Item 0155


   The dark clouds that had been covering the Siren Strait began to dissipate, and the sun that had not fallen for a thousand years appeared in the eyes of the sea monsters.

   Kraken is not an undead unit, they are not afraid of light.

   On the contrary, the sea monster yearns for light, longs for and loves light.

"what is this?"

   "So warm..."

  Some young sea monsters have never seen such a beautiful sight. They jumped out of the water and lay down on the reef, bathing in this unprecedented sunlight.

   "They succeeded."

   "That man, he succeeded!"

   The Queen Siren of the Sea-Monsters stared at the sky in a daze. She knew what this sight meant: "We are free, we are free!"

   Ye Chen succeeded. He successfully accepted the inheritance of the pirate king Ottanmore and became the new overlord of the West Sea.

   Countless sea monsters cheered on the water, they waved waves, frolicked and played with unprecedented excitement and joy.


   Siren summoned the element of water, let it hold itself, come into the air: "Go to meet our new master, and offer blessings for the new king's enthronement!"

   "Congratulations to the new king!"

   "Be with the new king!"

   "We finally have a new king!"

   The reaction of the Sea-Monsters is different from that of the Banshee. They are like Cyclops, Medusa and Centaur, very eager for Ye Chen's arrival.

   Now Ye Chen proved himself and successfully took over the authority in the hands of Ottanmore.

   The Krakens no longer hesitated, and immediately swam in the direction of Banshee Canyon.

   While on the way, they also met Elise and others who were driving a battleship full of gold coins.

   "Everyone, are you the heroes around the new king?"

   "Are you the leader of the Krakens?"

"Yes it is."

   Siren answered Elise’s question: "My name is Siren, the queen of all sea monsters."


   Elise said: "You tell the siren first, stop for a while, we need to take down the lair on the siren canyon."

   The nest itself exists, but Ye Chen still needs a lot of money to become his own.

   There are five kinds of lairs on the way of the Pirate King. They are Tier 4 Siren Lair, Tier 5 Ancestor Siren, Tier 3 to 4 Harpy Lair (including Banshee and Maiden), Tier 5 Harpy Lair.

   In addition, there are also Tier 5 Centaur Hero Lair, Tier 4 Gorgon Lair, Tier 4 Medusa Lair, Tier 6 Cyclops Lair and the currently unknown Titan Lair.

   Except for the Titan Lair, other lair leaf dust can now be obtained.

   Besides, there is more than one!

   On the Cyclops Island, Ye Chen got three Cyclops Lairs.

  【Cyclops Lair】

   Level: 6th king

   Quantity: 3

  Occupation cost: 1600 gold coins

  Total cost: 4800 gold coins

   Effect: 3 Cyclops can be reincarnated every week, 1 Cyclops can be bred, or 24 Cyclops can be resurrected.

  Total: 9 Cyclops can be reborn every week, 3 Cyclops can be bred, or 72 Cyclops can be resurrected.

  Reincarnation and resurrection cost: 300 gold coins/piece

   Conception cost: 900 gold coins/piece

   Reincarnation or incubation, this is a unique function of the monster lair.

   The Cyclops Lair can breed a dome with the origin of the Cyclops. This dome absorbs the power of the earth and the ocean, and from the moment it is born, it has a relationship with Ye Chen's soul.

   They were born for Ye Chen, they were his servants, and they fought for the rest of their lives.

   And through this kind of as if, Ye Chen does not need the leader of the ‘king’ qualification, and can obtain a king-level cyclops in a week.

   For the other 3 rebirth quotas, Ye Chen must first provide monsters and storm leaders with king qualifications.

   Otherwise, these places will be refreshed once a week and will be directly swiped off.

  In this way, the Cyclops lair can be born continuously.

   However, there are pros and cons.

   Birth is born out of nothing, but it is very expensive, the price is three times that of ordinary reincarnation.

  The advantage is also very obvious, that is, it will never stop. There are 51 kings in a year and 510 in ten years, which is quite stable.

   Even if there are casualties, Ye Chen can stop the nest from breeding and reincarnation, and enter the resurrection function.

   Resurrect a Cyclops in 6 hours, if Ye Chen has 500 Cyclops.

   The three nests were resurrected together, and they all returned within 50 days, less than two months.

