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