Because of Ye Chen's side, some are top legends.

  The number of their legends is twice that of the legendary pirates, and their overall strength is far superior to this seventh level.

   So, a battle without suspense.

   It lasted for a long time, but there was no accident in the end. Ye Chen won and successfully defeated all the legendary pirates.

"thank you."

   As the dead soul of a legendary pirate fell, he gratefully said to Ye Chen: "I can finally return to the embrace of the sea."

   The great warrior who crossed the sea and the fearless adventurer finally fell into the adventure.

   Ye Chen killed them and liberated them.



   Ye Chen left the final blow to Vivia. After the battle of the children of the stars, she only needed 5 legendary experience to break through to the epic.

   has now received five legendary experience points, and Vivia's epic breakthrough is about to come.


   The terrible fluctuation of magical power was accompanied by the power of blood pouring crazily, and Vivia's figure was changing.

   Her appearance has not changed, only a bright red dress draped in her appearance.

   Wei Wei Ya is still Wei Wei Ya, but the look between her brows is getting colder and more noble, she fell from the sky and slowly landed beside Ye Chen.

   "The mortal dust."

   Weiwei Ya looked at Ye Chen's gaze more gently: "I have advanced to epic."

   She was Ye Chen's woman, she dedicated her first time to him.

  Vivia is now no longer a hunter, but a special epic hero unit named "Emperor Cain".

  Epics are unique. There are no two epics that are exactly the same in this world.

  【Emperor Cain-Vivia】

   Level: Epic

  Qualification: Legend

   Faction: Blood Moon Kingdom

   Introduction: The demon hunter who once cultivated the evil god, buried himself because of condemnation, signed a contract with Fan Chen, beheaded an evil **** for her, and dedicated his soul to Fan Chen.

Skills: Apocalypse (a unique epic magic system mastered by Vivia), Blood Moon Hunter (every time a Blood Moon monster is killed, a certain probability of obtaining its talent), Blood Curse (with infinite power, every time A successful attack will bring countless curses), the blood kingdom (the power of the domain), the law (surpassing reality, the law, and the powerful power of magic), and the conviction (the damage caused by Vivia cannot be recovered before being out of the battle) , Eternal Night's Sleep (Objects killed by Vivia cannot be resurrected using the resurrection ability)

   Passive: The corpse sleeps peacefully (when the health value is cleared, it will fall into a coma, and then instantly reset its own state, the cooling time is one day), the unbelievers (completely immune to divine power, free from divine oppression and restriction)

   Talent 1: Kingdom of Death (the enemy killed by Vivia will become her blood servant and continue to fight for it in a short time)

  Talent 2: Blood Queen (Can give blood moon people blood blood)

   Talent 3: Mother of the Witch (for units with Witch characteristics, cause 500% damage)

   Talent 4: The Devil Dances (When the goodwill reaches 100, you must choose to dedicate your heart to the Demon King who gets you, and be controlled by it)

   Inheritance weapons: armor of the blood emperor, spear of the blood emperor, sword of the blood emperor.

   looked at Vivia's new attributes, and the epic profession and race named Empress Cain, which belonged exclusively to Vivia.

   Today's Vivia is definitely Ye Chen's most powerful existence, not one of them.

   "The mortal dust."

   While Ye Chen admired Vivia's attributes and understood her skills, passivity and talent, Vivia condensed a blood-red crystal.

"this is……"

   "This is my witch's heart."

  Vivia offered the blood crystal to her hands: "It belongs to you."

  Vivia is not a mermaid, but she also has a similar defect of passiveness, that is, when her favorability towards someone reaches 100, she must give the other person the witch's heart.

   Otherwise, Vivia will be tortured by boundless lust.

  Viviya is also the son of god, she inherited the bloodline of "Lilith", the mother of the demon **** in the ancient times of the blood moon kingdom.

   Lilith is the goddess of desire, which makes Vivia inherit some bad things.

   If she didn't give her to Ye Chen for the first time, Vivia would naturally be a cold and pure ascetic.

   Ye Chen's favor and favor, Vivia couldn't refuse.

   So, she became Ye Chen's woman.

   In this way, the contract that the witch and the demon king dance together is reached, and Ye Chen will become the only person in this world who controls her desires.

   Anytime, as long as Ye Chen has that idea, Vivia will inevitably be weak and let it be at her mercy.

   Of course, in this disguised form, except for Ye Chen, Vivia will not have any feelings for any opposite sex.

  She will only belong to Ye Chen, and she will live forever!

Item 0150


   When Ye Chen got the witch's heart, he naturally knew its effect.

