After rushing into the holy light, Ronan was instantly shocked by the scene that appeared in front of him.

Under the barrier of holy light, there was actually a huge dark hole that was bottomless, and this dark hole seemed to pierce the nine planes of the entire world tree, and even pierced the endless chaotic void and led to the unknown place!

“Where does this cave lead!!?”

Looking at the huge cave in front of him, Luo Nan couldn’t help but exclaim.

Because, in this huge cave, the information that was vaguely conveyed was something that Ronan had never heard of.

This kind of information, Luo Nan has never felt anywhere, can be said to be very strange!

In the midst of doubt, a divine thought suddenly popped up in Ronan’s mind, directly into the bottomless abyss.

Along with the in-depth investigation of the Divine Mind, the surprise on Luo Nan’s face became more and more frequent, because under the investigation of his Divine Mind, the dark good karma was really like a bottomless pit, and his Divine Mind could now cross half the world in an instant, but now it could not touch the point of this abyss at all!

“Is it true that this abyss has pierced the entire Endless Chaos Void?”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan couldn’t help but shudder, how could he not believe that among the nine planes of the World Tree, such a terrible thing was hidden!

He knew that there were many mysteries hidden in the nine planes of the World Tree, but he did not expect that in Warnerheim, there was actually such a thing!

Being in a big world, but it was bottomless, piercing the entire endless chaotic void.

Is there any connection between this and the fact that the nine planes of the World Tree can survive from the last Huiyuan to the present?

And what makes Luo Nan even more curious is that where does this abyss lead?

Driven by this curiosity, Ronan’s divine thoughts were also constantly spreading further downwards.

In this way, after a whole day, Luo Nan’s divine thoughts still hadn’t touched the bottom of this abyss!

At this moment, Luo Nan’s expression was already full of shock.

The more bottomless this abyss became, the deeper the curiosity and shock in Ronan’s heart!

And just when Luo Nan was ready to continue to let the Divine Mind go deeper, he found a very embarrassing thing, that is, his Divine Mind had actually reached the limit of his eyes, and he could no longer continue to go down!

However, the curiosity in his heart made it impossible for Ronan to give up easily.

Therefore, Luo Nan’s gaze was also condensed, and he was immediately ready to go deep into this abyss to see what was hidden at the bottom of the abyss.

Or rather, what is the connection between this bottomless abyss!

“Anyway, with Saiyan blood, I have no fear that I can break through anywhere in this world!”

Lonan, who has Saiya’s bloodline, is fearless!

With that, Ronan’s figure flashed, and he was ready to go deep into the abyss.

However, at this moment of electric light and flint, the Dao Divine Light suddenly fell from the sky and directly hit Luo Nan’s body!


A stream of scarlet blood gushed out directly from Luo Nan’s mouth, and Luo Nan’s body also flew directly backwards, being blasted aside from the entrance of the abyss!

You know, Luo Nan has just experienced a huge increase in level, in this case, if he can hurt Luo Nan with one blow, he can’t find a few in the seven great worlds.

And the breath of this holy light can be said to be exclusive to a certain big world, so even if Ronan didn’t see his lover’s figure, he could guess who should be intercepting him at this moment!


Luo Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his thoughts suddenly spread in all directions, sweeping through the corners and corners around him.

And Luo Nan’s gaze quickly focused on a place in the sky: “Since you have come, why do you have to hide and hide, and do not want to lose the face of the creation saint?” ”

“Sure enough, as arrogant as the rumors say!”

With the sound of indifference, a tall and slender figure suddenly emerged from the sky.

This slender figure was haunted by a single holy light, and it looked quite sacred.

However, between his faces, there was an undisguised anger at the moment.

Only because of this carved in front of his eyes this boy almost ruined his big thing!!

“Originally, our well water did not violate the river water, and I didn’t need to shoot at you.” It’s a pity that you have to come to spoil my big thing, so I can’t keep you! ”

God Jehovah spoke as he walked slowly toward Lonan.

As Ronan looked at the Lord who was gradually approaching, a sneer appeared at the corner of the zui: “Although the Creation Saint is powerful, if he wants to kill me, I am afraid he will not be able to do it!” ”

“I naturally know that you have the ability to come back from the dead, but don’t think that with such ability, you can walk sideways in this world and earth.” There are so many ways to make you survive without dying! ”

As soon as the words fell, a blinding light suddenly erupted above Jehovah’s body, and then it suddenly attacked Ronan.


Tons of holy light were used towards Luonan like a tidal wave, and the degree of the tidal wave was simply appalling, and it was not at all something that ordinary people could think of.

This kind of power, Rao is Luo Nan, is also the first time to see, and he is shocked at the moment.

However, Luo Nan is Luo Nan after all, after experiencing so many battles of large and small, Luo Nan’s on-the-spot adaptability can already be said to be extremely strong.

Therefore, at the same time as seeing the tide of holy light coming, Luo Nan directly flashed his body and fled into the Endless Soul Crossing Void.

However, to Luo Nan’s surprise, those waves of holy light, like a tarsal trick, actually poured into the endless chaotic void and chased after him.

This situation made Ronan frown involuntarily.

“It seems that this wave of holy light cannot be evaded, and can only resist hard!”

With a murmur in his heart, Luo Nan didn’t say anything else, and with a slap directly waved, the majestic divine power directly poured in, forming two black dragons and heading towards the wave.

Suddenly, a scene of a black dragon tumbling in the tide of holy light suddenly appeared in the endless chaotic void! _

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