Online Game Mechanic: 10,000-Fold Increase In The First Rush!

Chapter 577: No Trouble With Teleportation Formation

Chapter 577: There is no trouble with the teleportation array

Even though they have been logging into the game in Shenzhou all this time, the two of them have been steadfast in not revealing their ID numbers, so no one knows what the IDs of the two of them in God's Domain are.

Of course, they don't even know what the ID of Jue Jue Zi is.

After all, Jue Jue Zi has never woken up, and it is even more impossible for them to notice it.

This is why no one has guessed that Lin Fan is Shuangmu for so long.

After all, the three of them are too familiar in real life. Once the identity of any one of them is confirmed, the other two cannot escape at all.

"Alright then, Lin Fan big brother, just do what you want to do, 05, I will definitely work hard to practice."

Lin Fan's decision to be the best child will naturally be approved. She nodded and sent a private message seriously, but she has not dared to speak so far.

"Cultivation is practice, the main city of Dark Moon is not a good place, you'd better go back to the main city where Novice Village belongs.

In the God's Domain Continent, except for some places that have been treated with special formations, the spirits in other places are said to be almost the same.

It would be safer to go back to the main city where Xinshou Village belongs to. "

This is what he learned from Merlin and several apprentices during the past month or so.

"Alright, Lin Fan big brother, in fact, I don't really want to stay in Darkmoon City, as I just passed by and felt that the neighborhood is too messy.

I can't see the levels of many NPCs on some streets. These NPCs should all have very high levels.

I think this place is really too dangerous, Lin Fan big brother, you should leave here as soon as possible.

For Lin Fan, there is no reason for the absolute child.

"Finally, although your body has always had sufficient nutrient solution to maintain vital signs, you should go offline as soon as possible to have a look.

It's been almost two months now, and we're all worried about your body, to be honest.

If there is nothing wrong, please go online and send me a private message. If there is any problem, just ask Tomahawk Steak to call me. "

Seeing that Jue Jue Zi complied with all his orders, Lin Fan finally said.

He wanted to find Jue Jue Zi so eagerly at the beginning because of Jue Jue Zi's physical problems, but now that he finally found him, he must quickly deal with Jue Jue Zi's health problems.

After more than a month, Jue Jue Zi finally went offline. Standing on the somewhat chaotic street, Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of a big stone in his heart.

As for whether there would be any problem with Jue Juezi's body, since the Tomahawk Steaks and the others never gave him a letter, it proved that there should be no problem.

Lin Fan is actually not too worried about what will happen to Juejuezi's body in the real world.

After sending Jue Juezi away, Lin Fan was not in the mood to go to monster hunting and upgrade again, but found a very elegant tea house to drink a cup of tea, eat some snacks to relax, and recalled That woman from a strange civilization.

The information given by that woman is indeed quite a lot, from what she said "get rid of the control of something" when she met her a month ago, to the advice she just gave.

All of them show that the woman is likely to know about the game and the system, know that they are from Earth, and know that they are not people from the civilization of God's Domain.

Even, it is very likely that the woman is the same civilization as the civilization where the system is located, or a similar civilization.

Moreover, seeing what that woman meant, was she trying to help him?

After thinking for a long time, Lin Fan couldn't figure out what was the undercurrent surging behind it, but time was running out, so he could only keep it all in his heart.

The need to have power that is truly your own is imminent.

Everything has come to an end at this moment, and he can finally get back on track and set foot on the road to the Holy Court again.

To enter any of the four kingdoms, one must go through one of the four forests and two swamps, and then pass through the kingdom to reach the Holy Court.

During this journey, there are no shortcuts, and there is no 360-degree magical thing like a teleportation array.

The teleportation array is such a convenient and quick thing that even the crisis-ridden good camp borders can have at least one in each main city, but these four kingdoms and the Holy Court are not allowed to use it.

This is not because technology does not allow it, or because customs and customs do not allow it, but because of safety considerations. It has to be said that Lin Fan is still very disdainful of this. From this point of view, it seems strange that the nobles in the court are simply a group of turtles with shrunken heads.

People in the Holy Court and the Four Great Kingdoms are safe, but Lin Fan is in trouble. If he wants to enter the Holy Court, Lin Fan can't teleport through the teleportation array, so he can only walk through.

But this is really too far away, even if you don't consider the dangers you may encounter on the road, it will take you nearly a month to walk, even if you ride a horse, you can't go anywhere, it takes too long, it's really It's not worth the candle.

However, there is always a way.

Lin Fan wasn't going to walk there on two legs, nor was he going to ride a horse, it seemed so stupid. .

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