   However, monster units have their shortcomings after all.

   That is, once you become a monster, neither the player nor the Storm Lord can regenerate into units other than monsters of the same rank and higher rank.

What does that mean?

   means that if you become a Cyclops, you can reincarnate with other Tier 6 units of the monster type, and you can also reincarnate with Tier 7 units.

   But you can no longer reincarnate into ranks 0~5, nor can you reincarnate into non-monster ranks 6 and 7.

   Therefore, although the monster lair is strong, it has limitations.

   Celia in her previous life did not get the Titan Lair, so she was very embarrassed.

  According to what Lu Feimos said, the Titan Lair should be divided into two parts, one part is the function of the 6th-level Titan, and the other part is the function of the 7th-level legendary Titan God.

   Titan God, that is a high-ranking legend, or a high-ranking legend in the monster system.

   The most awesome thing about monsters is the high position, there is no way to go higher.

   Therefore, its comprehensive strength is not much different from the top legends of other countries.

   In this way, the monster system has the ultimate advantage.

   Titan's face value, this is beyond doubt.

   Although it is called the monster system, the Titans actually have a certain relationship with the Storm Protoss, and they are extremely noble.

   "Ms. Siren, please let the Krakens pick up soul gold coins from the ship."

"it is good."

   Siren understood what Elise meant, and immediately asked the sisters to catch the bags of gold coins thrown down by Elise and others.

   The siren’s lair is on the bottom of the sea, so they have to go down and occupy it.

   The cost of acquiring the nest is about one-fifth of the construction cost.

  So, the cost of the third-level building is 500 gold coins, and Ye Chen has to pay 100 gold coins to obtain it by contract.

   The 4th level originally cost 1000 gold coins, but now it is 200 gold coins.

   3000 gold coins of level 5, now 600 gold coins.

   Soon, Ye Chen who stayed on Cyclops Island felt it.

   The Seagod Trident in the system space kept sending messages, telling him that the sea-monster lair that should belong to him was occupied.

  【Sirens Lair】

   Level: Tier 4 Elite

   Quantity: 25

  Occupation cost: 200 gold coins

  Total cost: 5000 gold coins

  Effect: 12 siren can be reborn every week, 3 can be bred, or 672 can be resurrected.

  Total: 300 siren can be reincarnated in one week, 75 can be bred, or 16,800 can be resurrected.

  Reincarnation and resurrection cost: 20 gold coins/piece

   Conception cost: 60 gold coins/each

Chapter 0156 Ye Chen's Full Fighting Power

   [Ancestor Kraken’s Lair]

   Level: Tier 5 Elite

   Quantity: 6

  Occupation cost: 600 gold coins

   Total cost: 3000 gold coins

   Effect: 5 ancestor siren can be reincarnated every week, 2 can be bred, or 168 can be resurrected.

  Total: 30 ancestor siren can be reborn every week, 12 can be bred, or 1008 can be resurrected.

  Reincarnation and resurrection cost: 100 gold coins/piece

   Conception cost: 300 gold coins/piece


   Ye Chen called Harubi, and then counted the banshees who have now completed the contract.

   "There are 6000, master."


   Ye Chen took out a large amount of soul gold coins and said: "Distribute these soul gold coins to the female demon who has recovered their sanity."

   "The Harpy has 1 gold coin for each one, and the Harpy girl has 10 gold coins for each one."

   "And these extra, you take all of them," Ye Chen: "Then go back to the Banshee Islands and help me take all the lairs above."

   "Good host."

   Hai Ruby immediately agreed, and then flew to the Banshee Islands with her own people.

   As for the other banshees on the island, there are a large number of sane compatriots left behind, and they can guide them to jump into the water obediently and purify themselves.

   "Is this the soul coin?"

   "See you for the first time."

   Looking at the soul gold coin in his hand, Harubi was quite curious.

   These soul gold coins did not pass through the hands of other players, and Ye Chen collected them in his own soul, so they belonged to Ye Chen without a second outsider contact.

   This is also the reason why Ye Chen asked Elise to drive a battleship over.

   Hundreds of thousands of gold coins are too many to be loaded by boat.

   For this reason, Ye Chen specially called five legendary escorts, with a lot of handwriting.

  【Harpy Lair】

   Level: Level 3

   Quantity: 50 seats

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