Along with Ronan’s killing, angels fell at a very fast speed, all extremely fast, and from a distance, it looked like fiery red meteors were flashing!

And each flicker represents the fall of a powerful angel, and the energy in the body of a powerful angel is also vented in the air.

If it were two angels, this catharsis of energy might not have had much effect on Warnerheim.

But when thousands of powerful angels began to crumble, the energy emitted was enough to make the whole of Warnerheim vibrate!

When Ronan finally stopped killing in his hand, he shook his head lightly and sighed, “This world is so beautiful and the scenery is pleasant, I don’t want you to destroy it!” ”

At the same time as the words fell, a circle of golden ripples kept swaying out of Luo Nan’s brow, instantly enveloping all those angels, even the two huge angels with the level of saints, all under the impact of Luo Nan’s golden divine thoughts like ripples.

As long as they were enveloped by this golden ripple, those angels instantly looked as if they had lost their gods, their eyes were directly in a trance, and then they crashed into the bottomless abyss below like meteorites, and even the two saint-level angels were no exception, all of them were shocked by the Divine Mind Attack Secret Technique cast by Ronan.

Moreover, Luonan’s spirit was extremely strong, and the strength of these cultivators was too weak, so at this moment, they were all shocked and unconscious.

Jehovah, who was originally surrounded by many angels, was also completely dumbfounded when he saw this scene, those two saint-level angels, even he could not easily create, this time he in order to deal with Ronan, even the old Ben was open.

But now, as if they had lost their souls, they actually suffocated under the shock of Luonan’s divine thoughts, and all of them fell into the bottomless abyss.

The bottomless abyss, others may not know the secret, but how can the Lord not know?

Once you fall into it, let alone an ordinary saint, even if you are a creation saint, you will never be able to come out of this end, but will fall wirelessly until you enter the other end of the abyss!

It can be said that his army of angels fell into it and was finished!

“Now it’s all right, old fellow, now that you’re alone, let’s discuss it now, what should we do next?” Ronan laughed and quipped to the Lord, but he wanted to see what the Lord would say now.

“Boy, I can’t see that your divine thoughts are so strong, it seems that this time I want to defeat you, it is not an easy task!”

Jehovah’s eyes were full of murderous intent, today he had already killed Luo, if he could not kill this boy, in the future, when Luonan grew a little longer, his trouble would be greater.

And more importantly, if he can’t stop Ronan from entering the other end of the abyss, then the mission on him will be a complete failure!

When the time comes, what awaits him must be a more terrible ending of death!

Jehovah had never imagined that Ronan’s strength was so strong that he could let these sub-saint level and even the saint level angels under his command instantly strike and fall into the abyss.

Thinking of this, the Lord looked at Luo Nan’s gaze, a little more vigilant, although he secretly had some regrets in his heart, but since Luo Nan had already started, then there was no way back to this battle, and he could only be the scalp.

Luo Nan smiled leisurely, looked at the Jehovah in mid-air, and said in a loud voice, “I can probably guess what you are worried about, this abyss I can think of as not seeing, I have little interest in it, all I need is a holy throne, if you can give me a holy seat in the world of Jehovah, you can retreat now, naturally there is nothing.” If you still insist on avenging your men, I will accompany them to the end, but it is difficult to say who is unlucky at that time, so I advise you to let go of your grudge! ”

For Lonan, what is important is the last Holy Throne, and only by obtaining that Holy Throne will his life level rise again!

However, the Jehovah in front of him is also not easy to deal with, after all, the other party is bound to be a much stronger existence of ordinary creation saints.

Therefore, Ronan is also directly seeking peace with the Lord at this moment, and it would be best if the issue of the Holy Throne could be resolved peacefully.

What is hidden under this abyss, or Jehovah’s purpose, has nothing to do with Ronan.

As long as it doesn’t affect the Pangu World, Luo Nan can leave it alone!

Unfortunately, in the face of Lonan’s proposal, Jehovah apparently did not agree with the idea.

Seeing the cold color in Jehovah’s eyes, he said in a deep voice, “Son, the Holy Throne can never be given to you!” I would like to finally advise you again, your cultivation is not easy to come by, why should you be so rampant, be careful of the end of the death, as long as you leave now, I promise not to block, even in the future I will remember this personal feeling, otherwise, we will have to see the real chapter under our hands to see who is more powerful! ”

“If that’s the case, let’s fight!”

Lonan looked indifferent, since there was no peaceful solution, then he would have to fight with the Lord!

Before the words could be heard, he slowly rose into the air and flew towards the Lord in mid-air.

“Come on, boy, you’re so crazy, today I’ll let you know what the sky is high!” Jehovah’s face flashed a sly smile, and then with a swing of his backhand, a long sword condensed from the holy light appeared directly in his hand and pointed at Lonan.

The long knife in his hand flashed silver thunder.

“Boy, I’ll make you lose well today!” The Lord roared loudly at Lonan, and the silver glow on the long sword surged like a series of silver snakes constantly shuttling.

Before the words fell, he stretched out. Out of his left hand, he held it in vain, and then a dazzling silver light immediately rippled out of his palm, and countless Thunder Dao Laws flowed out of this silver vortex, descended into the long sword, condensed into one formation rune after another, and gradually converged on the blade, making the long sword in his hand bloom with a dazzling silver glow, making it impossible for people to look directly at it. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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