“Why should a good one say more, if so, then let’s do it!”

The Lingren Clan heard the words and looked cold, knowing that there was no point in talking to the Jizo King Bodhisattva any longer, so he didn’t say much at the moment, and with a wave of his arm, the entire sky turned a fiery red again!

When the Bodhisattva King of Jizo saw this scene, he also attacked at the same time as Na Wei Daotian.

In terms of cultivation as a realm, the Bodhisattva King of Jizo is actually a little lower than Wei Datian and the Fu Ren Clan.

If it was a one-on-one battle, the Jizo King Bodhisattva would definitely not be an opponent of the Fujin clan.

But unfortunately, now the Jizo King Bodhisattva has his own reinforcements.

The combat effectiveness of Wei Daotian and the Fu Ren Clan was inherently comparable, and it could be said that it was between Bo Zhong.

And when this kind of battle between Bo Zhong suddenly inserted a sub-saint, the balance of the battle situation would soon change.

The combination of Wei Daotian and the Jizo King Oh Bodhisattva soon put the Fujin Clan into an extremely dangerous situation, from the original equal strength of the enemy, to a gradual defeat.

According to this rhythm, it will not be long before the Lingren Clan will be directly defeated.

And Wei Datian and the Bodhisattva of the Earth Treasure King naturally knew this clearly, so the attack of the two was also becoming more and more fierce, and they wanted to kill the Fu Ren Clan as soon as possible.

After all, once the Fu Ren Clan was destroyed, it was not as simple as weakening the combat strength of the Daoist side.

What’s more, once the Fu Ren Clan was destroyed, the two of them could free their hands to deal with several other sub-saints. 、

You know, in a one-on-one situation, it is very difficult to kill an Asan. 、

However, if it is in a two-on-one, or even three-on-one situation, it is much easier to completely kill a sub-saint.

In the face of the attack of the two people in front of them like a fierce wind and rain, the Fu Ren Clan also felt extremely stressed, and soon suffered a lot of injuries.

And this not a light injury, along with the continuation of time, is also spreading at a faster and faster rate.


When a green glow landed on the body of the Fu Ren Clan, the mouth of the Fu Ren Clan suddenly spewed out a touch of scarlet, and the whole person’s body also flew directly backwards, flying towards the distant sky.

However, after Wei Datian and the Bodhisattva of the Earth Treasure King saw this scene, they did not wait for half a moment, and they chased after each other, and the attack still landed on the already badly injured Fu Ren Clan.

“Work harder and try to kill this person with a single blow!”

While swinging his fists, Wei Datian shouted at the Bodhisattva of Jizo, who was fighting with the enemy at this time.

The Bodhisattva King of Jizo nodded his head, and then he slapped his palm down and slapped it hard at the Fujin clan. 、

In the palm of the Bodhisattva of the Jizo King, thousands of cultivators who had penetrated deep into the eighteenth layer of hell were cultivating the nether aura,

Once it hits the Fu Ren Clan, this Nether Qi will continue to eat away at the Fu Ren Clan like a tarsal trick.

Even if the Flintlock Clan could finally take out all of this Dark Qi from the body, it would inevitably suffer a heavy blow.

And more crucially, Wei Daotian would not give the Lingren Clan the opportunity to expel the Nether Qi at all, and his attacks would continue to fall on the Lingren Clan’s body, making the Lingren Clan tired of coping.

Therefore, it can be said that as long as the Jizo King Bodhisattva is hit by this slap, the Fujin Clan is already fierce, and basically pronounced the end of this battle!

And this chapter, just by relying on the current strength of the Fu Ren Clan, it is impossible to dodge!

“Cultivating for hundreds of millions of years, is it going to fall here, and my heart is not willing…”

The Fu Ren Clan looked at the dark breath that struck, and a strong unwillingness flashed in his eyes, he was not willing, so he died here!

However, his ending, no matter how you look at it at this moment, seems to be predestined! 、

And just as the Lingren Clan was in despair, and the faces of the Jizo King Bodhisattva and Wei Datian both flashed with victory and joy, a dark spear suddenly crossed the distant space, escaped from the void into the Pangu World, and collided with the Nether Palm struck by the Jizo King Bodhisattva!


With a soft sound, the slap that Jizo King Bodhisattva waved out with his hand was directly scattered like a blister.

There is no ability to resist at all!

And after smashing the Nether Palm, the dark spear that came from nowhere seemed to be unaffected by the slightest impact, and rushed straight to the side of the Jizo King Bodhisattva!

When the Bodhisattva saw this black mantle coming directly towards him, his face changed drastically.

Not to mention the terrifying aura emanating from this black glow, the mere fact that it could easily defeat his own nether aura made the Jizo King Bodhisattva tremble in his heart.

Therefore, at this moment, the Bodhisattva King of Jizo was also unable to care about anything else, and quickly flew backwards, while constantly pulling out various complex handprints in his hands, ready to cast spells to block this oncoming spear.

And Wei Datian, who was not far away, also intervened at the same time to help the Jizo King Bodhisattva block this black spear.

After all, Wei Daotian could also see that this black spear was very powerful, and those who could display this black spear would probably be even more powerful!

Therefore, Wei Datian couldn’t let the Jizo King Bodhisattva get injured in this spear.

Otherwise, if the combat strength of the Jizo King Bodhisattva was lost, wouldn’t he be the only one left to deal with the powerful being that had not yet appeared?

If he was adding the Fu Ren Clan who still had spare strength, Wei Daotian could not guarantee that he would really be able to retreat completely!

So at this moment, seeing that the Bodhisattva King of Jizo was facing a crisis, Wei Datian was also fighting for righteousness!

In an instant, a series of colorful light curtains appeared between the Jizo King Bodhisattva and the black spear, trying to block the impact of the black spear.

Unfortunately, these seemingly powerful barrier shields, in front of that black spear, were like children’s playthings, not worth mentioning at all!

At the moment of contact, it was smashed by the black spear like a blister, and it was impossible to stop the black spear from being bitten at all!

And in the midst of the stunned eyes of Wei Datian and the Jizo King Bodhisattva, the black spear finally crossed the layers of barriers and landed directly on the body of the Jizo King Bodhisattva.

Although the Bodhisattva of Jizo King cultivated into a golden body, he did not have half a chance when facing this terrifying black spear.

After just a few moments, the golden body directly shattered! _

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