The only thing she can do is to capture the future results, but she can’t be precise about what Elumina did.

   "Don't look at me either, Master."

   Elise also looked helpless, she said: "Ilumina's divinity surpasses me, she is the top of the blood moon, specially designed to swallow the artificial moon **** of the three gods."

   "She is much better than me."

   admits that she is inferior to Elumina, and Elise doesn’t feel ashamed.

   After all, Ilumina is a **** of destruction and creation, and her divinity and godhood are really awesome.

"how should I do?"

   Ye Chen asked Yilu Mina.

   "Can you give it to me?"

  Getting Ye Chen's promise, Yilumina stepped forward and grabbed the Fallen with her bare hands.

   An artifact that could damage Vivia's fall, even the mythical level of Elise was afraid of it, but at this time, it was easily grasped by Elumina.

Chapter 0162: The Father's Wrath and Fall


   Fall is a handful of pure white, exuding bright light, like a crystal-like thing.

   It is not big, only the size of a young man’s forearm.

   In this short period, Ilumina gently twisted and held it in her hand, and Iris who was looking straight at this scene was stunned.

   She is indeed very intelligent, but Elise knows that she has limited knowledge.

   Just like how smart she is, how can she know that Elumina can subdue her fall now, this is completely beyond the scope of Elise's understanding.

   Therefore, Ye Chen said that he wanted to get the crown of the Seven Kings, and Elise helped him sincerely.

   Because Elise can't do it, her vision is too narrow.

   "It's really an eye-opener."

   Following Ye Chen, Elise saw the scenery she had never seen again and again, and she showed a charming smile: "Then then, how do you subdue it?"

   "I can't make a contract with it. I was born in the blood moon, and this artifact seems to reject the power of the blood moon."

   "But the master can."

   Yilumina handed the fall to Ye Chen: "I have comforted it, and the master can take it with confidence."

  【Spear of Judgment-Fallen (Broken)】

  Status: contractable (contract or not)

   The artifacts are bound to the soul, which is equivalent to the guardian of the goddess. Ye Chen didn't hesitate to choose the contract.

   Then, a drop of blood fell, and the fall suddenly disappeared without a trace.

   It is bound to Ye Chen's soul, as long as Ye Chen is still alive, Falling will always obey Ye Chen alone.

   It will guard Ye Chen's soul, just like several other goddesses, dedicated guards by the master's side.

"come out."

   Ye Chen's heart moved, and the fall from his soul immediately appeared in Ye Chen's hands.


   Ye Chen's body kept trembling, endless mist and liquid lightning spread along Ye Chen's arm, his eyes turned blue and white, and the lightning flashed.

   "What a terrible power."

   Ye Chen's hands were shaking, but this was not pain, but excitement.

   The kind of excitement that the body is filled with power, and the gestures seem to destroy the world.

  【Spear of Judgment-Fallen (Broken)】

   The seal is lifted: find the Trident of Poseidon

   The seal is lifted: Find the Pluto Pitchfork

【Killing God】

   Effect: The person holding the artifact will cause 1000% damage to the divine individual.


   "Cough cough cough cough..."

   Seeing the first effect of falling, Ye Chen almost choked to death: "I, wipe!"

  The weapon against the god, the real weapon against the god!

   An artifact that specializes in restraining gods, sealing gods, and killing gods.

   No wonder there are rumors that the true **** will die when he falls in his previous life.

   What is the concept of ten times damage?

   This means that if Ye Chen is at the same level as Tifeng, he will be dying every minute.

   Even if it cannot be killed, it can be suppressed forcibly.

  【Spear of Judgment-Fallen (Broken)】

  【God King Authority】

  Effect: The person holding the artifact has a shock to all the gods of the Olympus gods, and depending on their own situation, their strength is reduced (if they are of the same level, they can be surrendered)

   The second ability is also very awesome.

  The power of the King of Gods, Fall is the right symbol of the King of Gods, in charge of the sky and the universe, and commanding the gods of Olympus.

   If Ye Chen has the power of myth level, he doesn't need to fight, as long as he holds it up and shouts, he can conquer all the existing true gods of Olympus.

   Of course, Olympus seems to have few gods left.

  Death to death, to death.

