In the face of these menacing seven people, Luo Nan’s eyes flashed with probing for the first time.

Name: Kui Jupiter Jun

Level: 1v248 (Ninth Order Golden Immortal)

Identity: Kui Timber Wolf, one of the Western White Tiger Stars of the Twenty-Eight Stars!

Name: Lou Jinxingjun

Level: 1v248 (Ninth Order Golden Immortal)

Identity: Lou Jin Dog, the second of the Western White Tiger Star of the Twenty-Eight Stars!

Name: Pleiades Star-Jun

Level: 1v246 (Ninth Order Golden Immortal)

Identity: Pleiades Rooster, the fourth of the Western White Tiger Stars of the Twenty-Eight Stars!


Luo Nan’s gaze swept through the seven people in front of him, and the identities of the seven people were also clear.

Obviously, this time, it was the White Tiger Seven Stars that were equivalent to the Suzaku Seven Stars.

Kui Timber Wolf, Lou Jin Dog, Stomach Earth Pheasant, Pleiades Chicken, Bi Yue Wu, Fire Monkey, and Ginseng Water Ape!

Of these seven people, Ronan was also more familiar with the Pleiades.

In the novel Journey to the West, when the Tang monks and apprentices pass by the poisonous enemy mountain Pipa Cave, they are once killed by a beautiful man. Yan Scorpion Spirit is trapped.

Sun Wukong and the Eight Precepts of the Pig are both with Nami. Yan Scorpion Essence fought several times, but could not be defeated, and finally could only clear the Pleiades Star Jun, manifesting the rooster to subdue the Scorpion Essence.

However, Luo Nan estimated that there was a good chance that this matter was fabricated, because the image of this chicken-headed star king in front of him was obviously quite different from the Pleiades star jun described in the Journey to the West!

In addition, what made Luo Nan slightly surprised was that the strength of this White Tiger Seven Star was actually slightly stronger than that of the Suzaku Seven Star.

Basically, they are one or two levels higher than the corresponding position Suzaku Seven Stars.

And more importantly, the White Tiger Seven Stars in front of him were obviously not as good as the Suzaku Seven Stars, and as soon as they came up, they coldly said that they would fight and kill.

When Luo Nan does things, he has always respected me by a foot and by a man.

But if others are not polite to him, he will never be polite to others!

Since the White Tiger Seven Star in front of him threatened to send Luo Nan a soul to scatter, then Luo Nan didn’t mind giving this White Tiger Seven Star some color to see!

The next moment, the White Tiger Seven Stars in front of Luo Nan once again turned into seven clusters of starlight, and then circled and rotated with each other, and soon merged together.

However, after the fusion, it is no longer a starlight model, but a white-striped tiger with wind under its feet!

It is the white tiger, one of the four elephants!

As the saying goes, the cloud is from the dragon wind from the tiger, the eastern green dragon is the head of the four elephants, and the western white tiger is behind it, the main killing force!

If the flame on the Suzaku Divine Bird is hot, it can also give people a warm feeling.

Then the White Tiger, known as the King of the Hundred Beasts, only had a sharp offensive aura on his body, and the strong wind under his feet was full of sharp feelings, as if he could easily crush everything in the world!

After the image of the white tiger appeared, the cold eyes that flashed with earth-colored colors stared at Luo Nan tightly.

The next moment, the white tiger’s body changed and he directly became a tiger-headed Daoist.

The white-striped robe on this person’s body was full of murderous qi in his eyes, and the terrible aura that emanated from his body faintly made this square world and earth tremble faintly!

Life: Overseer God King (White Tiger)

Level: (Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal)

Identity: One of the four elephants of heaven and earth, the protector of the West before the old throne of Taishang, and the head of the Western stars

After using the probing technique to see clearly the specific information of the person in front of him, Luo Nan also had a bottom in his mind.

The Overseer Divine King, formed by the White Tiger, was obviously a little stronger than the Lingguang Divine King transformed into Suzaku.

The Lingguang Divine Emperor was still one step away from the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, but the Overseer Divine King was already a genuine Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal!

Moreover, because it was the existence of the main killing power among the four elephants, the momentum emitted by the Overseer Divine Emperor was much stronger than that of the Lingguang Divine Emperor with a peaceful personality!

This domineering momentum alone is not the norm for Lonan to resist!

Therefore, Luo Nan also did not hesitate to directly open the super race form, and under the fifty times the combat strength bonus, the indomitable intention of Luo Nan practicing the skill of fishing for the moon in the well directly radiated out!

Although the power of the Overseer God is powerful, it is still not worth mentioning compared to the entire heaven and earth!

The will in Luo Nan’s heart, even the heavens and the earth can not yield, how could he fear the Overseer God King!

“However, this is also fortunate that my previous level soared by more than ten levels, allowing Xiu Wei to improve the economy by a full three levels, otherwise even if I open the super race form now, I am afraid that I will be shocked by this breath!”

After murmuring a word in his heart, Luo Nan no longer stayed behind, and directly extended his hand and pointed to the Overseer God King not far in front of him!

The Overseer God Jun’s face was cold, and with a bloodthirsty meaning in his eyes, he saw Luo Nan take the lead in the zui corner and flashed a sneering smile: “Even if you are a Heavenly Immortal, even if you have the power of divine powers, you are only the first to enter the battle strength of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and you actually dare to take the lead in front of me, I don’t know if you are dead or alive!” ”

After a cold hum, the Overseer God King stretched out his hand, and a long knife appeared directly in his hand.

This long knife faintly emitted a pale white cold light, and there was a terrible strong wind wrapped around it, and the strong wind swirled rapidly around the body of the sword, emitting a slight whistling sound, which was extremely obvious in the silent heaven and earth at this moment!

The roar of the wind seemed to be mixed with the roar of the tiger.

If the strength is insufficient, just hearing this sound is enough to be scared to the bone!

But Luo Nan was obviously no longer in this list, and in the face of the indomitable intention of heaven and earth, this whistling sound was no different from ordinary sounds, and it would not cause him any trouble at all!

At this moment, Luo Nan’s five fingers pointed out one after another, imprisoning heaven and earth, shattering mountains and rivers, destroying living beings, breaking the heavens, and moving Qiankun!

The five fingers each contained different true meanings, but at this moment, they were pointed out one after another, so that these five true meanings were fused into one, turning into a huge finger attached to the breath of the great wilderness and falling from the sky!

The Overseer God King sensed this breath, just a cold hum, and then held a long sword in his hand and pointed it at the heavens!

The white tiger of attack, do not dodge, do not avoid, do not block, in order to break through all things!

The Overseer God King burst out in his mouth: “Broken! ”

The roar of the tiger and the dragon has always been the most powerful sound between heaven and earth.

The sound of the Overseer God King instantly resounded throughout the whole heaven and earth!

At the same time, the long sword in the hands of the Overseer God King was a huge finger that pierced straight into the sky.

Suddenly, the huge fingers with the breath of the Great Desolation directly shattered and disappeared!

However, the Overseer Divine Emperor was unharmed, and at this moment, his face was even more rampant: “But this kind of divine power, how can I help ?!!” “_

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