These two sudden sounds made Ronan and Houyi’s brows furrow at the same time.

The two looked in the direction where the sound came from, and found that in this golden and brilliant hall, except for Thor sitting on the throne of the gods, and a few gold-armored warriors who obviously belonged to the Golden Palace.

There were also two figures emitting black smoke around them.

Both figures were unusually large and far removed from humans.

One of them had a sphinx, dark yellow hair covering most of his face underneath, and a fierce light flashed in his crimson pupils!

The other is an eagle-headed man, wearing a crown and a simple linen skirt around his waist, holding a Voss scepter, and a falcon-like sharp gaze with a strong hostility, which does not hide his disgust for Lonan and Houyi.

Seeing these two people, the probing technique in Ronan’s eyes flashed.

Name: Horus

Level: 1v326 (Quasi-Saint)

Identity: Son of Osiris, the god of the underworld, God of War!


Name: Sphinx

Level: 1v319 (Quasi-Saint)

Identity: Death in the desert, representing plagues, droughts and sandstorms!


After the information of the two was introduced, Luo Nan’s eyes also flashed a touch of surprise.

Horus did not say for the moment, but the name of the Sphinx he knew, that is, the Sphinx in front of the Egyptian pyramids.

“As for this guy, it’s actually Osiris’s son…”

His gaze shifted to Horus’s body, and a fierce light flashed in Ronan’s eyes.

In all Greek mythology, one of the names Lonan remembers most clearly is Osiris!

Only because, at the beginning of the coming of the gods, his city was destroyed at the hands of Osiris.

Therefore, Luo Nan could be said to have no good feelings for this so-called god of the underworld.

Especially thinking of the scene of countless people dying tragically, the anger in Luo Nan’s heart could not help but rise.

At this moment, in the face of these two people’s words, Luo Nan also sneered at each other: “The two beasts actually dare to say that the smell of others is bad, I really don’t know who defiled this great hall?” ”

Known as beasts, Horus and the Sphinx flashed a trace of anger on their faces, especially after discovering that the breath on Ronan’s body was nothing more than the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, and said, “This is a conversation between the saints, you little reptile, what qualifications do you have to insert zui?” ”

In the face of the two people’s questioning, Luonan zui corner flashed a sneer of disdain: You two, also worthy of being called a saint? ”

“The boy is looking for death!”

After a roar, Horus’s Scepter of Voss pointed directly at Lonan.

The next second, a black glow flew directly out of the scepter, turning into a dark ghost in mid-air, roaring and pounced on Luonan.

Luo Nan saw a cold hum, the Super Race II and the Battle Saint Law opened at the same time, the power of the dragon elephant in the body was running, and in the face of the dark and powerful ghost, he did not dodge it, and directly punched out!

“This boy is simply looking for death, and with his cultivation behavior, he dares to confront you hard!”

A glint of disdain flashed in the Sphinx’s eyes and he said to Horus beside him.

Horus’s face was full of coldness: “I just want to kill this boy with one blow and kill the arrogance of the Pangu World!” ”

As the two men talked, Thor who was sitting on the throne frowned slightly.

Obviously not quite satisfied with Horus’s wanton actions in his own great hall.

However, he did not mean to intervene to block it.

After all, if the messenger from the Pangu World was killed by Horus in this way, then it could only prove that the Pangu World was incomparably weak, and he and the Pangu World had nothing to talk about.

Just as everyone was watching, the dark ghost that shot out from the scepter of Horus finally met with Ronan’s fist wind.


With a loud noise like the rise of a storm, the originally mighty dark ghost was directly torn apart in the wind of Ronan’s fist, as if a black mist had been cut and blown away by the hurricane, and directly disappeared in mid-air.

After destroying the dark ghost, Ronan’s fist was not diminished, and he directly counterattacked in the direction where Horus was.

This scene shocked everyone in the hall except Houyi!

Hou Yi had long known that Luo Nan’s combat strength was amazing, although Xiu Wei looked only at the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, but his combat strength had already had few opponents under Ya Sheng.

Then Horus is just a sub-saint, how can Lonan be invincible?

But the others in the hall did not know this.

Therefore, at this moment, the shock on his face could not be concealed.

Not to mention Horus and the Sphinx, even Thor who was sitting on the throne of the gods stood up involuntarily, his eyes full of surprise.

He originally thought that it would eventually be Houyi Gang Luonan’s current attack, but he never expected that Luonan would actually destroy the dark and powerful ghost with one punch, and still had the remaining strength!

In the face of the counterattack of Lonan’s fist, Horus and Sphinx’s faces are very ugly.

Especially after feeling the terrible power contained in that fist, the Sphinx took a step forward, and the majestic and powerful sphinx expanded several times, protecting Horus behind him, and then directly petrified!


With a muffled sound, the skin of the Horus stone directly cracked open the cracks in the Daodao, and the majestic body was directly thrown back several meters, which was enough to stop Ronan’s fist wind.

“This boy, there’s weirdness!”

“With his cultivation behavior, it is absolutely impossible to have such combat power!”

Horus and the Sphinx looked at each other, their hearts in shock.

Originally, I wanted to borrow a soft persimmon to give Pangu World a dismount, but I didn’t expect that the soft persimmon that I thought was actually an iron plate, and not only failed to kick it down, but hurt my toes!

Stealing chickens doesn’t make it a rotten rice, that’s pretty much it.

Saul, who was sitting on the throne of God, saw this scene in his eyes, and his eyes also revealed the meaning of thinking.

After a moment, Thor finally spoke to Ronan and Houyi: “The two have come from afar, what do you have to say?” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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