But you have seen it, what's the point?

   You have been recruited!

   I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it.


"my eyes!!"

"what is this?!"

   "Medusa, this is the magic eye of Medusa!!"

   Everyone is curious. When the opposite party makes a trick, the first reaction of the cyclops is of course not to close their eyes.

   They will see, they will observe.

   And the result is that they are miserable...

   The remote artifacts cannot be used because they don’t know where the target is.

   The artifacts at close range are also unusable, because the enemies are too small and they are too huge, and if one is not careful, they will hit their own people.

   "Who can still see?"

   "Who, who can still see?!"

   Lu Fei Moss kept shouting that he is the king of the cyclops, and he is the tier 7 legendary unit ‘Titan’.

   But he looked at the magic eye and looked straight!



   Lu Fei Mos only heard the screams constantly coming, he knew that even if someone had vision, it would be useless.

   Except for him, most of the cyclops have low IQs.

   They couldn't command other companions to fight at all.

   What's more, this kind of magic eye is too open.

   What's the use of your command?

   The magic eyes are not closed, how do you direct them, do you dare to open your eyes?

   Those who are blind cannot see, those who are not blind dare not look.

   This is strategic magic. Once it appears, there is no way to crack it, and it is almost dead.

   "Medusa's magic eye, where is the nemesis of the cyclops," Ye Chen said with emotion: "This is simply the enemy of all creatures with vision."

   Fortunately, Medusa's magic eyes cannot be maintained for a long time, and it consumes too much.

   But even so, the Cyclops won’t be able to recover their eyesight within half or an hour.

   What's more, with Elise's kingdom of God, the time that Medusas can maintain their magic eyes has greatly increased.

   At least twenty minutes or more, no problem.

   For twenty minutes, Ye Chen had the confidence to crush those cyclops who lost their direction, were completely chaotic, had ten percent strength, and were unable to perform.

   "Lord Lord."

   Ke Rong stepped forward: "I think I can try to surrender."

   Cyclops refuse to admit defeat and will not surrender easily, but they are not people who cannot afford to lose.

   If they lose, they are willing to admit the victory of the strong.

Chapter 0147 The King Of Demons, Typhon


   So, Ye Chen floated in the air with the three daughters of stars, and he shouted: "The Cyclops has been defeated, so when will you wait?!"


   Lv Fei Mosi heard Ye Chen's voice, if it were before, he would definitely be extremely angry.

   But Ye Chen was right, he had already defeated them.

  According to the rules of the Vulcan Island, Lu Feimos needs to recognize Ye Chen as the victor. He passed the level of Cyclops and has the qualifications to continue challenging the treasure of the Pirate King.

   "You have won, the strong!"

   "My compatriots, please be quiet, we lost..."

   With the sound of Lu Fei Mosi's voice, the cyclops who were still in chaos began to calm down.

   They knew that the battle was over, so they resisted the pain and sat on the ground one by one.

   Having lived in the Vulcan Islands for countless years, the Cyclops also yearned for the outside world. Now Ye Chen has defeated them head-on, giving them reasons to surrender to him.


"where are you?"

   "Please forgive me for being rude, unable to find your location."

  Lyphemus was like a blind man, raising his hands and fumbling forward.

   "I'm here."

   Ye Chen didn't worry that Lu Fei Mosi would suddenly turn back and attack him.

   Cyclops are reckless and savage, but they have an ancient tradition and worship and admire the strong.

   Ye Chen defeated them by strength, and they should be surrendered.

   "Ge Lala!"

   The sea was frozen, Lv Fei Mosi noticed the cold, he strode forward, stepping on the ice, and walking towards the source of Ye Chen's sound alone.

   "Oh! Ooh!"

   The bound Essex felt her father's breath, and she struggled quickly.

   "Is my son okay?"

   Lu Fei Moss could not see, but he could perceive his daughter's breath. Ye Chen said, "It's okay. I just jumped out by myself and I caught him."

   "Thank you for your kindness."

