Chapter 760 Rescue Mission?

"How dare you do this!" Seeing his monster die, Wang Ming felt more pain than being killed by his relatives.

He rushed over quickly, wanting to kill Lin Fan, but he soon noticed that Lin Fan's attack moves were quite fast.

In just ten minutes, Lin Fan had already thrown hundreds of punches.

Then Lin Fan swung his sword fiercely.

The sword light flashed in front of his eyes, and then a huge cut was made in his skin!

Wang Ming's heart turned cold, but then he raised his angrier eyes and stared at Lin Fan.

He wanted to kill the guy in front of him urgently, but he soon noticed that this was a difficult thing.

His another move was invalidated, so he could only raise his fist again.

All of Wang Ming's skills have been released, and it is impossible to take back the short knives released before. He can only fight through very primitive physical fighting methods.

But Lin Fan - can be equipped with a sword.

In this way, the two sides came and went, but it was Wang Ming who suffered the most injuries.

Finally, Wang Ming couldn't bear the pain caused by his body anymore, his knees softened, and he knelt down on the ground.

He clutched his wound fiercely, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

However, Lin Fan's knife fell again, directly cutting off his head.

Lin Fan also knows that this guy has absorbed the economy of monsters, so it is not easy to deal with now.

Sure enough, after the guy lost his head, a lot of tentacles suddenly grew out at the place where his neck used to be.

Then he desperately used these tentacles to attack Lin Fan.

But in the end, Lin Fan was easily dodged.

After a battle without any nutrition, Wang Ming's body was riddled with holes.

Senbai visible bones have been exposed in many places on the body.

But even so he did not fall.

Because he has already turned into a monster at this time.

Lin Fan felt the aura emanating from him, and realized that this guy could no longer be called a human being.

"I've been in contact with monsters for a long time, so I became a monster?" Lin Fan fell into deep thought.

But the movements of his hands were not slow.

Ten minutes later, the monster finally fell to the ground.

Lin Fan also took advantage of the opportunity to cut open the monster's body and took out various materials.

"Ding, congratulations on killing the alienated monster, gaining 700 experience points, obtaining Legendary-level equipment*3, obtaining Legendary-level skills*3, Dragon God's Tears*6..."

Then came various rewards.

But Lin Fan didn't listen carefully, but kept walking forward.

He finally swam for a while, and saw a group of black clouds coiling in the sky ahead, and felt that something special might happen next.

This is like the CG picture that appeared on the front end of the dungeon that came into contact with it.

As his movements accelerated, the feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

In a short while, he came to the place that might be the mission location.

He saw some dark monsters appearing in front of him.

Those monsters had magical weapons attached to their bodies, staring at their red eyes.

When those monsters turned their heads, they still held a bloody knife in their hands.

They stared at Lin Fan at the same time.

Lin Fan glanced at them with some disgust, but stepped back as much as possible.

The monster let go of the villagers who had been killed before, and Kunkun walked towards Lin Fan leisurely.

0...asking for flowers...

Among them, several monsters jumped up instantly.

Their speed was faster and they landed near Lin Fan.

Lin Fan could only fight them with all his might.

After another more chaotic battle, all the monsters around had fallen to the ground.

There were also a few monsters gnashing their teeth and roaring, but it was useless. Lin Fan just stepped forward and cut off their mouths with a knife.

At the same time, when the monster fell down, it also burst out a few teeth.

He found that these teeth were actually "Warcraft".

That's right, these are monsters, not Common monsters!

In terms of level alone, the level of Warcraft is a little higher.

"Ding, you have triggered the C-level mission, save the village, the mission rewards 70 experience points, 300 copper coins..."

After seeing the task prompt, Lin Fan thought nothing of it and accepted it directly.

Although he doesn't know how many villagers are alive now, he can only rush over and kill the monsters first.

Seeing that a lengtouqing dared to trouble them, those monsters all roared and roared angrily.

The two sides fought in chaos, but Lin Fan swung his sword faster. As soon as he raised his hand, the sword instantly formed a shadow, and when it fell again, the shadow formed by the sword retracted again.

After going up and down, all the surrounding monsters also fell down.

However, Lin Fan quickly went to the villagers who seemed to be still breathing after killing the monster, and wanted to ask what was going on.

Because he felt that the change in the weather could never be as simple as the death of these villagers.

Generally, this kind of situation is either the birth of the devil king, or it is very likely that a very powerful artifact is about to appear, causing a bloody storm. .

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