Just as Ronan was thinking about how to fish in muddy waters later.

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse led by that were very direct, without saying a word, directly crossed the horse and rushed into the ascetic phalanx, and the horse stepped on the group of monks!

As soon as the four knights moved, the whole heaven and earth suddenly changed color.

War, plague, famine, death, come at the same time!

After the four knights rushed into the phalanx, many of the 100,000 ascetics had their eyes red in an instant, as if they had been confused, and suddenly shot at their compatriots.

Suddenly, the entire phalanx was in chaos.

Before the army of angels in the rear could charge, they had already begun to kill each other.

At the same time, many ascetics suddenly appeared large green spots, as if they were poisoned.

The flesh under the green spots festered, fell off directly from the body, and after a few tight breaths, it would turn into a flesh and blood blurred white bone.

In addition, these ascetics, who had not eaten for an unknown number of years, suddenly felt an irrepressible hunger in this instant, as if they had once again become ordinary mortals who were plagued by three meals a day.

And with the continuation of the feeling of hunger, their bodies also gradually shrank, as if they had lost all their nutrients in an instant, turning into a weak dry corpse.

And in the end, whether they are caught in war, or infected by the plague, or plagued by hunger, they all usher in a gray world without color.

When the Death Knight came, not only the lives of these ascetics, but even the lives of this square world were directly deprived!

Suddenly, a hundred thousand ascetics were killed or injured by more than a quarter!

This scene made Luo Nan, who was watching from afar, also stunned, and secretly sighed in his heart that the strength of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was indeed terrible!

You know, those 100,000 dervishes are not rookie salted fish.

Luo Nan had previously scanned through it with the Exploration Technique, and found that among them, the ascetics were all above the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and the True Immortal Realm was also close to half, and as for the Golden Immortal Great Luo, there were quite a few.

However, judging from the results, neither the Heavenly Immortal nor the Golden Immortal had any resistance in the face of the attack of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Only the dervishes at the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal could resist slightly, but they were powerless to face the slaughter of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!

And this scene also made Ronan deeply understand the terrible point of world war.

At this level of war, not to mention the True Immortal Golden Immortal, even the Great Luo Golden Immortal was just high-level cannon fodder.

As for the existence of the Heavenly Immortals below, there is no qualification to be cannon fodder.

You can only put your own fate in the hands of others, as you like

The war between the great worlds, the war between the saints, the saints, and the saints.

Other existences are just embellishments in this war.

After a large number of Heavenly Immortals, True Immortals, and even the ascetics of the Golden Immortal Realm were destroyed, the Great Luo Golden Immortals who survived by chance naturally became the next target of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

But just as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were preparing to concentrate their efforts on killing those dervishes of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Level.

A strange-looking bald-headed monk suddenly appeared in this square world.

The monk’s eyes were filled with compassion, and he watched the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse sigh lightly, and then stretched out his palms, and a large piece of warm light fell from the sky, enveloping the entire ascetic phalanx.

When the gentle light of the sky was sprinkled, the negative forces brought by the four knights of the apocalypse were directly expelled, and they could no longer penetrate the remaining ascetics.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse saw this, and the gaze hidden under the dark helmet did not fluctuate in any way.

“You’re alone, and you want to stop the four of us?”

The knight of war’s voice was cold, not interspersed with a trace of emotional fluctuations, as if he were narrating something that had nothing to do with him.

But the bald-headed monk shook his head: “Whether you can stop it or not, you can’t stand at a distance and let it go, right?” ”

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse did not say anything more, and waved their palms at the hundreds of thousands of angelic armies that had already been sent by the entire team behind them!

With the order of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the hundreds of thousands of angels directly targeted the wings behind them and entered the phalanx.

Although nearly a quarter of them were wiped out by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the combat strength of those ascetics was still quite a lot, and a bloody battle was directly unfolded in the sky.

Scarlet and golden, two different colors of blood, mixed together and falling from the sky.

The corpses of the ascetics and the wings of angels intertwined and fell from the sky to mortal dust.

The moment the two sides met, thousands of corpses had already fallen!

And just as the army of angels and the ascetics were fighting together, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse also surrounded the monk in the center, and the four sharp spears flashed different colors and pierced towards the monk.

Lonan had been watching the battle situation from beginning to end, slightly surprised to see the negative effect of the monk dispersing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but surprised to see the monk fight one against four!

Immediately, the probing technique in Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, directly imprinting the monk’s information into his eyes.

Name: Midoro


Identity: The god of day, and the god of night, Po Lou, who jointly guards heaven and earth, the king of the universe, and the lord of truth.

After seeing the monk’s identity, Ronan could only shrug his shoulders.

The reason was that he really didn’t know much about the gods of Hinduism, not even Song Yuyan.

Even nowadays, even up to the name of Midora, there is no egg in fact.

Therefore, Ronan’s eyes quickly shifted to the side of the angel who was fighting with the ascetics.

Compared with the inability to intervene in the battle between the quasi-saints, these angels in Ronan’s eyes are all flying experience, and there is absolutely no reason to give up.

“Here’s the chance!”

As the words fell, Lonan’s figure flashed, and he fled directly into the angel camp from behind!

Immediately afterward, the Twelve Pinnacles of Extinction Black Lotus, which had been silent among the Luonan Yuan God for a long time, were directly summoned by Luonan and appeared under his feet.

Suddenly, ten thousand black rays of light radiated out, directly enveloping a large number of angels! _

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