   Cyclops’ lair has not been awakened. If it is killed at this time, even if Ye Chen occupies the lair, Essex cannot be resurrected.

   That's why Ye Chen didn't kill anyone.

   He wanted to take down all these armies, instead of exchanging huge sacrifices for the ultimate victory like Celia in the previous life.

   "Centaur heroes, and the Medusa clan."

   "That's it."

Lu Feimos knew how Ye Chen won, and he got the recognition of the other two clans: "Crossed the Sea-Monster Canyon, crossed the Banshee Islands, conquered the Centaur, led Medusa, and resisted our clan from the front. Offensively, and played such a huge advantage."

   "The Cyclops is willing to surrender, please trust my sincerity, great king!"

   There is no need to play again, this is the same as playing Go, the Cyclops is gone.

   Maybe other Cyclops can't see it, but Lu Fei Mos knows very well that even if they fight again, they will lose.

   In this case, there is really no need to increase casualties.

   "I accept your allegiance."

   Ye Chen trusted Lv Fei Moss, because the character of the Cyclops is worthy of his belief.

   That's it, Ye Chen waited for 10 minutes.

   Lu Fei Moss' eyesight has returned to normal, but the other Cyclops are still in chaos and still need to wait for a while.

   "The Great King."

   Lv Fei Moss called Ye Chen like this: "I admire your strength and courage."

   "You have passed the five tests on the island of Vulcan, but I want to ask you a question."


   "Do you want to pass the final test?"

   In the final test, Ye Chen was a little puzzled: "You said that is the seventh level?"

"Do not!"

   Lv Fei Mosi said solemnly: "The eighth one!"


   Ye Chen was stunned for a moment. He looked at Yilulu, only to see Yilulu who was eating snacks turned his head when the battle was over.

   Okay, this girl knew that there was an eighth level, but she didn't explain to Ye Chen.

   But Ye Chen didn't ask either. If Yilulu didn't say it, then it proved that he would be fine as long as he followed his own thoughts.

   "I want to hear about the eighth level."

   "That's an ancient secret," said Lu Fei Moss. "It is also the cause of the fall of Saldo Yordeon among the seven pirate kings."

  Saldo Yordeon, the legendary boss of the Olympus family in the country of storms, even among the top seven pirate kings.


   Ye Chen: "Is it a god?"

   "It's not a god," Lu Fei Moss said: "It's a being stronger than a god!"


   Ye Chen really hadn't heard of this, because Celia didn't seem to have played this level in her previous life.

   "It is sealed under the island of Vulcan. Once released, the entire island will collapse."

   "However, you can choose not to release it."

   Lu Fei Moss: "There is a powerful seal here that can be suppressed forever, so the choice is yours."

   "What are the benefits?"

   Compared to the strength of the enemy, Ye Chen wanted to know what benefits he could get.

   "Legendary unit building."

   Lu Fei Moss said: "And a very powerful artifact!"

   "Poseidon Trident?"

   "It's not it," Lu Fei Moss: "You are not a mermaid royal family. It is useless to get this artifact."

   "What I said is another item..."

   "God Killing Fire!"

   Without waiting for Lu Fei Moss to speak, Ye Chen said bluntly: "The legendary Olympus's sword of judgment has fallen?!"

Eluru and Elise told Ye Chen what they knew at the same time, and the latter looked at Lu Feimos: "The sealed monster you mentioned can rival the entire Olympus on its own. The ancestor of the monster of the gods, Typhon?!"

  Tifeng, the most famous villain of the storm system, is also the natural enemy of the Olympus arms and the gods.

   He is extremely powerful and invincible.

   used his own power to destroy the Olympus **** system and enslaved almost all the gods.

   But in the end, with the help of the pirate kings, Olympus successfully defeated Typhon.

   This is a myth, but no one knows how it turned out.

   Of course no one knows!

   Otherwise, everyone knows that Typhon was sealed on the island of Vulcan, isn't it a curse for himself?

   "The power of Typhon has been declining over the years."

   "It just so happens that the eighth kingdom has come."

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