The 100 toad skins are about to be collected, and Ye Luo is a little tired of killing the young toad, and is ready to kill two more heads to complete the task and then kill the higher-level monsters. With this in mind, he swung his novice sword and slammed it into the eye of a young toad, sending a purple damage number out of '106'.

"Hey, I'm lucky, I have 106 damage points with critical hits and vital attacks. Ye Luo sighed lightly, but he was even more pleasantly surprised when he saw the two light clusters on the ground, because there was a piece of equipment on the ground in addition to a toad skin.

After killing so many monsters, Ye Luo had also experienced purple damage a few times, and he knew that only critical hits and vital attacks would be like this. Vital attack, as the name suggests, is to attack the vital point of the monster, which is orange damage, and generally increases the damage by 30% to 50%.

Pick up the toad skin and copper coins, and then the attributes of the dropped equipment are also about to come out

: [Toad Arm Guard] (Arm Guard * Novice Village Equipment)

Defense: 3-3

Equipment Lasting: 100/100

Need Level: 1

is the equipment you need, Ye Luo immediately equipped, and his defense has also risen to 10 points, so his defense is not far behind players of the same level.

"Hehe, good luck, got another piece of equipment. Ye Luo smiled, he was in a good mood: "I can complete this task by killing a young toad again, and with my current defense power, I won't lose too much blood to find a level 2 or 3 monster, and I still don't need to take pills." Suddenly

, a dull cry sounded in Ye Luo's ears, and he followed the sound to see a toad two or three times larger than a young toad staring at him, with a pair of bulging eyes with a bit of anger, looking like he wanted to choose someone to devour.

"What a big toad, it's a boss. Ye Luo exclaimed, he hurriedly investigated

: [Toad King] (small boss)

Level: 3

Attack: 9-10

Defense: 15

Qi and Blood: 2000

Skill: [Toad Poison Bomb] [Toad Poison Bomb]:

The Toad King condenses the poisonous gas in his body into an energy bomb, the attack bonus is 20%, and it will poison the target, losing 5 points of qi and blood per second, lasting 20 seconds, and the release interval is 30 seconds.

Seeing the attributes of this toad king, Ye Luo gasped, with his current strength, he was afraid that he would die for a lifetime, especially the toad poison bomb attack, not to mention the attack bonus of 20%. Just saying that he lost 5 points of qi and blood per second for 20 seconds after being poisoned, it was not something he could bear.

Not only him, but any player below level 3 will hate it when they encounter it, after all, they can't solve this toad king in two or three minutes, and with their general 100-200 qi and blood, they can't withstand two toad poison bomb attacks.

"What should I do, why don't you give up?" Ye Luo muttered, but he quickly abandoned this idea: "The boss of the novice village is extremely hard to find, and if you miss it, you will never meet it again, fight for it, anyway, the gamer will not fall off the level if he dies before level 10." If I win, I'll earn it.,It's said that boss-level monsters will drop equipment.。 It's

not that Ye Luo is arrogant, but after his careful analysis, he has a certain chance of winning against this toad king.

At this time, he had 10 small blood return pills, which was considered to be a sufficient supply. In addition, he also has a small antidote pill, this elixir can be immune to primary toxin attacks, according to his inference, it should be immune to the toxin damage attached to the toad poison bomb of the Toad King, after all, the small antidote pill can be immune to the miasma of the poisonous miasma swamp, and the Toad King is only a level 3 mini-boss.

Having made up his mind, Ye Luo calculated the distance, and then swung his novice sword and slashed at the Toad King's eyes, only to hear a 'poof', the Toad King dodged, only to attack its head, and a yellow damage jumped out of the '17'.

With an angry cry, the Toad King's sticky tongue popped out, like lightning, and attacked Ye Luo, he only felt a pain, and lost 9 points of qi and blood, which was barely acceptable.

Ye Luo was very dissatisfied, not that he was dissatisfied with his attack, but that he did not dodge the Toad King's attack.

"This toad king's attack speed is much faster than those young toads, I didn't dodge it for a while, it seems that I will have to be faster next time. Ye Luo muttered to himself, although he thought about this, but he didn't move, and slashed through with a sword.

After slashing this sword, Ye Luo did not hesitate and quickly retreated, this time successfully dodging the Toad King's attack, which made him feel more confident, and he attacked and dodged while calculating the Toad King's attack frequency.

However, the Toad King's attack speed is faster than those young toads, and the attack distance is also a little farther, so the probability of him successfully dodging is not too high, and he can only dodge once in three times on average.

Half a minute later, the Toad King lost 200 points of qi and blood, which was already one-tenth of its total qi and blood, and Ye Luo's blood volume was only 48 points, which was less than half.

Seeing this, Ye Luo decisively swallowed a small blood return pill, a green number appeared above his head, and his qi and blood were suddenly replenished by 30 points. And in the next 10 seconds, it will increase with 3 points of qi and blood per second, plus the automatic blood return of the Battle Soul Crystal, his qi and blood will be full almost within 10 seconds.