   "Vivia, don't worry."

   Ye Chen immediately promised through the soul contract: "I will never use its power."

   This thing is really a bit too much, it doesn't fit Ye Chen's love for Vivia.

   It is a process of liking each other between men and women, but this thing, it is more like an external force, Ye Chen does not need, and will not rely on this kind of thing to make Vivia succumb.

   "It's okay, me, I don't mind."


   Ye Chen is a very serious person: "Cough, then, there will be a chance in the future, try?"

   Can the matter between husband and wife be called disrespect?

   What's more, when Vivia tried for the first time, it was obvious that she didn't hate that feeling.

  The pursuit of happiness for the blood moon people is very cheap, and Vivia is already very satisfied with Ye Chen's companionship.

   "Vivia has broken through the epic."

   Ye Chen quickly changed the subject, he said to everyone: "We also have Tier 8 combat power, even if Tifeng breaks out next, Vivia can also confront him head-on."

   "Don't worry about the world," Vivia: "I will try my best."

   "It's okay."

   Ye Chen smiled and said: "We are not in the state of the blood moon experience. Now, we have enough combat power and troops."

  Tifeng is after all mythological qualifications, and it is also the most powerful group in mythology.

   Really fight, Vivia definitely does not have the advantage.

   But Ye Chen still has an army.

   So it is not them that should worry, but Typhon who broke the seal!

   "We must first control the entire power of the Vulcan Islands in our hands."

   Ye Chen stepped forward, and Lv Fei Mos knew the place where Typhon was sealed, just below the cemetery.

  Ego is a thief. He easily discovered the secret of this tomb, found the entrance to the sealed altar, and stole the artifact that suppressed Typhon.


   Ye Chen pulled out the Seagod Trident. He couldn't use its power, but with this thing, Ye Chen could make a contract with the monster lair on the island of Vulcan.

   Once the contract is completed, Ye Chen will be able to obtain all the existing units on the island of Vulcan.

   Besides, he is not in a hurry.

  Tifeng is right below, how long it takes to attack it, this is not a problem.

   Even if Ye Chen passed by after ten and a half days, it was nothing.

  【Poseidon Trident】

   Level: Normal

   Effect: None

  Requirement: Mermaid royal blood

  【The Godhead of the Ocean Goddess】

   Level: Myth

   Effect: Give the godhead of the sea goddess

  Requirement: Mermaid royal blood

   There are many things here, very many.

   Although there are a large number of troops available outside, with Ye Chen's strategy, he is likely to get a huge army of monsters.

   But don’t forget, this is a treasure house.

   Since it is a treasure house, of course there are countless treasures of gold and silver. Ye Chen originally came for this, isn't it?

   "Are the gold coins counted?"

  The harvest here is naturally gold coins, a lot of gold coins.

   "A total of 4 million gold coins."

   Two million gold coins, plus the four hundred and fifty thousand in Ye Chen's previous hand, make a total of 4.45 million gold coins.

   This allowed Ye Chen to escape poverty all at once and officially became a rich man.

   "44.5 billion RMB!"

   This money may not be a big deal in the eyes of super rich women like Celia, but for some large companies, it is already quite courageous to inject funds of this amount into a game.

   Huang Qishan’s company has lost 100 billion in Oblivion.

  Of course, many companies now regret it very much.

   They want to get more gold coins. Unfortunately, the game has turned off the recharge function, even if you get a 100 trillion bank data in your hand, it doesn’t make any sense.

   So, Celia really became the double rich woman in reality and the game.

   She holds a lot of money in her hands and is a big red in front of any forces.

   "My current financial strength is no longer inferior to those forces."

   may not be comparable to the top-notch, but it is more than inferior, at least Ye Chen doesn't care about the Mu family.

"and this."

   Ye Chen picked up something that looked like a sheepskin scroll: "Admiral Order."

   This is actually something similar to a territory item, which allows the player to establish a territory near the sea.

  Islands, seashores, everything is fine.

   But the storm’s territory is flawed, and it cannot be established inland.

   If it is a large water system such as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River that enters the sea, it would be okay, but a lake that does not rely on the sea, even if there is water, this lord's order cannot be used.

   "One, two, three, four, five..."

   Ye Chen counted, a total of eight admiral appointments.

   This thing is selling very expensive now, and many forces in reality are buying in units of billions.

  Without the welfare week, it is really difficult to become a lord.

   Although the imperial capital of the Land of Dragons can obtain the official position of becoming a lord, the territory is too small and restricted, so there is no freedom at all.

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