Online Game Mechanic: 10,000-Fold Increase In The First Rush!

Chapter Five Hundred And Seventy-Ninth: The Boy Who Gives Money And The House

Chapter five hundred and seventy-ninth: The boy who gave money and took the house

"By the way, apart from these weapons and book materials, there is another very important thing."

As Lin Fan said, he took out a tube of the solution that was stored with extreme care, even in a transparent refrigerator, from the interspatial ring.

How precious is the genetic fluid, and it is placed in test tubes and glass refrigerators, which is very easy to be destroyed.

It is definitely impossible to pile up the gene fluid and these messy things and throw them into the conference room, so he naturally wants to hold them alone.

The moment Lin Fan took out the genetic fluid, everyone's eyes were fixed on the genetic fluid, completely unable to extricate themselves.

It was as if there was something in the solution that kept attracting their attention.

Even if they don't know what this tube of solution is used for at the moment, they can't remove their eyes at all.

Lin Fan then spoke out all the details of the genetic fluid without saying a single word.

After all, 383 needs to conduct research, so naturally the more detailed information you know, the better.

Lin Fan doesn't think they dare to use this genetic fluid directly for someone instead of conducting research.

After getting along for more than two months, he already understood the behavior style of the Zuzhou Guild very well.

This really stunned everyone. Gene locks have had Legendaries since ancient times.

Some people believe that human beings can unlock the genetic locks to become superhumans, but some people think that this is nonsense and it is human's whimsy.

But at this moment, something that can unlock the gene lock is in front of them, but they tremble slightly, and some dare not pick it up.

What kind of godly luck is this, to be able to get such a good thing.

The members of the Zuzhou Guild felt that since they met Lin Fan, their luck had simply risen in a straight line, and all the good things rushed to them (affg).

Let alone exploring new ruins now, even researching what has already been obtained cannot be studied.

"Okay, you can study the specifics of these things yourself when the time comes, and I won't intervene for the time being, I don't understand this one either.

But there is one more thing, I have already found Jue Jue Zi, she was doing a hidden mission before, so she can't leave the mission location for the time being.

But she said that she was not with the Night Demon King, and they hadn't even seen each other since they separated from the beginning, so the Night Demon King's disappearance should have nothing to do with the disappearance at that time.

By the way, how is he now? Have you found him yet?"

When he first learned that Jue Jue Zi was missing, the Night Demon King had also disappeared, and there was even a possibility of being replaced by an impostor.

Originally, Lin Fan didn't think too much about it, but since he knew that the ghost in the void can temporarily live in Jue Jue Zi's body in this world, Lin Fan inevitably had some doubts in his heart.

After all, the timing is too coincidental.

"The Night Demon King has also been found, but we only found him when he woke up in real life when the ten-day system was forced to go offline.

He said he was doing a hidden mission and couldn't come back for the time being.

Moreover, his memory of all the previous events has not been damaged in the slightest, and his personality has not changed much, so there seems to be no problem.

But he is our person after all, we must have a way to distinguish. It is now very certain that the Night Stalker has been reassigned.

There is a strange consciousness, occupying the identity of the Night Stalker in the game, and even occupying his body in reality, binding the Night Stalker's game system, making the Night Stalker evaporate in the world now.

No one knows where the Night Devil King's original consciousness has gone and whether it still exists.

As for that person, we didn't dare to disturb him, we just pretended to be false with him for the time being, to see what he really wanted to do. "

It's a terrible thing to be replaced by someone else, because this is not a plastic surgery, which can be done by cutting and cutting the bones. Not scary.

The concept of seizing the house in the novel was raised over and over again by the members of the Zuzhou Guild, but no one could come up with a reasonable solution.

According to the information from the Zuzhou Guild, Lin Fan has confirmed that the night devil king should also be occupied by a ghost from a higher civilization.

He even guessed that the ghost occupying the body of the night devil king should be related to the woman who had borrowed the body of Jue Juezi before.

As for whether it is an enemy or a friend, he has no way to judge it yet, but in any case, people of higher civilization should deal with it carefully.

"If my guess is correct, that person should be a ghost in the universe, who can temporarily wander in the universe with his soul and find a suitable body to live in temporarily.

And the level of his civilization should not be weaker than the level of the civilization of the game system. Whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, it is not clear whether it is malicious or not, so you must be careful. "

Although he didn't say anything about Jue Jue Zi and that woman, Lin Fan still reminded them that the person who occupied the body of the Night Demon King probably came from a higher civilization.

The people of the Zuzhou Guild naturally attached great importance to Lin Fan's words.

They responded one after another. .

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