Ye Chen said so, striding forward.

   Seeing this, the women hurriedly followed. All of them are legendary except Amy. Although the number is small, they are not afraid of thousands of troops.


   Vivia expressed puzzlement: "Is it possible?"

   "Yes, is it possible?"

   "I still think I have to conquer by force."

   Aisha and Amy communicated privately, not that they didn't believe in Ye Chen, but that the Free Tree Kingdom often bought and sold slaves, but the premise was that they had fought.

   Only by conquering by force can the opponent obediently surrender.

  Especially Amy, since she became the marshal of the empire, she has become quite interested in marching and fighting, and she hopes to give her a chance immediately and try her hand.



   Seeing Liya and Amy turn their heads, Eluru quickly took the cake in her mouth: "Hmm! I, I didn't steal it!"


   Aisha, Amy, and Liya, the three girls exchanged eyes with each other.

   Ice Queen Aisha: ‘Miss Eluru, it seems unreliable. ’

   Empire Marshal Amy: ‘Isn’t she a prophet, she doesn’t give your Majesty opinion? ’

   Liya, the daughter of the stars: ‘every time I see her, she’s stealing food, how about you? ’

   Aisha: ‘Steal. ’

   Amy: "Steal. ’

   Liya: ‘……’

  ‘It’s no help, this woman! ’

   Amy and Liya had envy and hatred for the 15-year-old girl, Iruru, and hated iron for nothing.

   "It's not easy for other races, such as the Kraken, you have to fight."

   "The same goes for the harpy," Ye Chen said, "They were cursed and turned into beasts with no mind."

   "But the next centaur heroes are different," Ye Chen said: "They were originally very noble citizens of the Storm system. They have trained countless heroes, heroes and strong men, and are called the heroes of ancient legends."

   "In addition, like Eluru, they also have the ability to watch the stars and divine the future."

"of course."

   Ye Chen: "They are not so powerful and cannot see the future directly."

   "But through divination, some results can be generally known, similar to powers such as hunch, inspiration, and intuition."

"and so……"

   Ye Chen stood on a high place in the wilderness, looking at the centaur heroes rushing in the distance, standing with his hands holding hands: "They may have known we are coming."

   Before Ye Chen could speak, Liya and Phil disappeared behind him at the same time.

   The next moment, the clear sky was replaced by a starry night.


   Two light blue sword auras cut through the field and fell in front of all centaur heroes, leaving two bottomless abysses.

Chapter 0140


   Two star daughters wore long skirts, one left and the other right, floating in front of all the centaur heroes.

   The skirt hem dances without wind, and the two moonlight swords in his hands bring unprecedented pressure to the centaur heroes.

   "Top Legend!"

   Ordinary Legend vs. Tier 5 boss, 1 hit 100.

   But the top legend, one can play at least 500-!

   What's more, Liya and Phil can join hands to fuse, awakening as an epic incarnation of the void.

   Once she is born, she may not be able to kill all the centaur heroes present, but killing one third is absolutely fine.

   "Please don't get angry, you two."

   "I'm not malicious in waiting."

   The centaur tribe slowly stepped aside, and only saw a woman: "Introduce myself, my name is Ke Rong, I am the chief of the centaur tribe on the island of Vulcan."

   "I am honored to be here, the great hero of the storm, the future king of Atlantis!"

   In order to show their friendship, with Ke Rong as the head, all the centaur bend their limbs in front of Ye Chen and kneel to him.

   "I was a little surprised."

   Ye Chen floated slowly, he leaped over the gully and fell in front of Ke Rong: "I heard that centaur heroes regard dignity as everything, and never bow to their knees."

"that is because……"

   Ke Rong raised his head, looked at Ye Chen, and was about to speak, but his pupils shrank suddenly.

  ‘These two women. ’

'what happened? ! ’

   She saw Elumina and Elise, but in her prediction, there was absolutely no presence or information of them.

  ‘God! ’

   Ke Rong looked at Ye Chen incredulously: "You are greater than I thought."

   At this time, a stranger from the Eighth Realm actually conquered two goddesses and took them under his command. Such strength was quite powerful even in the Storm Realm back then.

   No wonder she got such a reply when she had astrology before.


