Feeling the chaotic aura of the surrounding space, Luo Nan took a deep breath, swept his consciousness, and found the weakest place in the surrounding space!

After the figure flashed to that place, Luo Nan’s hands directly tore forward, and a crack was withdrawn from the space.

After that crack, it was pitch black.

However, only a hundred meters away from the pitch-black space, there is another crack corresponding to it.

After that crack, there are the nine planes of the World Tree!

A distance of 100 meters is only a moment for Ronan.

The figure turned into a stream of light, and Luo Nan instantly disappeared behind the Pangu World.

And almost at the moment when his figure dissipated, there was also an extra figure among the nine planes of the world tree at the other end of the node tunnel.

Feeling the strange breath coming from the surrounding space, Ronan’s eyes were full of curiosity.

At this moment, he was deep in a cold space, everything around him was wrapped in thick fog, the continent under his feet was covered with dark gray ice and snow, Luonan’s divine consciousness went down, and found that he could not completely penetrate this strange gray ice and snow for a while, which showed how terrible the thickness of this ice layer was!

“I don’t know where I am now…”

Luo Nan murmured in his heart, unlike other worlds, the nine dimensions of the World Tree were very strange, and even the sage Yasheng could not detect too much news, so he knew very little about this place.

Even now, no one even knew how many saints there were in the nine planes of the World Tree.

In this way, the information that Lonan can get is naturally very small.

However, in view of the actual situation of each big world, although there are some differences from myths and legends, the connection is not small, so Lonan is also ready to start from myths and legends to see if he can get useful information.

The nine planes of the world tree correspond to the Norse mythology of the original earth.

Lonan knew very little about Norse mythology, and he knew the more famous Loki Sol Odin and others.

Nothing else is known.

However, Luo Nan’s side has a woman who can be called a mobile library, that is, Song Yuyan.

Before the earth disintegrated, Song Yuyan was originally a high-caliber student at Mindagawa University and specialized in the study of myths around the world.

Norse mythology is not unpopular, so Song Yuyan’s understanding of Norse mythology is also very detailed.

When leaving Dongsheng Shenzhou, except for Chang’e, who did not want to leave, Luo Nan took all the other women with him.

At this moment, as soon as his mind moved, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda flew out of his body, and the bottom light flashed, and Song Yuyan’s figure flew out of it.

After landing on the ground, Song Yuyan immediately snorted: “Ah, it’s so cold!” ”

Luo Nan was stunned when he heard this, and then he even propped up his shield to disperse the cold around him for Song Yuyan.

As a Great Luo Golden Immortal, he also practiced the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Strength, and his physical quality was extremely strong, and this cold breath was naturally unimpeded.

But what surprised Luo Nan was that now Song Yuyan was also the Ninth Order Heavenly Immortal Realm, but he would still be frozen and shivering, and this place was obviously not ordinary.

With Luo Nan dispelling the cold around him, Song Yuyan’s face returned to normal, and he patted Xiong with a palpitation: “Just now I only felt the biting cold, almost freezing people from the inside out.” ”

After Luo Nan reached out and injected a warm current into Song Yuyan’s body, he pointed around and asked, “Yuyan, if you look at the surrounding environment, can you tell where we might be in the nine planes of the World Tree now?” ”

Song Yuyan looked around and thought for a moment before saying, “Look at the environment here… Most likely Neferheim in the midst of the Nine Planes! ”


For this first time he heard the name, a trace of doubt flashed in Ronan’s eyes.

Song Yuyan nodded, and then said in detail: “In Norse mythology, there are nine kingdoms on the world tree, which constitute the entire world, and these nine kingdoms should be the nine planes of the world tree today.” Neferheim is one of the nine kingdoms, known as the Land of Fog, the entire country is covered in ice and snow, and the inhabitants of it are called the Nibelungen. ”

“Neverheim and Moosbergheim wanted to correspond, one covered in ice and snow, the other a blazing country, and the two were constantly fighting.”

“And in addition, there is a point that in Norse mythology, Neverheim, Jotunheim, and Asgard are all at the roots of the World Tree, and each of them is buried with a thick root system of the World Tree!”

Hearing this, a glint suddenly flashed in Luo Nan’s eyes.

Because that Asgard was the sight he was going to see this time.

If the nine planes of the world tree can perfectly correspond to the Norse mythology, then it will not be too difficult to go to Asgard.

“Unfortunately, that’s all I can know, and I can’t do you anything else.”

Song Yuyan said, and lowered his head somewhat discouraged.

Luo Nan smiled at Song Yuyan, “With this information, it is enough!” ”

With that, Luo Nan casually chose a direction and flew away with Song Yuyan.

Now that you know where you are, the next step is to find the exit to Neverheim and then head to Asgard.

And to find an exit in this vast world is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, a waste of time.

So Lonan’s idea was simple, which was to grab a few so-called nibelungen roots and interrogate them.


Along the way, Luo Nan and Song Yuyan also opened their eyes.

This scene in Neverheim was very different from the world they had seen before.

In particular, Lonan thought that he had traveled through a lot of worlds, but he had already been shocked by this Neverheim, and there were countless strange things.

Unfortunately, the so-called Nibelungen, Lonan did not see a single one.

After walking for more than an hour, Luo Nan couldn’t help but frown: “Isn’t it the right direction to go?” ”

And just when Ronan was wondering, a drum sounded, but it suddenly sounded around him…

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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