“Father? You…”

A look of surprise flashed in Ares’s eyes, and he did not expect that Zeus, the king of the gods, would actually take matters into his own hands, which was not common in the past.

The other gods were also quite surprised and did not understand why Zeus was so active this time.

Although the false gods from the outside world were somewhat special, they were definitely not to the point where they were worthy of the God King’s attack.

In this pantheon, any god who has undergone the fourfold baptism can easily solve the external false god, and there is no need for the god king to do anything!

However, at this moment, the gods saw Zeus’s gloomy face, but none of them were willing to open their mouths to stop it.

I can only secretly guess in my heart why Zeus is like this.

And Zeus, whose anger had long been difficult to suppress, would not care about the speculation of the gods at this moment.

He had wanted the beast to kill Ronan early on, but Ares had already sent six knights, so he was not good at it.

But at this moment, the six knights were destroyed, and Zeus was applauded instead.

Because of this, he has a legitimate reason to personally take action!

After getting up from the throne, Zeus grabbed forward with both hands, and the space in front of him was like gauze, which was directly held in Zeus’s hands and then tore at the sides.

“Tear up!”

Just listening to a soft sound, the space was directly torn open by Zeus and a crack about a few inches long.

Behind the crack it was pitch black, emitting a terrible atmosphere, and it was the extremely violent turbulence of space.

This space turbulence could easily tear the body of the Immortal Immortal to pieces, but Zeus’s face did not change at all, and he stepped directly into the crack of this space.

Almost at the same time that Zeus completely stepped into the space rift, the space above Lonan’s position suddenly shattered, and then Zeus’s visible body of several inches was directly stepped out.

Zeus, with a golden crown on his head, looked down at Lornan and Artemis below, his eyes shining with coldness.

And Artemis actually came in person, but also looked shocked.

She never expected that her father would actually choose to take matters into his own hands!

At that moment, Artemis could not care less, and quickly flew into the sky, pleading with Zeus: “Father, please…”


Before Artemis could finish speaking, a cold hum sounded from Zeus’s mouth.

When the hum sounded, Zeus’s palm also waved at Artemis.

Suddenly, Artemis was as if he were enclosed in a transparent cage.

No matter how Artemis knocked, not only could not break through the body, but even the voice was imprisoned in it and could not be heard.

After learning that Artemis was no longer a virgin, Zeus’s desire for Artemis in his heart was suddenly much reduced, and Artemis was naturally not as spoiled as before.

But the diminished desire for Artemis did not erase the anger in Zeus’s heart.

And this outrageous anger and shame will all be vented on Ronan’s body!

“A little false god dared to put his finger on my daughter’s body, almost looking for his own death!”

After imprisoning Artemis, Zeus snorted coldly at Ronan, and then directly waved his hand, and two thunderbolts fell from the sky, condensing directly into two thunder and lightning giants in mid-air, and killing Ronan.

Although it is easy to kill this abominable false god, how can that calm the anger of Zeus?

“I want you to slowly feel the coming of death in despair, and only with such torture can you make the most pleasant scream!”

Zeus muttered in his mouth, and then controlled the two thunder giants to attack Lonan.

Although these two thunder and lightning giants are huge, their speed is quite fast, after all, they are composed of thunder and lightning, and they have the speed of thunder!

However, fortunately, Luo Nan’s speed was not slow, and under the blessing of the Word-Acting Secret Technique, Luo Nan’s speed was even faster than these two thunder giants!

In fact, Ronan did not expect that Zeus would actually fight on his own.

The probing spell flashed in his eyes, and the specific information of Zeus appeared directly in Ronan’s eyes.

Name: Zeus

Level: lv298 (equivalent to the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal)

Identity: King of the gods of Mount Olympus, god of the sky, master the power of thunder.

After seeing Zeus’s rank, Ronan also smirked darkly.

In terms of rank, Zeus was actually stronger than Houyi.

But considering that Zeus was the king of the gods of Mount Olympus, it was normal to have such strength.

If Zeus had only three or five orders, Ronan would have doubted whether it was true.

Luo Nan knew very well that with the strength of the Ninth Order Luo Golden Immortal of Zeus, it was very easy to kill himself.

Now this should be to and abuse yourself.

However, this is exactly what Lonan had hoped for.

If he was killed by Zeus, then Ronan would certainly not have any loss, but he would not have any benefits.

But if you can fight with Zeus and then be killed, the good guys can still gain some experience.

Thinking of this, Ronan also fought with these two thunder and lightning giants.

With the Wording Secret Technique, the distance from the Lightning Giant was always maintained in a constant range, and Ronan’s fingers were directly connected in the void in front of him.

At the first finger, the two lightning giants stagnated, and the forward-charging figures directly stopped.

The second finger was that the lightning that made up the giant’s body fluctuated suddenly, as if it were about to break through the shackles.

In the third finger, the fluctuations of lightning power became more and more intense, and a large number of bulges constantly appeared on the bodies of the two lightning giants.

Until the fourth finger of Luonan fell, the two thunder giants could no longer withstand the heavy pressure and exploded directly in place!

When Zeus above saw this scene, his brow frowned involuntarily: “Although this boy is a false god, he has such strength, and there are definitely strange things on his body, if he can catch it and study it, maybe it will help my fifth baptism!” ”

With a murmur in his heart, Zeus suddenly opened his zui, followed by a dark thunderbolt that shot straight out of his mouth.

This black thunder seemed to possess an entity, condensed but did not disperse, turning into a black streamer of light and rushing straight towards Luonan.

The speed was so fast that Luo Nan couldn’t dodge at all, and in an instant, he was pierced through his shoulder and bloomed a blood flower.

And just when this black thunder turned around and struck again, Luo Nan’s eyes flashed a fierce color, directly zuiba opened widely, swallowing this black thunder into his belly!


Well, the year has finally passed, here I wish everyone a good luck in the Year of the Rooster, hee-hee

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