
When the remaining gods and kings saw this, their faces changed, and they immediately pointed at Luo Nan at the same time: “You guy, how dare you…”

Several Star Lords were about to scold, but when it came to generalities, they were all cold in their hearts!

Because the Seven Treasures Pagoda was already speeding towards them!

Several Star Lords glanced at each other, and suddenly they made a decision, ready to abandon the water ape that had been suppressed by Luo Nan for the time being, and run first!

After all, now without the Sanshui Ape, they could no longer transform into powerful Overseers Divine King.

In the case of not being able to transform into the Overseer Divine King, they were just a few top-level Golden Immortals.

Although the top Golden Immortal was already very strong, when facing Luo Nan, it was not worth mentioning, only the share of being hanged!

Several Star Lords obviously understood this, so at this moment, when they saw the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda coming, they all reflexively fled.

But will Ronan let them run away?

That’s impossible!

Seeing several Star Lords turn around and run, Luo Nan’s middle finger gently tapped, and those six Star Lords suddenly felt that the surrounding space was frozen, and even their bodies were fixed in mid-air!

When they merged into the Overseer Divine King, with the strength of the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, this fixation effect naturally could not take effect.

But at this moment, they were just golden immortals, and with the panic and fear in their hearts at this moment, they were actually frozen for half a breath!

This half-breath time may not be long, but in the battle of strong people at their level, it is extremely important!

One breath of time was enough for Luo Nan to control the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda and hang above their heads!

Suddenly, the six Star Lords were directly trapped under the tower!

In the face of the pulling force emanating from under the tower, the six Star Lords naturally resisted with all their might.

They knew very well in their hearts that once they were included in this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, it was almost impossible to run out again, unless the owner of this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda let them out!

The six Star Lords joined forces, and indeed blocked the pulling power of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

But how could Ronan stand by and watch!

While controlling the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda to release the traction force, Luo Nan stretched out. Shoot your finger out and head towards the six star kings.

This Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger had no effect on dealing with the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, but it was completely enough to deal with the six Golden Immortals in front of him!

In an instant, Luo Nan’s five fingers came out in succession, making the six of them pale and spit blood, obviously not lightly injured!

It was hard to survive Luo Nan’s five fingers, and the six star lords should still be able to catch their breath, but they didn’t expect that Luo Nan didn’t give them a chance to stop at all, and it was five fingers again!

Blocking the five fingers of Fang Cai was already the result of the six star kings fighting for their old lives.

Now, in the face of the Five Fingers, the six Star Lords who had been seriously injured only felt that the pressure had increased suddenly, and they could not resist at all, and they were directly sucked into the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda!

In a blink of an eye, this square world finally returned to calm!


After suppressing all the White Tiger Seven Stars in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, Luo Nan was able to lift the Super Race Form, and then let out a mouthful of turbid breath.

There were three reasons why he didn’t kill this White Tiger Seven Star with his bare hands.

First, behind this White Tiger Seven Star stood the Taishang Laojun of the Three Qings, and Luo Nan did not want to be too provocative.

Second, the twenty-eight stars were one and Ronan felt ashamed of the Suzaku.

Third, the White Tiger Seven Stars were nothing more than the Golden Immortal Realm, and even if they were all killed, they would only allow Luo Nan to ascend one level at most, and there was not much value.

All in all, suppressing the Seven Stars of the White Tiger in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was far more costly than killing these seven people.

Moreover, in the future, this White Tiger Seven Star may have other uses for Luo Nanxing.

“Although the time of fighting with the Overseer Divine Emperor was not long, the use of the Well Moon Fishing Technique had caused a great loss of immortal strength and physical strength, and now there is very little left.”

Luo Nan looked at the reverse direction where the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall was located, and murmured in his mouth, “To restore this Immortal Elemental Force and physical strength, either slowly meditate and wait, or simply die once, anyway, there will definitely be other obstacles on the way to the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, after the next bitter battle, you can directly die, and by the way, use Saiya’s bloodline to upgrade again!” ”

After making a decision in his mind, Luo Nan took a deep breath and continued to move in the direction where the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall was located.

“The Twenty-Eight Stars can aggregate the four images of heaven and earth and evolve the four Taoist gods.”

“Among those four Divine Kings now, I have already met the Lingguang Divine Emperor and the Supervising Soldier Divine King, the Lingguang Divine Emperor is a kind person, and the Supervising Divine Emperor is arrogant and war-loving, and I don’t know what kind of character the other two Divine Kings are!”

“However, listening to the threatening words of the White Tiger Seven Star King, it seems that the two of them, Meng Zhang, and the Zhiming Divine King, are the most powerful of the four great god kings, and the Overseer God King is already an eighth-order Great Luo Golden Immortal, and the other two are nine order Great Luo, just like Hou Yi!”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan also couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

He had seen the power of Hou Yi shooting an arrow, and naturally knew how terrifying the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal was, and it was definitely not comparable to the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal!

“However, no matter how powerful the Meng Zhang Divine King and the Zhiming Divine King are, in the final analysis, they are still formed by the aggregation of the seven stars, as long as I am allowed to perform the technique of fishing for the moon in the well, it is not impossible to oppose!”

With a firm mind in mind, Ronan continued to rush forward.

And the closer to the Hanging Island where the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall was located, the more Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals Luo Nan encountered.

However, these ordinary Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals could not pose any threat to Luo Nan at all.

Luo Nan flew all the way to the Illuminati Secret Technique, either pointing it out or swallowing it with the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

But almost none of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals who dared to stand in his way were either suppressed in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda or simply turned into Luo Nan’s experience!

In this way, all the way to the fight, soon a huge hanging island appeared in Luonan’s field of vision.

On this hanging island, there is a continuous palace, and the one in the center is extremely magnificent and gorgeous, as if the luck of the entire heavenly court has gathered.

This central palace shining under the sky is also the goal of Luonan’s trip, the Lingxiao Treasure Hall! _

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