After all, the quasi-gold-level BOSS is not a real BOSS, and the qi and blood and level suppression are slightly weaker than the BOSS, and Ye Luo's hit rate is also much higher, plus the tactics are obtained, so it is quite easy to deal with the two at the same time, and it is only a matter of time to solve Pang Yi and Pang Jiu.

After nearly ten minutes, Ye Luo finally emptied Pang Yi and Pang Jiu's qi and blood, and the explosion they were expecting did not happen, and there was only one light cluster where the two disappeared.

"What, a quasi-gold-level boss only drops one piece of equipment!" Looking at the explosion, Tuesday, who had a somewhat hot temper, her pretty face was full of dissatisfaction: "This is too stingy."

"Judging from the reflection of the light clusters, both of these light clusters should be cloaks. Zhou Badao, she muttered to herself: "Sister Fireworks said, the explosion rate of the cloak is very low, and sometimes it is even lower than the explosion rate of jewelry, and two capes burst out at the same time, which is not bad, after all, our current cloak level is a little low, and the luster should be silver-level, which must be very good." On

the side, Ye Luo muttered in a low voice: "Is the explosion rate of the cloak very small? How do I feel that the explosion rate of the long sword is smaller than that of the cloak, no, no, the long sword has never exploded at all."

"This is just for us, other teams have exploded a lot of long swords, especially Invite Yue Toast and Sister Feng already have silver-level long swords. Fireworks Yi said coldly, ignoring Ye Luo's wry smile, she said: "These two pieces of equipment should be silver-level, the grade is very good, and it is suitable for us to update." "

That's right, Ye Luo's cloaks are mostly bronze-level, and they are all about level 30, which can't keep up with the current mainstream equipment, and now there are two more very good cloaks, which is also very good.

"Hehe, that's true. Tuesday said, and then she urged: "Xiaoba, what are you waiting for, hurry up and take a look at the attributes of these two cloaks."

Hearing this, Zhou Ba walked over with great interest, and then everyone saw the attributes of one of the cloaks

: [Pang Yi's Cloak] (Cloak - Silver)

Physical Defense: 220-220 Magic Defense: 220-220 Strength: +90 Constitution: +90 Agility: +90 Intelligence




Additional Characteristics: Increases the wearer's evasion chance by 20% and increases damaging spell resistance by 20%.

Additional Skill

: [Sword Enhancement] Equipment Persistence: 200/200

Required Level: 45

[Sword Enhancement] (Passive Skill): Increases the power of the equipped swordsman's skill by 15%.

"Hey, why does this cloak add four main attributes, and this is only silver-level equipment?" Friday snorted, his tone full of doubts.

As we all know, Bronze-level equipment only adds one basic stat, while silver-tier equipment adds two basic attributes, but this cloak adds four basic attributes, which naturally makes Friday puzzled.

Not only her, but Jian Yi and the others also showed puzzled looks, only the fireworks were cold and thoughtful.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is an invisible change made by the brain. Seeing everyone's puzzled looks, she explained: "The cloak is a popular equipment, and all types of players can equip it, but the four attributes added to the cloak before Dark Gold are incomplete, and it is only suitable for a certain type of player, such as the martial soul type, which is very unfair to players of the magic soul type, in order to reflect the balance of the profession, so the brain system will make such changes."

Everyone nodded and began to study the cloak, and said, "I understand the dodge chance of additional characteristics, what does spell resistance mean?"

"That's right, it's resistance to skill. Fireworks Yi Leng nodded, and seeing that Jian Yi and the others understood that Ye Luo was the only one who was confused, she explained: "Most of the previous virtual online games were Western-colored, and they treated the release of skills as magic, so there is a saying about magic resistance. However, this game has a lot of characteristics of my Great China, and the attack of the magician is called a magic attack, and there is also a magic defense on the equipment, and it is not appropriate to turn the resistance to the skill into magic resistance, but it is better to call it magic resistance. Hearing

this, Ye Luo nodded, and he said to himself: "Westerners also become magic as spells, and I sometimes become magic and sometimes call Taoism, so it is quite appropriate to unify it into spell resistance." "

Hehe, 20% skill resistance, doesn't this mean that 100 points of damage will be canceled out by 20 points, which is not bad, it is quite suitable for the heavy armor class, after all, the resistance of the heavy armor type class to skills is very low. Jian Badao, and then looked at Ye Luo: "Brother Ye Luo is almost the same MT as me, this equipment is the most suitable for him, just give it to him, so he is even more qualified MT."

"It's also very suitable for Ye Luo, after all, [Sword Strengthening] is an increase in the power of sword skills, and Ye Luo has the most skills among the four swordsmen, and giving it to him can best reflect the value of this cloak." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then looked at Jian Wu and the others: "Besides, Ye Luo is responsible for anti-monster and DPS output, and he can't do it without powerful equipment, his [Snake King Cloak] is a level 30 bronze outfit, and it should have been changed a long time ago."