   The fate of resisting the **** moon can be seen.

  【Spear of Judgment-Fallen (Broken)】

  【Heavenly Father's Wrath】

   Effect: With this artifact, you can control the sky divine power of the storm kingdom. Its power and range are related to the power of the territory.

   Territory power.

   This thing is useless now.

   But after the end of the first month of Oblivion, the power of the territory will become something that every player and indigenous people flock to.

   Not to mention anything else, just a source of gold coins can make people move.

   Oblivion has been launched, and players seem to have not found a way to obtain gold coins.

   And the funds in their hands basically come from modern recharges and transactions with merchants in other worlds.

   But, is there a steady stream of gold coins?

   If there is no reasonable source, wouldn’t it run out?

   Only in, but not out, gold coins are not a renewable resource.

   Actually, Ye Chen’s previous life experience is not needed here, because Oblivion the earth has existed for a long time, and everyone knows its rules.

   Elise can explain it for you.

   Of course, Ye Chen does not need to explain, he knows the relationship between the power of the territory and the soul gold coin involved.

   To put it simply, there is a fixed building in every territory-the village hall.

   Village hall, town hall, city hall, assembly, parliament.

   has different names, but the effect is actually the same.

  The role of the Congress is to make statistics on the size of the territory and the land under the command of the lord. After summarizing, a certain amount of soul gold coins will be produced every day.

  The larger the territory, the more Nissan Soul Coins.

   But this function is not yet available.

   Because of the integration of the eight kingdoms, the law of the earth in Oblivion has been turbulent, so this function has not been restored for the time being.

  【Spear of Judgment-Fallen (Broken)】

  【Falling down】

   Effect: When the opponent's vitality is reduced to less than one-third, he can be killed directly.

  Supplement: This artifact has the greatest sovereignty, ignoring all resistance and immunity, and the higher the opponent's divine nature, the stronger the effect.

   Fall is a broken spear of judgment.

  The Spear of Judgment, the strongest artifact of the Kingdom of Storms, is enough to compare with the product of the three holy grails of the Kingdom of the Tree of Freedom.

   However, its forging is not easy.

   First, you need to get the wrath of the heavenly Father—fallen, and then find the trident of Poseidon and Pluto’s pitchfork.

   Only after the three artifacts are gathered, can the'Judgement Spear Fall' be recast.

   How powerful is the true fall, Fei Lun once held it and killed many foreign gods and several ancient gods.

   In the previous life, the big boss of the Olympus family also took the fall and killed many evil gods.

   So Ye Chen knew about the fall, and apart from Yilu Mina, there was a real chance to kill the power of Cthulhu.

   It is really an unexpected joy to get a fall.

   For his future plans, the fall may be an extremely important help.

   "Four skills, Killing God, Power of God King, Wrath of the Father, and Falling."

   are talent, passive, range AOE and single explosion output.

Although    Fall did not have the effect of squeezing the country, these combat effects still made Ye Chen extremely excited.

Item 0163

   "The Trident of the Sea God is the one that unlocks the seal of the fall."


   Ye Chen: "What should I do?"

   "It's not the time yet."

   Elise’s erudition once again played a role: "In order to cast the spear of judgment, two conditions must be met."


"First, it has the qualifications to control three artifacts. The Trident of the Sea God needs the blood of the mermaid royal family. The wrath of the Father should be to defeat Typhon, and the last Pluto pitchfork can only be completely dominated by the world after death. Take control."

   "Therefore, the three artifacts require blood, their own strength, and enough territory to achieve them separately."

   "What about the second?"

   "Secondly, it's them."

   Ye Chen looked at what Elise was referring to. It turned out to be the Cyclops: "Old Lu Fei Moss?"

"It's us."

   Lu Fei Moss said: "These three artifacts were originally forged by my father, uncle, and uncle. They created this artifact that can destroy everything."

   "And this skill has been passed on to my hands now."

   Lu Fei Moss said: "Master, you can rest assured, whether it is me or Essex, we can build the spear of judgment for you."

   In her previous life, Celia had never used Cyclops.

   Now when I think about it, Ye Chen suddenly understands: ‘She probably doesn’t want to spread the casting method of the Spear of Judgment...’

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