The Three-Body Technique is one of the top divine powers of Buddhism, born from the art of slaying three corpses and becoming holy.

Once cultivated, the transformation can refine the two Fa-phases, which are exactly the same as the ontological cultivation realm.

That is to say, anyone who cultivates the magic of the Three Body Technique will definitely not have the scene of one enemy against the many, at least three enemies of the crowd!

Luo Nan’s eyes flickered when he saw this, and he murmured, “Even if the Three-Body Technique is in the list of Hong Huang Divine Powers, it is still ranked among the second-class divine powers, and it is comparable to the Buddha Kingdom in Rulai’s palm, and the power exerted with quasi-holy power will certainly be strengthened!” ”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan’s face also couldn’t help but show a hint of caution.

Although the chaotic power in his body could support him in a battle with the masters of the quasi-saint level.

But this kind of veteran quasi-saint, the ghost knows what will be the ability to press the bottom of the box.

Lonan was able to kill Uranos because he was caught off guard by beating Uranos.

But Maitreya Buddha was able to use this magic power, and he was obviously quite jealous of him in his heart.

At such a time, it is more difficult to catch Maitreya Buddha by surprise.

Coupled with the fact that on the realm of cultivation, Maitreya Buddha is also obviously stronger than Uranos, so Ronan naturally has to be cautious.

Of course, this is not because Lonan is afraid of death, but because he has not yet caused enough damage to Maitreya Buddha, and it is a pity to die!

As Ronan pondered this, Maitreya Buddha’s eyes flickered with coldness, and the two bodies on his side moved at the same time.

“I’d like to see if you can really do all my attacks at the moment!”

On the left side, the Fa Xiang is in a state of compassion, hanging in mid-air with his hands folded, and a solemn voice is heard in his mouth.

With the sound of chanting after chanting, one golden seal after another flew out of the mouth of the Fa Xiang.

Above the golden seal, it contained great power, and after leaving the mouth of the Fa Xiang, it rose against the wind, as if it had substance, and directly rushed towards Luo Nan.

And the right side of the Fa Xiang was not idle, his hands were rapidly changing the handprints, and within the entire bounded space, the appearance of the two changed suddenly, as if it had become an ideal country described in the Buddhist scriptures, and there was a harmonious atmosphere everywhere, and there was no longer a hint of battlefield meaning.

As for the body of Maitreya Buddha, he directly stepped on the golden light and shot at Luonan, actually planning to fight directly with Luonan!

Maitreya Buddha’s three bodies moved at the same time, but there was no panic on Luonan’s face.

That golden rune seal looked terrifyingly powerful, but as soon as it touched the Pure Land of the Gods around Luonan, it would be directly deprived of mana and completely dissipated, and it would not be able to cause any damage to Luonan at all!

As for the ideal country illusion created by the right side of the Fa, he wanted to sink Lonan’s conscious soul into it.

But between Luo Nan’s eyebrows, a thin slit soon opened, and the Eye of Domination appeared, peeking through all falsehoods!

This seemingly harmonious ideal country, in Lonan, is like a joke!

After successively breaking the divine powers of Maitreya Buddha’s two Dharma phases, Luo Nan’s gaze focused on the oncoming body.

“I don’t believe that you, a little golden immortal, can really fight with me!”

Maitreya Buddha saw that the attacks of his two Dharma Figures were all easily broken by Luo Nan, and his face gritted his teeth and angrily said, rushing towards Luo Nan faster!

At the same time, Maitreya Buddha’s body was also covered with golden light, and in the blink of an eye, it was as if it had become a golden person, with a fierce color on its face, and the wind and thunder in its palm were gusting, directly towards Luonan.

Luo Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the zui corner flashed a sneer: “Really when I can’t fight?” ”

Luo Nan now has the Super Race II form, and after opening, the combat power directly soars by a hundred times, and this combat power naturally includes the ability to fight in close combat!

Moreover, the Luonan Divine Weapon has the Holy Law of Fighting, and the melee combat ability under the blessing is even stronger.

Not to mention that the cultivation of that Divine Elephant Zhen Hell Force had already made the strength and strength of Luo Nan’s body far exceed the limits of the Golden Immortal and reach a sensational level!

This Maitreya Buddha knew that his magic spells could not enter the Pure Land of the Gods around Luonan, so he wanted to defeat Luonan in hand-to-hand combat with quasi-holy cultivation.

But he could never have imagined that this move was just a fool’s dream!

Suddenly, the Battle Saint Law opened, and Luo Nan clenched his fists with both hands, activating a billion powers in his body, and the power of the dragon elephant instantly filled his whole body.


With a muffled sound, Ronan’s fist collided directly with Maitreya’s palm.

But to everyone’s surprise, Luo Nan’s body hung in place for half a step, but instead it was Maitreya Buddha, who took three steps back under this blow!

This scene made all the saints on the periphery of the Junction widen their eyes.

Obviously, no one could have imagined that Luonan, who only had the Golden Immortal Realm, could really confront Maitreya Buddha!

Not only does it not fall behind, but it even occupies a slight advantage in the shadows!

Maitreya Buddha, who was forced to take three steps back by Luonan, had a shocked look on his face: “How can you be so strong!??” ”

“I said there are surprises for you!”

With that, Ronan directly clenched his fist to meet him and attacked Maitreya Buddha.

Maitreya Buddha saw the situation and could only deal with it in a hurry!

Suddenly, the roar was incessant, and the aftermath of the battle between the two men, even through the protection of the Boundary, made the Spirit Mountain below tremble.

Some of the stupas, which were already crumbling, collapsed directly.

With the exception of a few sub-saints and quasi-saints, all the Buddha’s monks on the spiritual mountain retreated invariably to avoid being injured in the aftermath.

In just a few moments, Lonan and Maitreya Buddha had collided a hundred times.

At this moment, Luo Nan’s sleeves had been reduced to ashes in the fierce fighting, but the Maitreya Buddha was even more miserable at this moment.

Above its golden body, there were already cracks in the Dao Dao, and blood was oozing and stains.

In Maitreya Buddha’s gaze, in addition to the shock at this moment, there was also more jealousy of Lonan.

Knowing that if he continued like this, he would undoubtedly lose, Maitreya Buddha’s eyes flashed sharply, and he directly sat with his hands folded and crossed his knees.

Immediately afterward, a round of golden lotus appeared at its seat.

The golden lotus has a total of nine leaves, and on it there is a golden light of merit that emanates it, protecting Maitreya Buddha in it!

“Golden Lotus of Merit!”

When Ronan saw this, his eyes flashed, and he murmured! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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