Online Game Mechanic: 10,000-Fold Increase In The First Rush!

Chapter Five Hundred And Fortieth Two: Mopping Up

Chapter 542: Mopping up

"If, as recorded in their history, they are the life created by a certain Advanced civilization, then the civilization of that Advanced civilization must be a very powerful civilization, and it must be so powerful that it is frightening. "

After listening to the history that Lin Fan read, Mr. Qing Yun could not help but sigh.

Although it is not clearly stated in history, it is also very clearly shown that civilized people can break through the boundaries of human life and live for a long time.

They can use life energy to prolong their lifespan, as long as their vitality is enough, they can even live forever. It is even unknown whether the life of that civilization is considered human.

As for why they are so sure that the creatures that came to this mechanical civilization from that civilization are human beings, it is because it is clearly stated in history that they are individuals.

In the universe, civilizations are endless, and there are countless types, and the species in each civilization are also different, but human beings are human beings. No other civilization would call a non-human species human.

So they can judge that the civilization capable of manipulating life is an advanced human civilization.

"When we research and understand this thing, we can also have an endless lifespan. Although we are far behind most civilizations in this universe, human learning ability and tenacity are definitely not weaker than any civilization.

As long as we do our best, we believe that we can always catch up with those civilizations. If it doesn't work for ten years, it will be a hundred years; As long as human beings exist, we will never submit to other civilizations. "

Lin Fan can see that for those extremely powerful advanced civilizations, many people have already developed a little fear of those civilizations. Although these have not shown in their hearts, and most people may not take it seriously, but Lin Fan felt it very keenly.

Even if there is a huge difference in strength, as long as they want to surpass each other, they cannot fear each other.

Since there is fear, how can we talk about transcendence?

"That's right, one day, we will stand at the pinnacle of cosmic civilization, and we will definitely not be weaker than any civilization. And from our generation onwards, it is the starting point for the rise of earth civilization. For the future of mankind, for the future of earth civilization In the future, we must not back down."

Mr. Qingyun immediately understood the meaning of Lin Fan's words, and immediately said loudly.

The surrounding members of the exploration team also echoed their voices. The momentum of the whole team has reached the highest level at this moment. Everyone is fighting high and gearing up, full of confidence and motivation for the future.

"Do you want to continue reading? Or wait until you return to the guild and then study it slowly?" This history book is very thick, with a thickness of 10 centimeters. If you want to finish reading this book, it will really take a few days.

It would be a waste of time to study history in these ruins.

"Only the first page has already shown the importance and Preciousness of this historical book. We only need to know this point, and we can make arrangements for the rest when we return to the station. Since this book Only Shuangmu can understand the book, so let Shuangmu keep it temporarily.

Mr. Qingyun said to the "big guy", although his status and qualifications are higher than the "big guy", but in this exploration, the "big guy" is the captain of the exploration team, so Mr. Qingyun also I still asked the "big brother" for his opinion first.

"What Mr. Qingyun said is true, then we will continue to explore first, bring all these books back to the station, and then slowly study the contents of the books.

"Boss" waved his hand and said very grandly.

Afterwards, the "big brother" waved his hand and removed all the other books in the bookcase except the three books Lin Fan was holding in his hand.

In fact, instead of moving the books, he directly threw the entire bookcase into the space ring. He didn't even leave a dust, it's not an exaggeration to say that he passed the plucking beast and left the skin.

"I'll take this history book and the remaining two books that look like novels first, and you can keep the rest of the teaching materials and textbooks by yourself." Just before the boss put away the bookcase, Lin Fan said , The three books of 910 are the only things Lin Fan can read and feel the need to read, so he received these three books in his space ring

As for other books, Lin Fan has no interest.

These are either technology or technology. For a solo player like Lin Fan, it is of no use. He does not engage in science.

However, before Lin Fan finished speaking, the "big brother" put away the entire bookcase, which made Lin Fan stop talking for a while, and didn't want to talk anymore.

"Well, is there anything else?"

The "big brother" listened to Lin Fan's words, and then responded. Lin Fan shook his head, not wanting to speak.

Seeing this, the "big brother" went to search for all the other paper stamps with words.

After putting away all the written materials in the entire room, the members of the exploration team did not let go of other things, whether it was tables, chairs, benches or daily necessities, they searched Richen.

The entire room was so empty that even a speck of dust could not be swept out. .

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