"Sister Fireworks, you don't have to explain, we understand. Jian Liudao, he looked at Ye Luo, and there was a faint admiration in his tone: "Brother Ye Luo operates well, has many skills, is the main output and MT of our team, he is better equipped to hold the hatred of monsters, so that we can also rest assured that we can attack boldly without worrying about messing up the hatred, which is extremely beneficial to our team." "

That's right, it's best for Brother Ye Luo. "Jian Qi has the least words, but his words are categorical and unquestionable.

Since Jian Liu and they all said this, Ye Luo did not prevaricate hypocritically, he said: "Then I will accept it, and I will give you any good equipment, my current equipment is almost the same." "

Taking over the cloak from Zhou Ba and replacing the [Snake King Cloak], Ye Luo's attributes have become a lot stronger, especially the qi and blood have increased by thousands, and he has the potential to become the main MT.

"Hehe, Hachi, hurry up and take a look at the attributes of the other cloak. Sword Fourteen, he was faintly excited: "I think these nine quasi-gold bosses will only explode one kind of equipment, that is, the cloak, and they are all level 45 silver outfits, and the skills added to the cloak are all to strengthen the skill power of a certain profession." "

The explosion of the two quasi-golden bosses is a cloak, no wonder Sword Fourteen thinks so, then the next cloak must be to strengthen the power of the professional skills of the boxer department, and he is the only boxer among the people, there is no doubt about the ownership of the cloak, and it is no wonder that he is so excited when he thinks that he is about to get a powerful cloak.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they all looked at Zhou Ba, who immediately understood, and then picked up another cloak to investigate, and then everyone found that it was really as Sword Fourteen said, the other attributes of this cloak are the same as Ye Luo's, and even the additional characteristics are increased dodge chance and spell resistance, only the attached skill is [Fist Strengthening], which increases the power of the boxer's skill by 15%.

There was no doubt that this cloak belonged to Sword Fourteen, and everyone was envious when they looked at his happy appearance.

"Hehe, don't look at me like that, I'll be embarrassed. Jian XIV smiled proudly, then looked at the other seven quasi-gold-level bosses, and said, "Let's quickly solve the other quasi-bosses, they must also burst their cloaks, and they are from other professions."

Hearing this, everyone became excited, and they all looked at the fireworks Yi Leng, one by one, looking impatient.

Nodding slightly, the fireworks Yi Leng walked towards those monsters, as before, she began to attract monsters after careful calculations, this time she attracted two monsters, Pang Er and Pang Ba, these two bosses one is a knight and the other is an archer.

Pang Er was responsible for withstanding the attacks of Ye Luo and the others, while Pang Ba was attacking while moving, and the archers' attacks were quite considerable, which also caused Ye Luo and them a lot of trouble.

Of course, it's only a little troublesome, the archer's attack power is worse than that of the swordsman, and the knight has no attack, and the battle situation stabilized after Ye Luo and they deliberately targeted the archer, and soon Pang Ba was killed, and Pang Er, who had no attack power, could not escape the fate of being killed.

As Jian 14 guessed, after Pang Er and Pang Ba were killed, they only burst off their cloaks, like [Pang Yi's cloak], they are all level 45, and even the previous attributes are the same, only the last additional skills are slightly different, these two cloaks increase the power of knight and archer skills respectively.

Pang Er's mantle was given to Jian Ba, after all, he was the strongest of the three knights, and the final boss had to let him fight against Ye Luo, while the archer's cloak was returned to Fireworks Yi Leng without suspense, after all, she was the strongest among the three archers, and her skills were a little more than Jian Eleven.

Seeing that the situation was really as guessed, everyone was even more excited, and they couldn't wait to find trouble with the last five quasi-gold-level bosses. also knew everyone's intentions, and the fireworks were easy to cold and continued to attract monsters, but this time they attracted three monsters.

Pang San, Pang Si and Pang Liu, a berserker, a magician, and a priest, quite a troublesome combination, after all, magicians and berserkers are both high-explosive professions, but the priest can add blood to them in the back, and even cast the [Resurrection] skill on them.

However, this is not a big problem for the fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luo, they have updated their cloaks, their strength has improved a lot, and they have taken the lead in targeting the priest, under the repeated sneak attacks of Jian Yi and Jian San, the priest has been controlled, while Jian Ba and Ye Luo have attracted the hatred of Pang San and Pang Si, so that they cannot support.

Soon after, Pang Liu was killed, and the next situation was even simpler, Pang San and Pang Si were also killed under the attack of everyone's fire, and then left three cloaks, which were equipped by Saturday and others, and their strength was improved again.

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