Luo Nan was already ready to close his eyes and wait for death, after all, the eight heavenly calamities that had fallen from the sky and had been modified by the quasi-saints were not at all something he could resist now!

However, just as he was about to die, a faint flame appeared above his head, helping him resist the apocalypse!

This made Ronan stunned!

You know, at this moment, he was around, but there was a layer of light curtain, and this light curtain could not even make it impossible for the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal Zeus to break through.

Those who can enter it are at least quasi-saint levels!

That is to say, whoever sends this flame for himself to resist the apocalypse is at least a quasi-saint!

And the four words of ‘unquenchable fire’ shouted by Uranos in surprise also made Lonan emerge one after another.

Among the gods that Luo Nan knew, there was only one who possessed the strength of a quasi-saint or above and could be related to the immortal fire!

That is the Furen Clan, one of the five Terran sub-saints after the Pangu World today!

The five sub-saints of the Terran race are the Shennong Clan, the Fu Ren Clan, the Xuanyuan Clan, the Youchao Clan and the Fu Xi Clan!

The Fuxi clan itself belonged to the demon clan, and was later reincarnated as a human re-cultivation, which became a human sub-sage.

If what Hou Yi said was correct, Yasheng was a more powerful being than a quasi-saint.

If there is still a huge gap between the saints and the saints, then there is not much gap between the saints and the saints.

The reason why he is not a saint is not that he lacks strength, but because the heavens and the earth can no longer tolerate it, and there is no place!

In other words, no matter which saint in the Pangu world fell, Yasheng could sit in that position in a very short time.

There is a saying that all the ants under the saints are correct, because even if they are as strong as quasi-saints, they are not worth mentioning in front of real saints.

But Yasheng is an exception, even if the saint can borrow the power of the Heavenly Dao, Yasheng can directly leave the world and enter the boundless chaos.

Saints do not dare to chase and will not chase, because once they leave their own world, leave their ‘seats’, there is no difference between saints and saints!

These secrets of heaven and earth, Luo Nan would not have known, but fortunately Hou Yi told him.

However, the identity of the owner of this flame is just Ronan’s speculation, and it needs to be verified.

Therefore, at this moment, Luo Nan also directly opened his mouth to the flame above his head and asked, “Is the ancestor of my human race Yasheng Fu Clan?” ”

“Yes, you boy is alert, haha!”

In the flames, there was a burst of hearty laughter, making Luo Nan only feel like a spring breeze, and the pressure that was originally under the heavenly calamity was instantly gone!

At this moment, above the sky, the face of the black cloud suddenly condensed a lot.

The essence of Uronos suddenly descended: “Flint, did you take the initiative to provoke us by invading our world without permission?” ”

As the words fell, a terrible pressure suddenly fell from the sky.

The Olympian gods around them, one by one, fell into the snowy mountains below, unable to stay in mid-air under this pressure.

Even the third generation of the god king Zeus honestly fell.

Quasi-holy power, radiating thousands of miles!

However, this coercion obviously had no egg use in front of the Fu Ren Clan!

Under the protection of that seemingly faint flame, Ronan did not feel the slightest discomfort at all.

“If I came to provoke, then what is it that you, as an ancient deity, borrowed the laws of the Heavenly Dao to bully a child who is not more than a hundred years old?”

In the indifferent voice of the Flintlock Clan, there was a threat that was several times stronger than Uranos.

Ronan may not feel strongly in it, but the Olympian gods around him were directly pressed to the ground and could not move.

Even Zeus, the god king, was half-kneeling on the ground, and the green tendons on his forehead burst out, struggling to support!

In addition, the space around Ronan’s body cracked inches apart, like a shattered mirror, revealing the turbulence of the dark space hidden behind it.

Even the light curtain formed by the devastation that day, in the face of this powerful pressure, was like a soap bubble that burst at once!

Is the power of the saints comparable to that of the quasi-saints?

Not only the Olympian gods on the snowy mountains below, but even the faces of Uranos above the sky were directly scattered in an instant!

Ronan only heard a muffled hum, and then Uranos’s breath suddenly flew away, obviously no longer daring to fight with the Flint!

Unexpectedly, Uranos, who made himself powerless to resist, was actually directly forced to retreat by the coercion of the Fu Ren Clan, and Luo Nan was also very emotional in his heart.

“In which realm to cross the robbery, is the immortal of which realm, do you want to return to the Pangu world with me, or do you want to be the immortal of this realm?”

Just when Luo Nan was full of emotions, the voice of the Fu Ren Clan suddenly sounded in his heart.

A cold sweat suddenly appeared on Luo Nan’s forehead, and he never expected such a statement.

At this point, Ronan suddenly couldn’t help but want to thank Uranos for stopping him from crossing the robbery.

After all, if it wasn’t for Uranos stopping him, he would have successfully crossed the robbery, and wouldn’t he have become the god of the Olympian world?

That’s something that Ronan absolutely can’t accept!

“Of course you have to go back to Pangu World!” Ronan said flatly, and then stretched out towards the faint flame. A finger appeared: “But since the seniors have already come to save me, can you do me a little favor by the way?” ”


“There’s a goddess in Mount Olympus named Artemis, and I have a few words to say to her before I leave.”


After the sound of the Flint’s voice, Luo Nan suddenly found himself in front of him with a water mirror.

Through the water mirror, he could see Artemis sitting in the quiet garden, thinking about the wall.

At this moment, Artemis’s blue eyes no longer had a god, but were full of bleakness.

Ronan was also a little distressed when he saw this, and immediately said directly: “I promised you that you would not die in Mount Olympus, and now that my promise has been fulfilled, I am alive and well.” But now I have something important to go back to my hometown, and after some time, I will personally come to Mount Olympus to rob people, and you are mentally prepared! Also, watch out for that bastard Zeus, he has a bad heart for you! ”

Ronan’s voice, the sap that sounded in Artemis’s ear, made the goddess who seemed to be lost jump from the ground.

Artemis looked around, but finally saw only the water mirror that was gradually dissipating behind him…

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