Ye Luo quickly calculated and found that it only took 5 or 6 minutes to kill this Toad King, and he had a small blood return pill supply, so he should have a good chance of persevering.

Thinking like this, Ye Luo continued to attack, but suddenly the Toad King's belly bulged high, and a dangerous aura flowed out.

With a move in his heart, Ye Luo knew that the Toad King was about to launch his skills, and he swallowed a small antidote pill without hesitation, and his body was also dodging rapidly.

That's right, the Toad King activated his skill, and a fist-sized turquoise energy bullet roared like lightning, and Ye Luo couldn't dodge it at all. He only felt a sharp pain in his body, and a yellow number of '20' appeared on the top of his head, so that the qi and blood that had just risen dropped a little again.

And that's not all, the energy bomb shattered, and a fishy venom rushed to the face, and the smell was disgusting.

However, to Ye Luo's delight, he did not have a continuous damage number, and it was obvious that the little detoxification pill was immune to this toxin attack.

Seeing this, Ye Luo was at ease and continued to attack, this time he was lucky, a sword stabbed in the toad king's eye, and an orange damage of '24' appeared, obviously this was a vital attack.

Ye Luo was even more excited, more preoccupied with the attack, at this time he seemed to return to the scene where he practiced swordsmanship, fully engrossed, only the target, and nothing else.

Constantly attacking and dodging, the qi and blood fell below 50 points and swallowed the small blood return pill, as Ye Luo became more and more focused, the success rate of his dodging the Toad King's attack gradually increased, and the Toad King's qi and blood continued to decrease.


Although the Toad King also launched several toad poison bombs during this period, causing a lot of damage to Ye Luo, he had a small detoxification pill immune toxin, and a small blood return pill as a supply, and his qi and blood have always been kept above the safety line.

Not far away, a female player saw this scene, she calmly watched all this, and after finding out the attributes of the Toad King and Ye Luo's level and the damage to the Toad King, she quickly calculated Ye Luo's attack with her ability.

"This Ye Luo Zhiqiu's attack is around 15 points, and his defense is around 10 points, level 2, he should be a full attribute plus point. The female player said lightly, and then calculated something, her beautiful eyes lit up: "He has two pieces of equipment, leg guards and arm guards, so his basic attributes are very poor, almost only 1-2 points, could it be that he is the best waste that is widely circulated in this novice village?".

Although the player cannot detect the player's attributes through the detector, they can see which equipment the player is equipped based on what they are wearing, and this woman is good at analyzing and collecting information, and it just so happens that someone in her team has the same equipment, so she knows the attributes of these two pieces of equipment.

Although she was guessing, this person's tone was quite determined, and she muttered after deducing this: "It seems that he should have taken that Heavenly Tribulation Trial mission like me, but he sacrificed far more basic attribute points than me." According to the principle that the more you sacrifice, the greater the benefit, and he will get more benefits than me after completing the task.

Then, this female player also saw Ye Luo's operation, and she frowned slightly: "His operation is so strange, it seems that he is a little unsuitable for this way of fighting, and looking at his shooting angle and pace under his feet, he should be a master in reality, so he has just come into contact with the game."

"It's not easy to have such a level just when you first come into contact with the game, and you will grow up to be a rare master. The woman groaned, but did not step forward, her expression was indifferent: "It's better to wait for him to grow up, at least he can complete the Heavenly Tribulation Mission, otherwise ......"

Thinking like this, the woman didn't continue to look at it, she turned around and left, ready to complete her mission.

Ye Luo was fully engaged in the battle, and did not notice that he was watched by a female player for a few minutes, but according to his temperament, even if he did, he would not pay attention to it.

The battle continued, Ye Luo finally solved the toad king after spending nine small blood return pills, and at this time his qi and blood were only 45 points, seeing that there was only one blood return pill left, Ye Luo said: "It seems that I have to get Hua Lao to learn alchemy as soon as possible, otherwise I won't be able to beat such a boss in the future, wouldn't I be depressed to death." Letting

the qi and blood slowly recover, Ye Luo began to investigate the harvest this time.

The Toad King gave Ye Luo 3,000 energy experience and 10 prestige, and he finally rose to level 3 and continued to increase his full strength, at this time his attack had reached 23 points, his defense had reached 11 points, and his qi and blood had reached 140 points, and his strength had increased by a cut again.

Having no time to rejoice at the upgrade, Ye Luo hurriedly investigated what the Toad King had dropped after his death.

After the Toad King's death, the corpse turned into a ray of light and dispersed, and the place where it died floated several clusters of light and 5 silver coins.

Picking up the silver coins, Ye Luo focused his attention on the clusters of light, one of which was a toad skin, but it was much more advanced than the toad skins collected in the previous missions.

[Toad King's Skin] (Tier 3 Tailor Material)

Introduction: The skin condensed by the essence of Toad King's body after his death is quite tough, and can be handed over to the tailor to make a good piece of equipment.

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