At the level of saints, if they are bent on escaping, it is difficult to be killed.

However, once he chooses to escape from the world of his sanctification, it is equivalent to giving up the holy position and being willing to let the cultivation fall to the level of sub-sainthood.

That’s the price of escape!

Tongtian, unwilling to pay this price.

He would rather die directly in the battle of his own Immortal Sword Array than be a lost dog and carry the shame to spend the rest of his life.

Ning Wei Yu shattered rather than Waquan, this was the thought in Tongtian’s heart at this moment.

In terms of cultivation philosophy, Taishang Laojun and his two disciples are fundamentally different.

Doing nothing is the greatest achievement.

He had the vision of guarding Taoism and guarding the Pangu world, but after the vision was completely defeated by Amitabha Buddha with his own strength, Taishang Laojun was not willing to make senseless sacrifices.

The effort he could make had already been done, and the rest of the things he couldn’t change or change.

If that’s the case, it’s better to walk away!

Faced with almost the same desperate situation, the two of the three Qings chose a completely different path!

These two choices, there is no right or wrong, there is no superiority, and the difference is only the concept!

Not far away, Amitabha Buddha naturally saw the choice of Taishang Laojun and the Master of the Tongtian Sect in his eyes.

After seeing the choice of these two people, the zui corner of Amitabha Buddha could not help but emerge with a hint of mockery.

“Haha, a mangy man, a coward, this is the Taoist Second Sage!”

After an unceremonious sarcasm, the golden light in Amitabha’s hand shone brightly, and the cultivation of his body condensed in his palm, and once again he slapped at the oncoming Tongtian Sect Lord.


Obviously, Amitabha’s move was precisely to kill the Tongtian Sect Master directly like the previous Yuanshi Tianzun!

With the cultivation strength he had now cultivated after casting the arcane art, it would not be difficult to do this!

And the Tongtian Sect Master was naturally very aware of this, so he was also ready to die!

However, at the moment when the palm of the hand that was shining with golden light was about to meet the Master of the Tongtian Sect, Amitabha’s body was slammed down!

Immediately afterward, the sarcasm in Amitabha’s eyes quickly dissipated and was replaced by an unconcealed panic!

“The power that Brahma has given me is being sucked away, how is this possible?”

Amitabha Buddha was stunned, and what he did was to borrow power from the Great Brahma of the level of the Creator Saint, and force himself to have part of the Creation Saint’s battle in a short period of time

Of course, this kind of forced elevation is definitely harmful to oneself, so in the beginning, Amitabha Buddha did not choose to use it.

Later, there was no way to use it, because he found that although he could suppress Sanqing by relying on his own cultivation alone, he could not kill Sanqing.

To win this war, we must rely on the power of the Great Brahma!

And the power of the Great Brahma did not disappoint Amitabha Buddha, as soon as he struck, he forced back the two saints of Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun, and even more seriously injured the four emperors who presided over the Immortal Sword Array, and then directly killed Yuan Shi Tianzun with the speed of thunder.

This kind of power made Amitabha Buddha feel satisfied in his heart, but also more and more desired!

As long as this time the war ended in victory, after finally overthrowing the Hongjun Daoist, he would be able to sit in that position and become a being comparable to the Creation Saint!

When the time comes, he Amitabha Buddha will also have such a powerful power!

For the Hongjun Daoists, Amitabha Buddha has always been unconvinced in his heart.

In his opinion, although the Hongjun Daoist said that their cultivation strength could rival that of the Creation Sage, they had stolen the fruits of Pangu’s labor!

The position of the Hongjun Daoist should have been Pangu, otherwise why was this world called Pangu World instead of Hongjun World?

That is to say, the Hongjun Dao’s life had been dipped in light earlier, and this was the first to be sanctified, sitting in the position of the Creator Saint, as long as the Hongjun Daoist was driven down from that position, he Amitabha Buddha could naturally sit in that position!

Therefore, Amitabha Buddha is very eager for victory in this war!

But just when victory had already recruited him, Amitabha Buddha was shocked to find that the power in his body that belonged to the Great Brahma had actually loosened, and there was a tendency to leave his body.

“Could it be that Brahma is in trouble?” That’s why the power given to me will be taken back as quickly as possible? ”

For the first time in Amitabha’s mind, such a conjecture appeared.

But as soon as this conjecture appeared, it was rejected by Amitabha Buddha himself.

As a true Creator Sage, the Great Brahma was born in the endless chaotic void, and is a powerful being of the same level as Pangu and Jehovah Kaos!

What trouble can he encounter?

Moreover, if Brahma really encountered trouble and forcibly withdrew the power he had given him, he would inevitably send a message to explain it, but now he had not received any news!

“Who the hell is that, spying on my power!!”

Amitabha Buddha gritted his teeth and his divine thoughts spread, instantly encompassing half of the Pangu world!

And this also allowed him to find the target in an instant!

“It’s you guy!!”

At the same time as he roared, Amitabha’s gaze also shifted to Ronan’s body as quickly as possible.

At this moment, in the middle of the air in the distance, the sword and light sword shadow around Luo Nan’s body shuttled, and in front of him was an ancient well suspended.

In the ancient well, there are countless crescent moon levitations, and at this moment, Luo Nan’s hands are dragging a largest crescent moon, trying to pull out of the well!

“Fishing for the moon in the well?”

Amitabha’s understanding of the art of fishing for the moon in the well is limited to knowing that at this time, the powerful technique of space is enough to break through his own divine world.

But what Amitabha Buddha did not know was that the application in space was only a variant of the moon in the well, or a side function.

The real use of the art of fishing for the moon in the well is to plunder, to fish for everything under the world!

Take the heavens and the earth as the well, and all beings and all things as the moon.

Nothing can be fished!

Even the power given by the Creator Saints is the same! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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