The Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, which is only a foot long at normal times, is not very large.

However, its interior is quite vast, with countless cells of all kinds, suppressing a large number of demons and evil things.

Luo Nan had now preliminarily refined this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, and while refining it, specific information about the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda also appeared in his mind.

This Seven Treasures Pagoda has a total of seven worlds inside, which are used to hold prisoners of varying degrees.

The first layer is the most extensive, and it holds prisoners from or below the Jindan realm;

The second layer corresponds to the Yuan Infant Realm, and the third layer corresponds to the Scattered Immortal Realm.

And so on, the fourth layer of Heavenly Immortals, the fifth layer of True Immortals, the sixth layer of Golden Immortals, and the seventh layer can even suppress the Great Luo Golden Immortals.

However, with Li Jing’s strength, the seventh layer of the world had never been opened at all, and there was not a single prisoner in it.

Even the sixth layer of the Guan Yin Immortal was very few of them.

After all, in the midst of a battle between the strong, defeat is one thing, killing is another, and catching and suppressing alive is another.

In general, the difficulty increases sequentially.

Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s two daughters were both just in the Daoji Realm, and would definitely be imprisoned by Li Jing on the first level.

Therefore, Lonan separated his mind and entered the tower, which was also in the first layer.

Now that Ronan had initially refined the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, he was still unable to understand all the mortals imprisoned in it, so he could only look for it in the first layer at this moment.

Fortunately, now that Luo Nan’s divine consciousness was already very strong, there was even a slight bonus hidden in this magic weapon space, and the divine consciousness quickly covered most of the first layer, and instantly found Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s second daughter.

After finding where the second daughter was, Luo Nan took a step forward, and his figure instantly disappeared into the same place.

The first floor of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda is a vast world and earth, with grasslands, mountains, deserts, rivers and seas, in addition to not having any heaven and earth vitality, it is not much different from the real world.

On top of a dangerous peak that no mortal could cross, Luo Nan’s divine thoughts suddenly appeared.

“The two of them were locked up inside…”

Luo Nan looked at the flash that opened up on the cliff in front of him, and when he murmured in his mouth, he stretched out a finger, and the prohibition that blocked the cave was directly dispersed, revealing the second daughter who was imprisoned in it.

Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan, at this moment, compared to when they were separated, they had lost a lot of weight, they both looked very haggard, and their eyes were full of bleakness and despair.

The dissipation of the prohibition at the mouth of the cave naturally attracted the attention of the second daughter, making the two of them look at the outside of the cave entrance invariably.

However, at this look, the look of the second daughter flashed with unbelievable joy in her eyes!

“Brother Nan!?”

“Xiao Nan!?”

With two slightly hoarse voices sounding, Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan got up from the ground at the same time and ran quickly to the mouth of the cave.

In particular, Wu Mengyu threw himself directly into Luo Nan’s arms, his arms tightly wrapped around Luo Nan’s waist, as if he was afraid that what appeared in front of him was only his own hallucination, as if he was worried that Luo Nan, who suddenly appeared, would suddenly disappear.

And Song Yuyan, who ran over together, looked at his friend who was shrinking in Luo Nan’s arms at the moment, but there was a little dim in his eyes.

Luo Nan saw the situation, how could he not understand Song Yuyan’s thoughts, and at the moment, he also took Song Yuyan close to his arms with one hand.

Song Yuyan’s delicate face first flashed a trace of surprise, and then two red halos appeared, and there was a mixture of petite in his eyes. Shame and joy, I can’t tell which is more.

“I am not here during this time, you have been wronged!”

Lonan said softly, with a hint of apology in his voice.

When the second daughter heard this, as if she suddenly remembered something, her face suddenly changed dramatically, and she all looked up from Luo Nan’s arms, and the two beautiful faces were full of worry.

Wu Mengyu grabbed Luo Nan’s hand and tightened it slightly: “Xiao Nan, are you also caught by Li Jing?” ”

“Of course not, Li Jing wants to use this tower to suppress me, and it’s still a little worse.” Lonan shook his head.

The two women looked at each other, and they both saw each other’s doubts: “Then how did you come in?” ”

“I learned from the citizens of Mianchuan City that Li Jing had arrested you, so I went to heaven to let Li Jing release you, but if he didn’t want to, I robbed him of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.”

Luo Nan’s tone was a little casual, as if he was only talking about inhumane small things: “From now on, this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda will take my surname Luo!” ”

Hearing this, the two daughters in Luo Nan’s arms were all involuntarily stretched out.

Although Luo Nan said the list, how could they not know the danger of this, it was the heavenly court where the gods and immortals walked everywhere!

That’s the mythical and legendary King Tota!

The man in front of them actually went to the Heavenly Court and robbed Li Jing of the treasure of his life!

This made Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan both feel a little incredible.

They knew that Lonan was powerful, but they never thought it would be so powerful!

After smacking his tongue, Wu Mengyu on the side couldn’t help but wonder in his heart: “Xiao Nan, how far has your strength reached now?” ”

For these two women, Luo Nan also had no hidden thoughts: “Now the cultivation realm can only be regarded as a beginner into the Heavenly Immortal, not even a first order, but to say that the real combat ability can safely defeat the Golden Immortal!” ”


Hearing this, Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s two daughters both inhaled a cool breath, and the shock was incomparable.

Although their cultivation was not high, and their vision was not broad, they also knew what the Heavenly Immortal Victory Golden Immortal represented.

This is still Luo Nan’s reservations, if Luo Nan says that he can open the super race and even the Great Luo Jinxian can compete, the two women are afraid that they will directly faint.

However, when it comes to the cultivation realm, Luo Nan’s absence is suddenly wrinkled: “You two, how come you have now returned to the first level?” ”

When Luo Nan first saw the two women, he did not find a trace of vitality from the two of them, and he thought that it was related to the environment inside the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

But now that I took a closer look, I found that the two women were actually first-level, truly ordinary mortals!

After hearing Luo Nan’s inquiry, the faces of the two women were dark, and then they said bitterly: “This matter is a long story…”

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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