Now that the treasury is in short supply, there is simply not so much food to distribute to them, if it is taken away by them.

It is not yet known what will be done, but it is likely that some food and grass will be stored for their army and planned for their future.

His wishful thinking can be played really well, and opening his mouth is asking for food and grass, which is really very hateful.

Liu Xie’s entire face had collapsed, and he didn’t know what to say at this time.

He glanced down at the wine glass in front of him and hurriedly took it.

“It’s better to talk about this matter later, today is a happy time, everyone took the wine glass and let Xu toast everyone together.”

This time to destroy the Dong thief, all the princes have contributed, you are all meritorious ministers of the entire Han Dynasty, so I am here to toast everyone. ”

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty’s request has not yet been answered.”

“Sun Houye, I don’t talk about business today, just to celebrate.”

Wang Yun said factfully, he wanted to curb the current situation, but the situation had made him out of control, and everything had probably changed a long time ago, not because of his words.

Lin Mu has always regarded himself as an outsider, he has never participated in it, such a dispute does not interfere with him at all, and he does not want to be in such a dispute.

It’s that he doesn’t want to participate, and not everyone can let him stay obediently.

The emperor’s gaze was fixed on Lin Mu’s body, and he coughed awkwardly, needing to seek Lin Mu’s help, believing that his words could make these people settle down.

“Lord Liucheng, you are the biggest hero this time, it is better to say a few words to everyone, I am afraid that some princes do not know much about you, everyone will be an official in the same dynasty in the future, or you must get to know each other.”

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Lin Mu’s body, and at the same time they all had their own thoughts, listening to the emperor’s introduction, compared to them, there must be some kind of connection, and there is likely to be this kind of transaction.

I didn’t expect that such a proud person as Lin Mu would actually do things for the emperor, whether he wanted to become the second Dong Zhuo, everyone’s hearts were speculated for a while.

Lin Mu frowned, quite displeased, but he didn’t expect that the emperor actually pulled himself into this pool of stagnant water.

It seems that it is no longer possible not to participate, he has entered this pool of stagnant water, then he must struggle, he raised his head and glanced at the various princely states, but the eyes inside them made him feel very broken, they have naturally turned themselves and the emperor into one.

I’m afraid they also underestimate themselves, is their goal only to become a dogleg beside the emperor, then how can they never want to be controlled by the emperor, and they have a higher goal.

“Your Majesty, you are the Son of Heaven, everything is decided by you, you will give when you say you give, if you don’t give it, you won’t give it, Weichen is just a small storage, and there is no ability to help you make decisions.”

Lin Mu threw the problem to the emperor, and he was still leisurely eating the fruit in front of him, bite by bite, he was lazy like a worldly master.

The emperor opened his mouth, not understanding what Lin Mu meant, was he not willing to help.

What is this guy’s purpose? Even if it’s a fog, I can’t figure it out at all.

The atmosphere became particularly awkward, and everyone fixed their eyes on Liu Xie’s body here.

Liu Xie felt particularly distressed, he thought that his strategy just now was sufficient, but he did not expect to be disgusted by Lin Mu.

People here can be offended, but they can’t offend Lin Mu, because this guy never plays cards according to common sense, he can kill Dong Zhuo, and he can kill himself in an instant, I heard that he has a treasure in his hand, that thing can shuttle through all the people, and then kill people.

The range is unimaginable, and there is also a lack of such a weapon in his army, and there is no way for him to control Lin Mu and let him use it for himself.

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