“Prey, delivered to the door…”

This sudden sound made Luo Nan, who had just appeared on the platform, feel a condensation in his heart and immediately look around with his divine consciousness.

And this sigh made Luo Nan directly stunned.

I saw that in the dark void around the platform where he was now, there were six pairs of eyes that emitted a cold breath, tightly locked on his body!

Moreover, behind each pair of cold eyes, there is an incomparably powerful horror atmosphere.

Each of these breaths even made Luo Nan feel a little unconcealable fear in his heart!

Without any hesitation, Luo Nan’s eyes flashed directly with probing, and then swept over the six terrifying figures around the platform!

Name: Hugh

Level: 1v392 (Yasheng)

Identity: Son of Atum Ra, the founder of the Nile God Domain, the God of the Wind, the God of Air, and one of the Nine Pillar Gods of the Nile God Domain!


Name: Tevnut

Level: 1v391 (Yasheng)

Identity: Son of Atum Ra, the founder of the Nile God Domain, God of Rain, God of Fertility, and one of the Nine Pillar Gods of the Nile God Domain!


Name: Gab

Level: 1v385 (Yasheng)

Identity: Son of Hugh, the god of air, and Tevnut, god of rain, god of the earth, one of the nine pillar gods of the Nile God Domain!


Name: Seth

Level: 1v375 (Yasheng)


When his gaze swept over the six breaths around him, Luo Nan’s heart was also shaken with disbelief.

“Hugh, Tevnuth, Gab, Seth, Nefertis, Ashis… The legendary nine-pillar god of the Nile God Domain actually appeared for a full six! ”

Lonan exclaimed, “Except for the founding god Atum Ra, as well as Osiris and Nute, who went to the Olympus world to fight, the highest combat power of the Nile God Domain has been assembled here, and it must be a big deal!” ”

And just as Ronan was pondering the cause of the gods of the Nile God Domain, words suddenly appeared in his mind.


Luo Nan had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he immediately thought clearly about the reason for this, and also understood what the real role of the black Tallinn was!

“Black Tallinn is essentially a teleportation array, and the biggest difference between it and the ordinary teleportation array is forced teleportation!”

Thinking of the scene where he had stepped into the teleportation array before, and then the space within a hundred meters of the surrounding area was simultaneously wrapped in fluctuations and teleported, Luo Nan instantly knew what kind of purpose this black Tallinn teleportation array was mixed in.

“That teleportation array is used against the saints!”

Lonan murmured and his eyes flickered!

Saints are almost invincible in their own world, and it is basically impossible to kill, because saints can fully rely on the power of heaven and earth.

Unless the Great World can be destroyed, it is simply impossible to kill the saints.

But there are exceptions to everything, and if there are saints in the same world, and the power to restrain the world makes it difficult to control them at will, it becomes possible to kill the saints.

Of course, the difficulty is still huge!

“The Nile God Domain sent two sub-saints of Osis and Nute to the Olympus world this time, even if you add the Frost Giant’s side, it is at most equal to the four sub-saints of my human race.” However, in the later stages of the war, the Asa Divine Clan from the Golden Palace will also join the battlefield, and the Nile God Domain will inevitably fall into the inferior position when the number of people fighting is bound to fall! ”

Therefore, they will use such a method to try to use the forced teleportation array to forcibly separate the saints from the world to which they belong. Once he leaves the world to which he belongs, the saint is only a sub-saint. When the time comes, one against six will surely be easily bombarded into slag. And if there is one less saint, the outcome of the war is already doomed! ”

“Nile God Domain, what a big calculation!”

Ronan couldn’t help but marvel, he had already guessed that the huge secret behind this black tallinn could change the course of this war in the world of Olympus.

But he never imagined that this black tallinn was actually set up for the slaughter of saints!

If Tartaros or Gaia really stepped into this formation, was teleported here, and faced the siege of six of the Nine Pillar Gods, it would definitely be a certain death.

And if Tartaros or Gaia were killed, the Terrans who participated in the war would certainly be more fierce and less fortunate.

Thinking of this, Luo Nan also couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, his heart was full of fear, and the secret passage was fortunate that this place let himself discover it in advance.

The consequences are really unimaginable!

And just when Luo Nan was secretly glad about this, the six gods of the Nile God Domain were also examining Luo Nan at the same time.

Originally, I thought that a big fish had fallen in, and several pillars were burning in their eyes, but when they found that what had entered was actually just a faint human ghost, a touch of disappointment could not help but appear in the six pairs of eyes at the same time.

“It’s just such a kid, what are those guys doing!”

“Why would a guy of this level fall into Tallinn and be sent to me?”

“This is a trick on me and others, and the guards of Tallinn must be punished!”

“Don’t talk about that, kill this bug, and wait!”

“This is the Father’s command, and naturally we will not disobey it!”

A series of different sounds resounded in the dark space around Ronan.

The next second, one of the gods blew a breath of turbid air towards Ronan.

There was a bitter smell in that turbid breath, which made people almost want to be sick, and fortunately Luo Nan was now just a residual thought attached to the Golden Armor Soldier, so this disgusting breath did not have much effect on him.

Soon, however, Ronan felt as if his consciousness was gradually solidifying, like a frozen river.

After feeling this, Luo Nan directly detonated this wisp of divine thoughts attached to the Golden Armor Soldier, and together with the Golden Armor Soldier’s body, it directly turned into fly ash!

At the same time, Ronan, outside the Black Tallinn, suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he pointed directly at the black Tallinn below and shouted at Bai Qi and the others: “Destroy the array!” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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