Just as Yang Jian was looking at the sky, a young man with a beautiful face suddenly walked into the courtyard!

The young man was dressed in blue linen and wore a World War I candle lamp across his waist, which resembled a lotus platform, faintly exuding a good atmosphere.

“Uncle, are you going to the Heavenly Court to help intercept that person?”

Carrying the agarwood incense of the Pauline lamp cross-body, he asked Yang Jian.

After pondering for a moment, Yang Jian slowly shook his head: “Don’t go.” ”

“However, between you and the Jade Emperor, after all…”

“Is that a hint of kinship?” Zhang Bai Ren already did not recognize that trace of blood relations, and we were still reading it again? ”

Yang Jian shook his head, “Moreover, the Jade Emperor has a grudge with the person who broke into the Heavenly Court, and once calculated that person once, this time he deserved to do it himself!” ”

After saying that, Yang Jian directly waved away the water mirror in front of him, obviously not ready to pay attention to this matter.

But at this moment, a stream of light suddenly came from the distant sky.

Yang Jian and Shen Xiang stared away, and a touch of surprise appeared in their eyes.

Soon, the streamer of light fell in the courtyard and turned into a white-haired, white-bearded, smiling old man in a Daoist robe!

Yang Jian immediately got up after seeing the old man, and his expression was obviously very respectful to the old man: “Master, how did you come?” ”

Yuding Zhenren smiled, and then stroked his beard and said, “It is a little boring for Master to stay in Jinxia Cave for a long time, so he came to you to play a game, what do you think?” ”

“It is better to be respectful than to obey orders, and I have not played chess with my master for a long time, and I am looking forward to it.”

Yang Jian said and waved his hand, and a chessboard table and chair appeared in front of him.

And Agarwood is also very colorful to serve tea and hand it to Yang Jian and Yuding Zhenren.

Yuding Zhenren saw that Yang Jian Ying was so cheerful, slightly stunned: “You didn’t plan to go?” ”

“Nothing.” Yang Jian shook his head.

Yuding Zhenren smacked at the zui: “It seems that this time it is a white run, and the master is still worried that you are thinking of your old feelings, so he specially asked me to stop you.” ”

Yang Jian heard the words, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Wasn’t the Master of Yuding Zhenren one of the Three Qings, the Yuanshi Tianzun?

What was the identity of the person who broke into the Heavenly Garden, and was able to make Yuan Shi Tianzun descend the Fa and send Yuding Zhenren to prevent him from supporting the Heavenly Garden?

There was doubt in his heart, but Yang Jian’s face did not change, but instead he smiled at Yuding Zhenren: “Since the master has come, it is not a trip in vain, at least you and I can still play a game against each other.” ”

The words fell, and Yang Jian took the lead in dropping a son!


At the same time, the West Cow Hezhou Great Lei Yin Temple.

Three thousand Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are listening to the sermons!

But suddenly, the sound of the Buddha came to a halt, and the great Buddha Hall was silent, without a sound!

“I have something important to leave, you chant!”

As the words fell, the figure of the Buddha suddenly disappeared into the temple, leaving only the chanting of the three thousand Buddhas to resound throughout the Great Lei Yin Temple!

And just as the figure of the Buddha of Rulai disappeared, in the midst of a Tallinn, a monkey wearing a worn-out robe suddenly muttered: “Good drama sees a critical moment, how can you go to ruin!” ”

As he spoke, the figure of the monkey also dissipated directly.

Ten thousand miles away from the Great Thunder Temple, above the sky, two streams of light finally met!

One of them sits on the platform, and the Buddha’s light flashes behind him, and it is the Buddha who comes to Rulai.

The other was a monkey scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, and although he was wearing a robe, he didn’t look like a monk at all.

“Fighting to defeat the Buddha, why are you blocking my way?”

If the voice of the Buddha roars, the sound of the Buddha is babbling, giving people the meaning of spring breeze.

But the monkey smiled, rubbed his palms and made a shy look: “Old Sun Shu has been reciting Buddhist scriptures at Lei Yin Temple for three thousand years, and he has a lot of doubts in his heart, and he also asks the Buddha to answer one or two, so as to enhance the Buddha’s Buddha-nature of his old grandson, how?” ”

“I stayed in the Lei Yin Temple day and night and you didn’t come to ask, but as soon as I left you, you came, really for the sake of seeking knowledge, not for other purposes?”

The Buddha’s eyes shone with wisdom, and he seemed to have understood the purpose of the monkey.

The purpose was seen through, and the monkey did not feel embarrassed, and said with a full mouth: “Before, Old Sun thought that he could understand thoroughly, but now it seems that he cannot understand it, so he has come to bother the Buddha.” ”

The Buddha was silent for a moment: “Can you wait?” ”

“Can’t wait.” The monkey laughed and shook his head.

The Buddha’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he were thinking about weighing them, and only after a long time did he say, “If you have any questions, say them.” ”


In the heavenly court, two figures are heading towards the center from the east and north directions.

The man from the east had a green phosphorus dragon head, and his face was majestic, as if he were a king!

The man from the north was red 1uo upper body, with a wide body dressed as a native ordinary person, and the earth was yellow. The color of the skin is exposed!

Suddenly, an old voice sounded in both people’s ears at the same time.

“Meng Zhang and Zhi Ming, you two don’t have to go to stop them.”

Meng Zhang’s Divine Emperor and Zhiming Divine King, who were in different directions, were stunned when they heard this voice, and they almost said in unison: “Old Jun, didn’t you let us guard the Heavenly Court?” ”

The old man’s voice sounded, mixed with a hint of indifference: “I let the four of you guard the Heavenly Garden, not the Jade Emperor.” Now the Jade Emperor is in danger, not the Heavenly Court. ”

Both Meng Zhang’s Divine Emperor and Zhiming Divine Emperor had lived for an unknown number of years, and their minds were like electricity, and when they heard Lao Jun’s words at this moment, they immediately thought of many things.

Without saying a word, the Divine Emperor turned around and headed in the direction away from the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall.

Meng Zhangshenjun, on the other hand, frowned, “Old Jun, what should I do if the overseers were suppressed by that person?” ”

“When this is all said and done, I will allow you to leave the Heavenly Court and settle it on your own.”


Meng Zhangshenjun nodded, bent slightly towards the void, and then split into seven stars in an instant, and fled away.


At this moment, Luo Nan, who was fighting Wang Lingguan in front of the Ling Xiao Hall, naturally did not know about the changes that had taken place in the outside world.

But even if he knew, Ronan would be surprised at most and wouldn’t care too much.

Soldiers will come to cover the water, which has always been Ronan’s policy of conduct.

Moreover, at this moment, Luo Nan’s entire attention was focused on the Wang Lingguan in front of him.

After Luo Nan’s almost non-stop violent attack, Wang Lingguan was already very embarrassed at this moment, his body was bloodstained, not to mention, even the armor had several fragments, as if he had been seriously injured! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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