In the body of the burning lamp, a sudden burst of Dao Dao golden light.

Between these flashes of golden light, they brazenly rushed towards Fang Mu and exploded directly around Fang Mu!


With a terrifying loud noise, a large area of space collapsed directly in the midst of this burst impact!

And this scene even attracted the attention of Odin Sol and others who were fighting.

After all, in Luonan’s area, the momentum of the battle is really too frightening!

“If he gets this blow from me, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn’t die!”

There was a hint of weakness in the sound of the burning lamp, and it was obvious that it would not be easy for him to use such a powerful attack.

However, just as the sound of the burning lamp and confidence had just fallen, Fang Mu’s figure suddenly appeared from the void.

“I’m really sorry to disappoint you, Burning the Lamp!”

Fang Mu’s voice was indifferent and he said to the burning lamp.

The lamp looked at Luo Nan, who was unharmed in front of him, and immediately widened his eyes in shock: “This is impossible, my attack even the space is shattered, how can you be unharmed!!!” ”

The lamp simply could not accept what was happening in front of him at this moment, but whether he wanted to accept it or not, the facts were in front of him.

After Fang Mu advanced to the Quasi-Saint Realm, his mastery of the Void One had far exceeded the expectations of the burning lamp.

It can be said that today’s burning lamp is simply impossible to capture Fang Mu’s speed and shape.

He naturally attacked extremely quickly and fiercely, falling into Fang Mu’s eyes, but it was just like the speed of a turtle, and he could easily avoid it!

And just when the lamp was shocked by this, Fang Mu finally took action!

A large amount of chaotic power surged in his body, directly merging into Fang Mu’s fingers.

The next moment, Fang Mu’s fingers pointed out one after another, and the incomparably powerful divine power surged forward, immediately fixing the burning lamp in place.

“Hmm, Ban Men get an axe!”

The lamp felt his body being fixed, and a cold hum immediately sounded in his mouth.

He was originally the deputy head of the Illumination Sect, and his Dao Fa was placed in the Pangu World, and there were few people who could surpass it.

After the battle of the gods, in order to break through and turn to Buddhism, he became the first person under Amitabha Buddha.

It can be said that regardless of the Buddha’s Tao, the ancient Buddhas of the Burning Lantern have extremely high attainments, and there are few that the dialect world can surpass.

And that self-fixation technique itself is one of the supreme divine powers of the Taoists, how could the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp not be?

Feeling that the body was fixed, the gaze of the burning lamp also indicated Fang Mu!

For those who are only rough in the art of fixation, it is also necessary to extend their fingers to perform this magic power.

However, the burning lamp had already slapped the Fixation Technique, and just one gaze could be displayed, directly fixing Fang Mu in place.

However, what the lamp could not imagine was that he was fixed at this moment. No more problems solved!

Because, at the end of the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger, Fang Mu had already finished casting it.

At the same time that the lamp fixed Fang Mu, a finger attached to the ancient desolate aura had already fallen from the sky and landed directly on the top of the lamp’s head!


A muffled sound directly caused a mouthful of scarlet blood to erupt from the mouth of the burning lamp, and then the whole person fell directly from the sky to the bottom.

His thin body and the protective body golden light around his body crumbled at this moment!

In the face of the bombardment of this huge finger, resist with no force at all!

And Thor, Odin, and the Frost Giant Yasheng, who were fighting in the distance, all stared at each other with wide eyes after seeing this scene!

“That finger is Lonan’s!!!”

This descended on Jotunheim and directly shattered the huge fingers of the burning lamp’s body, and they remembered it very well!

When I was in the Olympus world, it was such an identical finger that directly killed Osiris, who was a saint!

Odin Sol They had always thought that the terrible and powerful attack was the work of a strong person outside the realm, and they had never thought about Fang Mu’s body at all.

After all, if you really want to talk about it, Fang Mu is just a quasi-holy realm.

Even if he was strong, to say that he had the combat power to kill Yasheng in a second, no one would believe it.

However, when they saw that Lonan summoned this huge finger, Odin and Sol and the others had to believe that Ronan really had the ability to kill Yasheng in a second!

“This… It’s also horrible! ”

Thor murmured that although Odin had no words, the solemnity between his looks also expressed the shock in his heart at this moment.

However, only a few moments later, a smile appeared on the faces of Thor and Odin at the same time, and they began to secretly rejoice, fortunately, they had chosen the Terran alliance with the Pangu World.

Now they and the Terrans have become an offensive and defensive alliance, and Ronan is also their ally!

In this way, the more powerful Lonan is, the better it will be for them!

Speaking of the Burning Lantern Ancient Buddha, in the end, it is the first sub-saint in the Pangu World, and the strength is quite amazing!

Although the power of Ronan’s finger was terrifying, the burning lamp was still hard to carry.

Although he was seriously injured, he was not yet able to fall directly!

However, Ronan’s blow had already made the lamp lose its desire to fight again.

At this moment, the heart of the burning lamp is already full of fear!

He had his own wild hope in his heart, and his desire for sanctification made him cherish his life more and more.

How can you die in such a place before the goal is accomplished?

So after realizing that it was not Ronan’s opponent, the lamp did not hesitate to tear up the space and turn to escape!

Fang Mu saw the situation, how could he really let the lamp escape.

Burning Lantern’s choice to help the Frost Giant is equivalent to already standing on the opposite side of the Terran race.

In this case, Luo Nan is even more unlikely to have the slightest mercy for the burning lamp, if there is a chance to kill the burning lamp, Luo Nan will never hesitate!

“Want to escape?!”

With a cold snort, Fang Mu’s figure fled directly into the void and chased after the fleeing lamp.

In order to escape, the burning lamp had already begun to burn the sperm and blood to speed up.

However, no matter how much it accelerated, the speed of burning the lamp could not exceed that of Luonan, who was proficient in the Void.

In the endless chaotic void, Ronan quickly caught up with the burning lamp.

Then he pointed again at the burning lamp.

The burning lamp was shocked, if he was hit by Fang Mu once, then he was really dangerous!

Thinking of this, the lamp could only pull its throat and cry out to the endless chaotic void: “Buddha save me!” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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