Chapter 599: Underground Labyrinth

After walking out of the house, it is still a courtyard, but this courtyard is a sealed courtyard, except for the small door connecting the house, there is no place to communicate with the outside world.

There is nothing strange in the courtyard, but it is relatively empty, with only some stored food and items piled up in the corners of the ground.

Obviously, things won't be that simple.

After the middle-aged man closed the door, he pressed seven different places on the wall next to the door in an extremely regular manner. Then, the ground began to crack, and a dark underground passage appeared in front of them.

Obviously, the courtyard on the ground is just a cover-up, and the underground is where they really want to go.

The middle-aged man remained silent after the underground passage was opened. He took the lead directly to the underground passage.

The underground passage is a very long, very long staircase, which is very long and steep, which proves that it leads to a very deep underground.

Wen 290 Carlo followed the middle-aged man into the underground passage without saying a word, his face was expressionless the whole time, which made Lin Fan, who was following behind them very curious, feel like a mouse kept scratching his heart. of.

What kind of place is this? An underground assassin organization? This must not be an underground assassin organization cultivated by Ven Carlos himself, right?

Of course, Lin Fan was just guessing casually, and he also knew that it was King Wen.

If he really had an underground organization like this in the capital, he wouldn't need to go far and wide to find an outsider like Lin Fan to come to the capital to find out information for him.

So there must be a mysterious organization here, and Ven Carlo just happened to know about this organization.

Going out of the long underground passage is a huge maze.

Yes, for Lin Fan, it was like he had entered a huge maze, following behind the two of them, walking in seven (afef) turns, and he had long forgotten the way he came.

Even though his attributes in all aspects have been enhanced now, and his memory has almost reached the point where he can never forget, but he is still dizzy by the maze that goes around and around

And almost every passage here looks exactly the same.

This makes it difficult to remember which passage they just came out of and which passage they went to.

Moreover, there are more than a dozen intersections at the entrance and exit of each passage, and the forked roads at each intersection also look exactly the same.

To be honest, even if all kinds of electronic navigation come, there is no reason for it.

What's more, they are not only walking on flat roads, but also uphill and downhill.

This also proves that they are no longer on the floor they just came to, but may be in several underground floors.

As for which floor it was on, Lin Fan couldn't tell at all.

If someone locked him in here, he would really not be able to find his way out.

Either directly commit suicide and return to the resurrection point, or break through violently.

After turning around many passages, the middle-aged man who had been carrying them stopped and brought them to an empty room.

Then he remained expressionless and left without saying a word.

But this time, Ven Carlo did not leave with him, but waited in this room.

In fact, it is not very rigorous to say that this is a room. Although this is a separate space with a door, it is all made of hard rocks, and its shape is round, more like a cave.

The entire underground labyrinth seems to be made of some kind of hard rock, and the style is very similar to the naturally formed stone forest caves.

But no matter what style it is, it doesn't attract Lin Fan at all. Seeing that there are no outsiders here, Lin Fan looks at Ven Carlo.

He still didn't know if he could speak at this moment. After all, from the beginning to the end, it was as if a pantomime was being staged here. No one spoke or made a sound, and everything was silent.

Although Lin Fan is not a person who is afraid of troubles, but if he can avoid troubles, it is better not to mess with things.

"Just say what you want, you can talk here."

Through his eyes, Vencaro could understand what Lin Fan meant, so he spoke first.

"What the hell is this place? Just now, it was like performing a pantomime. I thought it was forbidden to speak here."

Hearing that he could talk, Lin Fan, who had been holding back for a long time, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although he is not a restless person, he is really curious.

"In the Kingdom of Lukalu, no power under the sun can oppose the Wen family and the Wang family at the same time.

But if it is in the dark world, then, in the entire Rukalu Kingdom, there is a very large underground organization that can do everything you can think of. This is the notorious darknet organization in the capital of the Four Kingdoms.

The dark web can do anything, as long as you can pay the corresponding price. But if you want to take action on the dark web, you have to pay a huge price, this price.

There are too few people who can afford it, even if they can afford it, many times those who pay the price are ruined.

Therefore, unless it is a last resort, no matter who it is, it will not be easy to find the head of the dark net.

Even the most powerful and powerful figures should think carefully when doing business with the dark web. "

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