   Ye Chen asked: "Because of prophecy? I have heard that Centaur can capture the trajectory of destiny through the trajectory of stars, so what do you see?"

   "A great king will come here, he will add to the inheritance of Ottanmore and become the new king of Atlantis!"

   "Assist him, this will be the destiny of the Centaur race, and the only chance to return to the glory of the ancestors."


   Ye Chen chuckled softly, as he thought, they could see it.

   Since Ilulu saw the future of her trip, the Centaur must have a certain premonition.

   Even if I can't see the screen, I don't know the reason and the process.

   But the result, they will be able to analyze it.

   So before coming, Ye Chen discussed with Elise.

   Elise also believes that the centaur clan will definitely follow the general trend and actively surrender.

   "I accept your allegiance."

   "Thank you! Centaur! Salute you!"

   Ke Rong was extremely excited, and her attitude was very positive: "But because of the contract, we need you to obtain the Atlantis inheritance before we can belong to you, become your strength, and sign the beast soul contract with you."

   There is no need to operate the Favorability Degree, the Centaur clan on the island of Vulcan can sign a beast soul contract with Ye Chen as soon as they come up.


   Ye Chen doesn't need to ask Yilulu and Elise again, he knows that his feelings and plans are correct, just continue.

   Although the two women are powerful, Ye Chen has always restrained himself and exercised his judgment and analysis skills on a daily basis.

   "Get up, you shouldn't kneel on the ground."

   "The glory of the centaur should be obtained from the battlefield!"

   Ye Chen's understanding of the centaur family, as well as this recognition and respect, made all the centaurs present happy.

   "Thank you! Our future master."

   Centaur heroes are a race with very strong self-esteem. If they surrender, it must be true and it is impossible to deceive.

   "Although you don't belong to me for the time being," Ye Chen: "But I hope you can do me a favor in advance."

   "Please show me!"

   "Next I'm going to attack the territory of the Cyclops," Ye Chen said: "I need you to help me, join us, defeat them, and then capture them."

   Cyclops, one of the three major storm monster races on Vulcan Island.

   They are different from centaur.

   Centaur, in Ye Chen's words, is called a wise man who knows the time.

  Of course, they are not a clown.

   Ke Rong does not have a master, in this case, of course she will choose a better future.

   But once there is a master, and Ye Chen is the master, the centaur is the most loyal fighter, they will not betray, let alone give up.

   But the Cyclops, they are not as smart as the Centaur.

   To put it simply, IQ is arrears.

   But their IQ is not the cursed result of the Harpy, they are not bright in their own brains.

   So the Cyclops must be conquered by force, and can only be conquered by force.

   Think about it this way, Uttanmore’s treasure exploration, seven levels.

   The siren and the banshee are a diversion of the army, directly causing heavy losses, and then the centaur clan is called the leader of the whole clan, extremely powerful, and is a siege to the top combat power.

   Next, the Cyclops is a great moat.

   When you lose the numerical advantage of the army, lose the magic weapon, and even the top combat power is injured, how do you fight with them again?

   However, Ottanmore also prepared a strategy.

  For example, centaur heroes, if you are destined to get treasure, they will not attack, but will join you.

   But it is too difficult to be unique in fate.

   Uttanmore doesn't want to torture adventurers, he also has to pass on his power, let the monsters, let Atlantis rebirth.

   Therefore, if Ye Chen really has the ability to attack the island of Vulcan, from this moment on, he is destined to succeed.

   Centaur heroes will join and help him, and the road will be smoother.

   Ye Chen will not lose power here, but will get a huge increase and become even stronger!

   This is what Ottanmore meant.

   "Ke Rong asks to go with you."


   Ye Chen accepted the centaur girl, she let Ye Chen ride on her horse, and ran forward with Ye Chen on her back, thus swearing her loyalty.

   "It makes you tired."

   Ye Chen knows that such behavior is no less than the greatest humiliation to a Tier 6 centaur king like her.

   But she still wants to do this, she can see her determination.

   A soldier who is loyal to him, Ye Chen has always been considerate and gentle: "Does Cyclops have any way to deal with it?"

   Elise has a plan, but no plan is static.

   If Ke Rong has a better way, Ye Chen is willing to adopt it.

Item 0141

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