With one finger, Ronan directly made Hephaestus spit out blood, and his body that was severely injured and flew in mid-air had a tendency to fall.

It seems that it has lost the ability to destroy the oven!

At this time, Ares had not yet rushed to the front of Lonan.

After discovering that Lonan’s casual finger had almost destroyed Hephaestus, the horror on Ares’s face was also difficult to hide.

Originally, he also wanted to temporarily entangle Lonan and create opportunities for Hephaestus.

But now that Hephaestus had been seriously injured, he went up to correct it. There was no point in Tang Luonan, and he couldn’t rescue those tens of thousands of gods from the oven anyway.

Thinking of this, Ares directly stopped the forward pace and immediately turned away from Lonan.

Obviously, Ronan had just hit Hephaestus’s combat strength with one finger, which had already made Ares extremely jealous.

But how could Ronan let Ares go safely?

“Do you still want to run when you come?”

With a cold hum, Ronan’s figure flashed, and between the steps of the Word-Arctic Technique, the speed instantly soared by dozens of times, and in the blink of an eye, he came directly behind Ares, and then smashed a fist into Ares’s back!

As the god of war in the Olympus world, Ares is not only cultivated to be at a high level among the gods, but also has an extraordinary wealth of combat experience.

Although the speed of Ronan’s sudden explosion made Ares feel shocked, Ares’s reaction was not slow, and he immediately reflexively punched him!


With a muffled sound, the fists of the two collided directly together.

Today’s Luo Nan, although he only has the realm of the Fifth Order Golden Immortal, is far from Ares, who is equivalent to the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal.

However, after Lonan opened the super competition state, he could directly increase his combat strength by a hundred times!

Coupled with the blessing of the Battle Holy Law, all his attacks became extremely fierce.

What’s more, Luo Nan’s cultivation of the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Force had now reached the seventh level.

The power of the Divine Elephant in his body exploded, making his melee ability no weaker than that of the long-range Divine Power Bombardment!

At this moment, this punch seemed random, but in fact, it already represented the strongest blow that Ronan could now deliver without using the power of chaos!

And this strongest blow is definitely not something that Ares can block!

The Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, in front of the former Luo Nan, may still be an insurmountable behemoth.

But in front of Ronan now, it is not worth mentioning!

After all, Ronan had even killed the Quasi-Saint alone.

One of the four Knights of the Revelation, the War Knight, Nan’s hands fell and perished!

When the two fists met, Ares’s face suddenly changed drastically, and he only felt a terrifying force that had never been seen before, suddenly spreading down his arm into his body.

This terrible force raged inside Ares’s body, destroying everything that came across it.

And Ares’s body flew straight out, drawing a scarlet trail in the air, and a large amount of blood gushed out of his mouth as if he didn’t want money!

With just one blow, it severely damaged the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, and this was Luo Nan’s current strength!

Of course, Ronan’s purpose in climbing Mount Olympus was not just to wreak havoc on Zeus’s two sons.

After punching Ares hard, Ronan took a step forward and shook his fist again to pursue Ares.

“You’d better know where Artemis is now, otherwise… Hum! ”

The cold glow in Ronan’s eyes flickered, and the three steps turned into two steps, and he directly chased Ares forward.

And just as Ronan reached out and grabbed the heavily wounded Ares, a blue wave, but it suddenly fell from the sky and appeared in front of Ronan, blocking Ronan’s way forward!

Luo Nan frowned slightly, let out a cold hum in his mouth, and slapped the knife directly forward!

Tear it up!

The sharp knife qi directly cut off the curtain-like waves in front of him.

And Ronan also flashed in, directly strangling Ares’s throat and holding it in his hand.

The god of war, who was invincible in Mount Olympus, was now in the hands of Ronan like a chicken who had been powerless to resist.

Maybe that’s the impermanence of the world!

“, let go of Ares!”

A scolding sound full of anger suddenly sounded above Ronan’s head.

Ronan looked up and saw that it was a man with wavy blue curly hair.

The man had a majestic face, a crown, a trident in his hand, and a necklace around his neck like a winding sea serpent.

Even without the use of probing techniques, Ronan could roughly guess the identity of the person in front of him.

Who else but Poseidon?

However, in order to determine Poseidon’s level, Lonan’s eyes still flashed with the light of exploration!

Name: Poseidon

Level: 1v298 (Ninth Order Great Luo Jinxian)

Status: One of the twelve main gods of Mount Olympus, son of the second generation of the god king Kronos, brother of the third generation god king Zeus, the emperor of the sea.

“Ninth Order Great Luo, one step away is the Great Luo Limit!”

After snooping into Poseidon’s rank, Lonan murmured softly in his mouth.

The Great Luo Limit, Luo Nan had also seen one until now, that is, the Yousheng Zhenjun who he had met before the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall when he first broke into the Heavenly Garden, that is, the Zhenwu Emperor.

At that time, the Zhenwu Emperor was simply an invincible object in Luo Nan’s eyes.

But now, if he really wanted to fight with the Zhenwu Emperor, Luo Nan was confident that he could solve the battle within ten breaths.

As for Poseidon, who was even worse than the True Martial Emperor, Luo Nan was even more fearless in his heart!

Therefore, in the face of Poseidon’s persecution, Lonan also did not give in: “Hand over Artemis, I will release this guy, otherwise…”

At the same time as Luo Nan spoke, there was suddenly more yin and yang qi in his hand.

Between the rotation of the yin and yang qi, it was like generating a smaller, but more violent heaven and earth oven, and began to refine Ares’s body!

Poseidon was furious at the sight, and tens of thousands of Olympus gods were in danger, which would be a huge blow to the entire Olympus god clan!

If Ares, one of the twelve main gods, had any more accidents, it would definitely be a loss that the entire Olympus God Clan could not bear!

Therefore, under the fury of Poseidon, he could not care about anything else, and directly held the trident in his hand, pointing directly at Luonan! _

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