In the Olympus world, when Lonan crossed the heavens, he was mixed by the first god king Uranos, and later came to the aid of the Flint, so he did not finish the raid.

After that, Luo Nan’s breath had been shrouded by the Immortal Fire of the Flintlock Clan, so the Heavenly Disaster had never come.

After returning to the Pangu World, the Fujin Clan immediately lifted the Immortal Fire above Luo Nan’s head.

After all, the longer the time it takes to block the Heavenly Disaster, the more ferocious the Heavenly Disaster will become.

At this moment, the black cloud that appeared above Luo Nan’s head had already covered more than three hundred miles!

You know, before Ronan was in the Olympus world, the black cloud that was triggered when he crossed the robbery was only a hundred miles.

Now that the black cloud within a range of three hundred miles, Luo Nan guessed that the power was probably at least three times that of before!

In fact, Ronan’s guess was dead wrong.

At this moment, the power of the three hundred mile black cloud thunder gathering above his head was definitely tens of times more powerful than before in the Olympus world!

At this moment, in a dojo somewhere in Dongsheng Shenzhou, the Furen Clan wearing turf clothes suddenly opened his eyes, and his gaze seemed to pass through thousands of miles away, closing in the scene of Luo Nan’s crossing.

“This little guy’s thunder robbery is actually equivalent to the Golden Immortal Level, which is simply unprecedented!”

The Fu Ren Clan sighed in his heart, and then the zui corner raised a slight smile: “However, with the strength of this little guy, it should not be difficult to carry through this golden immortal realm of heavenly calamity, I will not help him, just let this thunder robbery sharpen him!” ”

After the words fell, the Fu Ren Clan stopped speaking, and the zui corner observed Luo Nan with a smile across thousands of miles.

Soon, the face of the Fu Ren Clan changed slightly, because he had already felt several special wills, observing Lonan as he did.

“There are the Chao Clan, the Land Pressure Daojun, the Great Sun Rulai, the Punishment Heaven… Even the will of the First Heavenly Emperor descended here…”

Which of these names read from the mouth of the Lingren clan is not a prominent person?

Any one of them is a fierce character who stomps his feet and can make the heavens and the earth tremble three times.

“I didn’t expect that this little guy would actually attract the attention of so many powerful beings, and I didn’t know whether it was a blessing or a curse…”

There was a nest that murmured softly, shook his head and sighed.

Although the Pangu World is the world with the most powerful people among several worlds, the intrigue between these powerful people is not the same as each other.

Not to mention that after several Heavenly Dao Raids, several saints had already appeared to be separated from each other.

Even the five Terran sub-saints had their own opinions, and it was difficult for them to work together.

The Flintlock Clan can be sure that among these people who observe Luonan now, there are definitely those who want to help Luonan thrive, but there are definitely not a few who have hidden evil intentions.

“Or, where the blessings and misfortunes rely, where the misfortunes and blessings lie, since the ancient blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, being concerned by so many powerful beings, how to end up depends on the number of lives, I will try my best to help you, but which step you can go to depends on your own fate!”

The Flintlock whispered to himself, and his frown gradually stretched.

But in the next second, the heart of the Fu Ren Clan, which had always been ancient and waveless, suddenly jumped, and the originally calm face also changed in an instant!

Because, just in the last second, the Fu Ren Clan suddenly felt a will that made him tremble unceasingly.

That was the Heavenly Dao Will of the entire Pangu World today, that is, the will of the Hongjun Dao people!

As a teacher of saints, the meaning of Hongjun Daoren is completely different!

From the ancient times to the present, the Lingren Clan has felt the will of the Hongjun Daoist people only a few times.

But those times, there is no doubt that the exceptions have produced great changes in heaven and earth.

The Flintlock Clan took a deep breath to calm his mood, and then he narrowed his eyes and sighed, “It seems that this little guy is much more important than I originally thought!” ”


The Land of Raids.

Luo Nan naturally did not know that his mighty heavenly calamity had already attracted the attention of countless powerful people between heaven and earth.

But even if he knew, Ronan wouldn’t care.

As the saying goes, soldiers will come to cover the water, and there must be a road in front of the lane mountain!

Being concerned by the eight parties may also be an opportunity!

At this moment, the black cloud that appeared above Luo Nan’s head condensed extremely quickly, and in an instant, it formed a very huge vortex in the sky above Luo Nan’s head.

At the center of this whirlpool, the thunder flashed and rumbled.

The constant lightning bolts even illuminated the black clouds at the center of the vortex.

And just as Luo Nan was carefully observing this heavenly disaster, the first thunder suddenly fell from the sky!

This thunder was blue-blue in color, about the thickness of an arm, and it fell extremely fast, and it came to Luo Nan’s face in an instant.

The power contained in this thunder was enough to easily split ordinary heavenly immortals into ashes!

However, in Ronan’s view, this thunder was weak and pitiful.

Luo Nan’s body had experienced two Golden Immortal Levels and one Great Luo Level’s Thunder Baptism!

Although those three thunderbolts had been lost now, but the physical strength was placed here, how could he be afraid of such a level of heavenly calamity?

In the face of this arm-thick thunderbolt, Ronan even resisted the desire. There was no hope, let this thunder fall.


The blue-blue electric light suddenly enveloped Ronan’s whole body.

But this flickering electric light was like an ocean to Ronan, and Ronan could swim freely in it.

“The Heavenly Disaster is divided into nine parts, each of which is three thunderbolts, that is, a total of twenty-seven thunderbolts!”

Ronan looked up at the sky that was accumulating the next thunderbolt and muttered, “But that’s too slow!” ”

As the words fell, the glow in Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, and then a finger to the sky!

“Who says you can only sit and wait for the apocalypse to fall, but you can’t help it soar?”

“I’m going to soar up and change this black sky for a clear sky!”

With the sound of the sound, Ronan’s five fingers were clasped!

The first finger fell, and the thunder that was falling suddenly stopped!

The second finger fell, and the black clouds in the sky swirled, no longer rotating!

The third finger fell, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the wind rose and the black clouds surged up!

The fourth finger fell, and the black cloud vortex covering a range of three hundred miles seemed to turn into a mirror, and a crack in the Dao Dao appeared!

The fifth finger fell, and the black cloud swirled, directly shattering, turning into endless black fragments and dissipating between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the sky is blue and the sky is white, and the sky is clear!

One slap, shattered the heavens!

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