Chapter 552: Li Juejue who is not offline yet

Since the two had just graduated from school and were still familiar with the guard, even though they were no longer students at the school, they entered the school very easily.

During this period, Lin Fan kept calling Juejuezi's mobile phone, but without exception, he couldn't get through to any of them.

This proves that Jue Jue Zi is still in the game at this moment, that's why he can't receive the call, or the phone is not around at all. But either way, it can be very dangerous.

For a girl with severe Internet addiction like Jue Juezi, it is simply impossible for her to not have her mobile phone by her side.

But if you can't receive a call in the game, it can only prove that Jue Jue Zi can't wake up on his own now, so it is very likely that there is a bug in the game.

Because the protection mechanism of this game stipulates that as long as a call comes in real life, the player will be reminded to leave the game and return to reality to answer the call.

But at this moment, the person who called Jue Juezi was Lin Fan05, because Jue Juezi attached great importance to Lin Fan, as long as Jue Juezi heard that she would go offline, she would definitely go offline.

Although it is a student dormitory, the environment of the dormitory is very good. In addition to the quadruple and six-person rooms, there are also double rooms.

Juejuezi lived in the double room. Juejuezi's roommate, on the other hand, rents a house and lives with her boyfriend, so she seldom goes back to the dormitory. Juejuezi is usually the only one in the dormitory.

Therefore, even if there is a problem with Jue Juezi, no one will know about it. This is actually a very dangerous thing.

"Aunt, we are Chen Ziang and Lin Fan. We are here to find Li Juejue, we can't get through to Juejue's phone number, so we think something may have happened to her, can you go up with us to see him?"

The gate control of the female dormitory is very strict. As two boys, it is impossible for them to enter the female dormitory unless the dormitory supervisor Aunt is willing to be with them.

But even if Aunt, the dormitory manager, is with the boys, it is basically impossible to allow the boys to enter the girls' dormitory. After all, who knows if there will be girls wandering in the corridors without clothes? This is very dangerous for girls. unless there is an emergency.

"It's the two of you? Didn't you graduate? Why did you come back to look for Jue Jue?" The dormitory manager Aunt naturally knew Chen Ziang and Lin Fan. After all, during the two years at school, they often played with Jue Juezi. Playing games and going out together, so I come a lot.

Every time they waited for Li Juejue downstairs, they would chat with Aunt, the dorm manager, and send some food, drink or small gifts by the way, so chatting with Aunt, the dormitory manager, was very pleasant

Because of this, Li Juejue called them several times when he had acute gastroenteritis alone in the dormitory, and they were able to ask Aunt, the dormitory manager, to take them up together, and carried Li Juejue down to the hospital. .

"What happened? Oh, the little girl lives in the dormitory alone, and no one knows what happened. It is indeed very dangerous. Let's go up and have a look.

Aunt, the hostess, was also very anxious when he heard the news.

Li Juejue inherited the style of her two seniors, chatting with Aunt, the housekeeper, and giving some small gifts, so the relationship with Aunt, the housekeeper, is very good.

Hearing about Li Juejue's accident, the dorm manager Aunt was naturally worried about her from the bottom of his heart.

The three of them rushed to the dormitory building and found Li Juejue's room. Not surprisingly, since Li Juejue lived alone in the dormitory, every time Li Juejue entered the game room, he would lock the door behind him, so they couldn't play at all. open the door.

Fortunately, Aunt, the dormitory manager, had already prepared and brought the key up.

There is a key for each dormitory door lock in the female dormitory, and the dormitory manager Aunt has a key, just to worry about the situation that if something happens, the door cannot be opened without the key.

The door was easily opened, which proved that the lock was normal and had not been broken, it was just locked.

After entering the room, the first thing that catches the eye is a huge game cabin. Li Juejue is lying quietly in the game cabin, and the login time displayed on the game company is already half a month ago.

In other words, Li Juejue has not been offline for 010 for half a month, and her mobile phone has not been turned off because it has been plugged into the charger, but the battery is almost exhausted. As soon as it was unplugged, the power dropped crazily, and there were several missed calls on the phone.

In the past half month, many people have approached Li Juejue one after another, but they have not received any response.

Even, Li Juejue has not been offline for more than half a month since he entered the game, and the system did not force Li Juejue to go offline. Obviously, there is definitely something wrong.

"Oh, why has Jue Jue not been offline for more than half a month? This is not good." The game of Shenyu is basically an All People game, and billions of people around the world have joined this game. Even though Aunt was called Aunt by them, she was only in her forties. She was playing the game of God's Domain herself, so naturally she knew the situation in the game room. Although he is using a helmet, not a game pod.

There are two ways to enter the game of God's Domain, one is to use the game helmet, and the other is to use the game cabin.

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