
The white crystal that had been compressed by the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi within a radius of a hundred miles swallowed by the Celestial Divine Emperor had barely broken through the Black Lotus Protection around Luo Nan with almost no pressure.

Immediately afterward, with a loud roar in the mouth of the Celestial Divine King, the white crystal block compressed by a large amount of Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi exploded directly in front of Luo Nan.

With a loud bang, Luo Nan, who was ten minutes away from the white crystal block, was suddenly shocked by a terrible force.

Suddenly, Ronan only felt a heavy blow to his body.

Although Ronan did not feel much pain because the Isaiah bloodline had reduced the pain to a very low level, he could see that his body was constantly dissolving.

The next moment, Ronan’s eyes went black and his consciousness dissipated completely.

“Ding, the Saiyan bloodline has been activated and is evaluating the acquisition of experience values… The assessment is complete and the experience gained has been written!

“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to lv152!”

“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to lv153!”

“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to lv154!”

“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to lv155!”

When Ronan’s consciousness regained consciousness, he remembered the extremely familiar ethereal voice in his ears.

And Luo Nan’s level also directly soared to the fourth level, reaching lv155, from the previous initial entry into the True Immortal Realm, to the current First Order True Immortal!

When this ethereal voice fell, Luo Nan’s figure slowly appeared somewhere in the desert!

“Oh, to the point, this Divine Emperor really has two brushes, the way to compress the Hundred Mile Yuan into a crystallization attack, I have never seen it before, the power is really terrible, even my twelve products of the Black Lotus can break through!”

Thinking of the scene before his death, Ronan murmured.

However, Luo Nan also knew in his heart that the Twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus had not been able to protect against the attack of the Celestial Divine King, not because the attack of the Celestial Divine King had really surpassed the Extinction Black Lotus.

One of the most crucial reasons, to put it bluntly, is actually a matter of cultivation as a realm.

Luo Nan was now only a first-order true immortal in the end, although he had already refined the twelve products of the Black Lotus of Annihilation, it was obviously impossible to exert the full power of this innate treasure.

And although the Divine Emperor was made up of seven souls, he was also a genuine Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, second only to the quasi-saint class, so there was a trick at the bottom of the pressure box, and the power was certainly amazing!

Thinking of this, Luo Nan suddenly laughed: “Originally, I just wanted to use the Zhiming Divine King as a test stone, but I didn’t expect that the well-known Divine Emperor gave me one surprise after another!” ”

When the Zhiming Divine Emperor swallowed the Heaven and Earth Yuanqi compression, because he was unable to fight back, he was violently beaten by Luo Nan, and spat out a lot of pure Yuanqi into experience, allowing Luo Nan to directly improve a level.

And it was precisely because Luo Nan had beaten the Celestial God King violently in that process, so after being killed by that white crystal in a second, Luo Nan’s Saiya Bloodline took effect, and he actually gained a considerable amount of experience and directly climbed the fourth level!

This also made Luo Nan no longer feel depressed about being killed in his heart, but was quite happy.

After taking a closer look at his surroundings, Ronan was sure that he was not far from where he had been before.

Just as Luo Nan was calculating, an indigo stream of light suddenly crossed the sky and landed in the desert in front of Luo Nan, setting off yellow sand.

“You can indeed come back from the dead!”

Looking at Luo Nan in front of him, there was an unconcealed surprise on the face of the Divine Lord.

Although he had heard of this long ago, he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes before, so there were still doubts in the heart of the Celestial Lord.

But at this moment, he personally witnessed the destruction and resurrection of the Luonan form god, even if he did not want to believe it, he could only believe it.

After feeling Luo Nan’s cultivation realm, the surprise on the face of the Zhiming Divine Emperor was even greater.

This kid died once, and he didn’t suffer any loss, what kind of ghost is it to cultivate to go further?!

The Divine Emperor only felt a little unacceptable, and even a little jealousy appeared in his heart.

Being killed can also improve the secret art of cultivation, and he also wants it!!!

Luo Nan looked at the Zhiming Divine Emperor with a surprised face, and immediately a bad smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, and then he held his fist and arched his hand towards the Zhiming Divine King: “The Divine King sent me such a big gift, so that I am embarrassed to do it with you.” ”

Hearing Luo Nan’s words, the face of the Celestial Emperor couldn’t help but be livid, and he couldn’t help but extend his finger to Luo Nan and grit his teeth: “If you really shouldn’t be afraid of death, I can’t help you?” ”

As the words fell, the figure of the Divine Emperor of Zhiming burst forth and rushed directly towards Luo Nan.

Luo Nan did not flinch when he saw this, summoned the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus to levitate at his feet, and then launched the Super Race State and the Battle Holy Law, and once again fought with the Celestial God King.

The power of the Divine Emperor was amazing, and the Lonan Fighting Technique did not let go much.

The two men punched to the flesh, and for a moment the red name of the fight continued, and the whole desert churned up in this accumulated battle, like the yellow of the big wave roaring. The color of the ocean in general.

However, because Luo Nan had a lotus platform protective body, and the Ming Divine King’s Palm Tortoise Armor Shield blocked, although the attack of the two people was fierce, neither of them could hurt the other.

Suddenly, the thunder and rain were small, and the battle momentum shook for nine days, and the two fought inseparably, but they did not produce any results.

After nearly ten minutes of stalemate, Luo Nan checked the few immortal forces and physical strength he had left, and estimated that in three minutes at most, he would withdraw from the super state due to exhaustion of strength.

This situation made Luo Nan also feel helpless.

Suzaku Xuanwu, one difficult to kill and one immortal, are extremely difficult beings.

Luo Nanchu was able to reward the Lingguang Divine Emperor when he first went to the Heavenly Garden, also because the Eclipse Black Light just happened to restrain Suzaku.

But now, he didn’t have the ability to restrain the Iron King Eight in front of him, and naturally he had no choice but to hold the Ming Divine King.

Thinking of this, Luo Nan couldn’t help but speak, “Commander Divine Lord, if you make the previous trick again, maybe you can kill me?” ”

“You bastard, could I be stupid?” As if insulted, the Emperor pointed at Ronan and scolded.

Luo Nan shrugged his shoulders and said rather helplessly, “Since you don’t want to, then I can only send you to see your White Tiger Brothers.” ”

With that, Ronan held out a finger and drew a circle in front of him!

That round, like a well!

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