Chapter 563: Villages and Cities

After finishing the discussion about the Sotowa civilization, they finally set their sights on the business again.

It really can't be blamed for Lin Fan being distracted. Of course it is important to save Jue Zi, but they talked about it as they walked, so they didn't waste much time. Lin Fan still knows what is more urgent.

As soon as he entered the Forest of Two Realms, Merlin had already released his children to scatter in all directions to search for information. And his "children" are just some of the alchemy products he refined, not real children.

These alchemy products will communicate with the wild monsters living in the forest of the two realms. After all, in the forest, this is the world of wild monsters. Once there is any disturbance, the wild monsters will definitely know.

Moreover, the wild monsters in the forests of the two worlds are not too hostile to humans, nor do they belong to any camp, so it is easier to ask about things.

After all, wild monsters cannot survive in the defensive circle created by the Sotowa civilization outside. People and wild monsters outside can't get in, and they can't get out. There is almost no communication with the outside world, so what position and contradiction can there be?

So far, it has been a quarter of an hour since they entered the forest, and they have not gone far, but they have talked a lot.

And this time is enough for these alchemy products to inquire about.

After all, among the four major forests and the two swamps, although the Two Worlds Forest is the most mysterious and terrifying, it is the smallest in area.

"Let's go, there is nothing, the person you are looking for is not in the forest~`" Merlin's "children" have now sent back the news, which is really helpless news.

"I have no choice but to go to the Suotuwa Civilization Base."

Although Lin Fan is really afraid of this civilization, he still has to go there. It's hard for him to imagine now, if the identity of the Absolute Son is discovered by the people of the Sotowa civilization, what kind of dangerous situation she will be in now.

Moreover, if this is the case, the danger is not only Juejuezi alone, but also the entire civilization of the earth.

Although there are some wild monsters in the Two Worlds Forest who are very unfriendly to outsiders and even want to kill all outsiders, their strength is indeed not too high. Wild monsters with 40 to 80 poles generally pose no threat to the two of them.

Although Lin Fan's level is low, but his Agility of 62 allows him to run away even if he can't fight. In addition, there was Merlin, and the two of them walked to the end of the forest of the two worlds smoothly.

At the end of the Two Worlds Forest is a very large village, where green crops are planted, and it looks vibrant and peaceful.

This made Lin Fan feel like returning to the countryside on the earth. This made him feel a little dazed for a moment.

The scene in front of him was very different from what he had imagined before. But it's not that surprising when you think about it. After all, the Suotowa civilization is a human civilization. Even if the genetic lock is unlocked, it still needs to eat.

However, upon closer inspection, this village is completely different from the villages on earth. Because none of the people living and working in this village are human beings, all of them are robots, and they are still that kind of intelligent robots.

This is really a full range of industrial and agricultural mechanization, and even the farmers are not human anymore.

The scope of the village is very, very large. They walked for a long time before they got out of the village and saw the city in front of them that proved the technological level of Sotowa civilization.

However, although the city looks not small, its area should not be as large as the village, which made Lin Fan somewhat guess.

Could it be that the Sotowa civilization is not suitable for planting crops now, so it is necessary to plant crops in the construction base in God's Domain?

Lin Fan couldn't help thinking of some novels and movies about the doomsday wasteland.

Maybe it was because the planets of the Suotuwa civilization were no longer suitable for planting crops, so they looked around for suitable planets to cultivate. The planets of the city's mechanical civilization were discovered at this time.

Of course, this is only Lin Fan's guess based on part of the information and brainstorming, and it is unfounded and miscellaneous.

This is the Sotois civilization, which is completely different from our civilization. "Back here again, Merlin was still full of emotions, this civilization has brought him too much shock.

"Brother, why do you think this is an entire civilization? This city doesn't look as big as the previous village." Although the city is not small anymore, it's really not that big

No (are you okay), although they only walked to the village for half a day before, they didn't walk like a walk, but ran quickly.

Because Mei Lin said at the beginning that the width of the village is very long, if you walk slowly, you may not be able to get out all day and night.

"The Sotowa civilization is not just the city in front of me. This city and this village are just adjacent to the two forests. There are even bigger cities and villages inside. Of course

I've only seen it from a distance, but never entered it. "

Merlin said somewhat dissatisfied, he felt that Lin Fan took himself for a fool. But logically speaking, it shouldn’t be. It was Lin Fan who was shocked like an idiot along the way. .

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