After the voice of the Fu Xi Clan fell, Xuanyuan Clan, who was standing directly opposite Luo Nan, also threw off his sleeve.

“According to my plan, the request for help from the two saints of the Olympus world is a great opportunity for my human race, and we must hold it firmly in our hands, and if one of us can sit on that holy seat, my human race will have another way back in the midst of the great catastrophe!”

Xuanyuan’s face was majestic, and the imperial assets on his body were faintly emitted, and then he glanced at Youchao Clan with some dissatisfaction and continued.

“However, this cautious Youchao Clan has tried everything to stop it on the grounds of unpredictable blessings and misfortunes, so Sui and Shennong also chose to wait and see and did not make a decision, and now let the Lingren Clan bring you here just to ask your opinion on this matter, after all, this news was also brought back by you!”

Hearing Xuanyuan and Fuxi’s words before and after, Luo Nan couldn’t help but have a doubt in his heart, frowning and asking, “Isn’t Fuxi Clan good at deduction?” How could this matter be unpredictable? ”

“Deduction is based on the Heavenly Dao, and I can deduce everything in the Pangu World, but it is difficult to calculate things outside the Pangu World, because it is already an area shrouded in another Heavenly Dao.”

Fu Xishi shook his head and said helplessly.

Luo Nan’s eyes flashed with clarity, no wonder these five sub-saints had difficulty making a decision, and they were arguing endlessly here.

At this moment, the eyes of several Terran sub-saints had also gathered on Luo Nan’s body.

This also made Ronan feel a little more pressure in his heart.

Although his opinion could not directly determine the actions of the Pangu World Terrans after that, judging from the attitudes of these five sub-saints, his opinion would definitely play a great reference role.

Now the Fuxi, Furen, and Shennong clans are wavering, and the Xuanyuan and Youchao clans are on each side, which can be said to be in a delicate balance.

Whichever side of Ronan’s opinion is reversed, it is likely to immediately upset this delicate balance!

Therefore, Lonan must also think it through!

Under the convergence of the eyes of the five Terran sub-saints, Ronan closed his eyes, thinking about what he had seen and heard in the Olympus world, weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

After a long time, Luo Nanfang opened his eyes.

“Got results?” The Flint’s kind gaze fell on Luo Nan, signaling that Luo Nan should not be nervous, although he spoke freely.

Luo Nan nodded, and then he faced the five Terran sub-saints and said word by word, “Terrans, there is no saint yet!” ”

Hearing this, the five Terran sub-saints were silent at the same time.

The Terrans are the protagonists of the heavens and the earth set by the Great Avenue!

No matter in which big world, no matter under which Heavenly Dao will, the Terran race has stepped onto the stage of history at almost the same time.

However, the Terrans are not holy!

No matter in which big world, there is none!

The position of the saint was occupied by powerful beings born of heaven and earth long before the emergence of the Terran race.

The Terrans of the great worlds, the strongest ones, are nothing more than sub-saints.

When Ronan said this, the meaning was actually very clear.

Terrans need a saint, they need a holy throne!

And this holy throne can now only be obtained from the world of Olympus.

“Well, I like your character!”

When Xuanyuan found out that Lonan’s ideas coincided with his ideas, he immediately praised them.

Obviously, with Lonan’s opinion, the balance is gradually tilted.

At this moment, the voice of the Fu Ren Clan also sounded: “Luo Nan is the person I like, and what he said is really good, my human race… A saint is needed, and I support an alliance with the Second Saint of Olympus! ”

Fu Xi Clan heard the words, the stars in his eyes flowed, and he didn’t know what he was calculating in his hands, and after a few breaths, he moved a step without a word, standing on the side of the Fu Ren Clan, and the claim was self-evident.

As the Fuxi and Furen clans fell to the main station, the balance had been completely tilted.

Shen Nong Clan saw the situation and sighed lightly, although in his heart he was more in favor of having the Chao Clan, but now the trend of the times could only be agreed to.

“With the Chao clan, do you still have an opinion?” Xuanyuan Clan asked with a smile on his face at this moment.

Yu Chao snorted, “Since all four of you have already made a decision, what can I do if I have an opinion?” Fight if you want! ”

“Haha, rest assured, it doesn’t take you to go back to the battlefield, you just leave the housekeeper on the line, and it will definitely not put you in danger!” Xuanyuan squeezed his eyes.

Some of the Nest Clan heard this but was angry: “What do you mean by that?” Is it true that I am the kind of greedy person who is afraid of death? Whoever wants to look after the house and who cares for the house, I am sure to go to the Olympus world! ”

“That can’t work, there is a nest and a nest, and you can’t play your talents without looking at the house!”

Xuanyuan’s serious ridicule immediately triggered a burst of good-natured laughter from several other sub-saints.

On the road of targeting the development of the Terran race, several sub-saints have their own opinions and contradictions.

However, it is undeniable that several sub-saints are wholeheartedly devoted to the Terran race, and the relationship is quite harmonious under the premise of ignoring their respective claims.

After all, the truth that one glory and one loss and one loss are impossible for the five sub-saints not to understand!

The Terrans were able to gain a foothold in the Pangu World, and in addition to the help of the early Nüwa Niangniang, they also had a great relationship with the unity of the five sub-saints.


After the decision to form an alliance, the five sub-saints also dispersed, and the rest had nothing to do with Ronan.

In the stone tower, Luo Nan and the Fu Ren Clan talked for a long time, and the Fu Ren Clan also told Luo Nan about many past years, and Luo Nan also listened to it with relish.

It was not until sunrise and sunset, after the second fall of night, that Ronan bid farewell to the Flintlock and left the stone tower.

After leaving the Imperial Palace during the Immortal’s escort, Luo Nan flew towards the valley where Wu Mengyu and the other women lived.

Along the way, Ronan was also quite worried, thinking what if several women couldn’t talk and pinch each other.

Although Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan both obtained A. Grade Gong Fa, after all, the cultivation time was not long, and it was certainly impossible to compare with Artemis who had passed the three baptisms.

“If you calculate it this way, you may still have to help Sister Mengyu and Yu Yan a little!”

As he murmured, the figure of Lonan finally landed in the valley…_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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