Lonan’s speed exploded, turning into a stream of light, and almost in the blink of an eye, he directly crossed the endless snow-capped mountains and appeared beyond the incomparably huge Mount Olympus.

Mount Olympus, standing above the earth, high into the sky, with smoke and clouds on it, and the surrounding heaven and earth are incredibly rich!

There was a faint pressure emanating from the mountain, and below the Heavenly Immortal Realm, it was simply impossible to withstand this terrible pressure to step into Mount Olympus.

When Ronan first came here, because of the short period of cultivation, he could not see the extraordinary nature of Mount Olympus.

But now the vision is no longer what it used to be, at a glance, I only feel that this Olympus Mountain is amazingly powerful, and it is the luck of condensing half the world, which is even more than the Kunlun Mountain in the Pangu World.

When it is really a first-class blessed land in the world, it is many times better than the heavenly court.

According to Ronan’s estimation, I am afraid that only the Buzhou Mountain before being broken by the Gonggong can stabilize the end of this Olympus Mountain.

“It is worthy of being a god clan raised by two saints, this place is really good!”

Lonan murmured, and at the same time remembered that the Titan Gods who had been raised by the other two saints must have gathered in a place that was not as good as Mount Olympus.

“In the final analysis, the Olympus world is also the world with the most saints besides the Pangu world, whether it is resources or blessed land, it is not comparable to other worlds, I am afraid that only the flood before being shattered can be overcome!”

While murmuring in his mouth, Ronan’s figure did not pause, and he shot towards Mount Olympus.

However, just as Ronan was about to rush into Mount Olympus with a single blow, a golden light suddenly burst out of Mount Olympus and appeared directly in front of Lonan, intercepting Lonan!

This is a handsome man with long blond hair, his body radiates the radiance of the scorching sun, his golden armor covers his whole body, he wears a purple and gold sun crown, and his face is three points of majesty and seven points of solemnity!

Name: Apollo

Level: 1v282 (Sixth Order Luo Jinxian)

Identity: One of the twelve main gods of Olympus, son of the third generation of the god king Zeus and the black-robed goddess Leto, god of prophecy and light, new sun god!

The probing technique in Luonan’s eyes flashed by, and the information of the person in front of him was introduced into Luonan’s eyes.

Apollo’s priesthood was originally the god of light, but after the previous sun god was killed by an arrow from Houyi, he took over the self-tightening sun crown and became the new sun god.

Of course, what really made Ronan care was not this, but Apollo’s other identity: Artemis’s twin brother!

According to the shipwreck, the relationship between Apollo and A’s brother and sister is extraordinary, and the feelings are quite deep.

I didn’t hold on to the temptation. Confused, and Artemis made rice, this Apollo is, in a sense, his brother-in-law.

If Apollo insisted on intercepting here, he would be a little difficult to do, and it would not be a fight!

And just when Ronan was entangled, Polo did not say a word and directly moved.

Holding a long sword wrapped in golden flames, he drew a trajectory that tore through the sky in front of him, and slashed at Luonan with great might.

Luo Nan raised an eyebrow when he saw it, and the Super Race II and the Battle Saint Law were opened at the same time, and the Divine Elephant in his body was flowing with strength, and he directly reached out his hand and grabbed it towards the flame sword that had fallen down!

Apollo frowned, never expecting that Ronan would actually come to his own attack with his bare hands.

He himself just wanted to test Ronan, but at the moment it was too late to stop.

“Well, if he can’t even catch my sword, and enters Mount Olympus to die, it would be better for me to seriously injure him and stop him outside the door.”

Apollo silently thought in his heart, thinking of his sister who was locked up in a bad situation in the quiet court, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.


And just when Apollo thought that Ronan would be slashed by his own sword, a crisp sound of fine iron intersecting suddenly sounded in the sky!

“This… How is this possible! ”

Looking at Lonan, who was holding his own flame sword in one hand, Apollo’s face was full of surprise.

He never imagined that this blow of his own would actually be followed by someone with bare hands.

You know, the long sword he was holding was not simple, it was even more entangled in the fire of the sun, and the destructive power was amazingly terrible!

And just when Apollo was shocked by this, a huge force, suddenly the flame sword in his hand came out, and it actually shook his hands away from the hilt of the sword.

But even so, Apollo still could not completely avoid the terrible impact, and was poured into his body to wreak havoc, and his face was suddenly pale!

One face, weapons are taken and the body is injured!

This, let Apollo’s eyes can’t help but appear a touch of shock, how can not imagine that Lonan is actually so powerful.

However, in the midst of this shock, there is an unspeakable joy.

Seeing Apollo’s complicated look, Ronan thought about it for a moment and thought of a lot of things.

He was about to make an inquiry, but found that Apollo looked to the back without a trace, and it was obvious that Apollo was being watched by the god king Zeus at this moment.

The two looked at each other, both understanding each other’s thoughts.

The next second, Apollo, who had been injured, turned into a golden light again and rushed towards Ronan.

And Ronan also cooperated with Apollo’s performance, which also turned into a streamer forward.

A moment later, the two streamers met directly, accompanied by a loud roar, and directly collided together.

After this loud noise, Apollo’s figure flew straight out backwards, thrown into the distance still dizzy.

But Luo Nan’s face was already cold!

Apollo was badly injured, just to get a message to Ronan while avoiding Zeus’s surveillance!

“The father has gone mad, and in order to get the help of Osiris, he even does not hesitate to exchange his sister for the sake of his sister, who has been stripped of his divinity by his father because of her refusal. If possible, be sure to take her away from Mount Olympus! ”

At this moment, Luo Nan’s gaze had completely frozen: “A good Zeus, really even his own children are not spared!” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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