So pretending to be slapped in the face is really unlikely to appear.

   "According to the background of the Oblivion, the blood moon kingdom is the origin of the disaster."

   "It is the beginning of all disasters, and it is also the common enemy of all nations, especially the Land of Dragons, which hates the God of Blood Moon!"


   Ye Chen, who was eating, suddenly heard such a sentence.

   He turned his head in surprise, but saw a young man dressed like a scholar with a folding fan talking to a fat man.

   "Mr. Baixiao?"

   Ye Chen didn't expect to meet him here, and was quite surprised.

   "Hey, do you know me?"

   Mr. Bai Xiao is a very famous player of the Jiuzhou Family of Ye Chen's previous life. He is not a strong man, but a great wise man.

  In reality, Mr. Bai Xiao is a very famous private detective.

   So in the game, Mr. Bai Xiao started to develop the background, history and secrets of this world according to his talents and interests.

   Similarly, after the system disappears, he will rank players with an amazing strategic vision and make many lists.

   It's just that, because of a certain ‘Hot Face List’, he will be chased and persecuted by many female bigwigs in the Oblivion world in the future, and he will almost become a female public enemy.

   "Hello, I am Emperor Void, I have heard of you before."

   Ye Chen has no need to hide, his current identity is the Void Emperor, not the Crown of Seven Kings.

   The latter needs to be hidden, while the former can be generously disclosed.

   "The Void Emperor?"

  Mr. Baixiao looked at Ye Chen, then looked at Asnita and Ilumina behind him: "Hello."

'San people. ’

  ‘The woman with the robotic arm is a unit that has never been seen before. ’

  ‘This is very close to the teleportation array, so I should have returned from overseas. ’

  ‘But there is still a child with me...’

  ‘That kid is probably very strong. ’

   The final judgment was analyzed by Mr. Bai Xiao. Ye Chen returned from overseas without any soldiers and guards by his side.

   Either he himself is very strong, or these two women are better than any of his guards.

   "You just said that the blood moon kingdom is the source of all disasters."

   A lot of Ye Chen’s information was actually analyzed by Mr. Bai Xiao in his previous life.

   I have to say, this guy is really amazing.

   So Ye Chen is interested in listening to Mr. Bai Xiao's current thoughts and insights, maybe he can see a different world from another angle.

   "I only investigated this recently."

   "Hey, Bai Xiao, do you say it when you meet?"

   The fat man sitting opposite Mr. Bai Xiao drank soy milk, and said indifferently: "Is there any money to be made with this information? There is no money to make, what use are you investigating?"

   "San Fat, you should drink soy milk."

  Mr. Baixiao’s attention has shifted to Ye Chen: "Mr. Void should also be a fan of the background story of Oblivion? Are you interested in sharing it?"


   Ye Chen: "You talk about it first."


  Mr. Baixiao doesn't mind Ye Chen's leave. After all, the information is useless, it's purely a personal hobby: "Then I'm going to throw some ideas for it."

Item 0168

"I have conducted certain investigations in seven countries before, and I have also been to the imperial capital and spent some time in the case storehouse," said Mr. Bai Xiao: "And my investigation results show that Longzhixiang may be among the seven countries. The weakest one!"


   Ye Chen didn't speak, but San Fat squirted out: "Are you funny? This is what you investigated? Dragon Land is the weakest?"

   "But why do I think Dragon Land is the strongest?"

   There is nothing wrong with the judgment of the three fats, because the number of troops in the Land of the Dragon is so large that there are so many flowers and everything.

   "Because there is no **** in the land of dragons."

   Ye Chen said this information casually, which surprised Bai Xiaosheng: "Yes, that's right! You really are a fellow!"


   However, San Fat was confused when he heard it. He said, "Are you kidding me? Not to mention the Xuanwu in Xuanwu City, and the legendary Emperor Zhenwu here. Isn't this a god?"

   In reality, Emperor Zhenwu is definitely the top immortal among the gods.

   This is not a god, then what is a god?

  "Zhenwu Great is a legendary unit, and Xuanwu is a king-level."

   Mr. Baixiao said: "They are not gods in the sense that I am referring to."

   "And Oblivion is not necessarily a game, it may be a real world, and our reality may just be a derivative of receiving this information."

   "So the myths and legends in reality can only be used as reference."

   "In addition, there should be only one true god," Bai Xiaosheng said: "They represent a part of the world, have the power to control the rules of the world, the world is immortal, and the gods live forever."

   "No matter how powerful you are, you can't fight against it, you will only be crushed to death by them."

   This is the information Bai Xiaosheng found in the imperial capital case database. It is a classic, a very old classic, which records the endless disasters that occurred on this land tens of thousands of years ago.

   "Have you seen God?"

   Ye Chen asked, but Bai Xiaosheng shook his head: "I haven't seen it."

   "Then how do you judge?"

   "Because of the experience of Welfare Week."

   Now, the name of Welfare Week has spread.

   In other words, this is the original vocabulary of Mr. Bai Xiao: "We players can experience the welfare experience of seven countries and get benefits from it."

   "In these seven countries, the blood moon is the most difficult, and the free tree is the least difficult."

   "However, the benefits of free trees are almost negligible."

   "It's better to be a certificate of the pioneering lord, plus becoming the vassal of the struggling kings and gaining the canonization of the nobles."

   "But this kind of thing is useless to our players."

   "I even thought at one time that there would be ulterior secrets in it."

   Mr. Bai Xiao didn't mind sharing his own knowledge and judgment with Ye Chen.

  Because he has already told many bigwigs, even the country, he has also given warnings.

   It's a pity that no one paid attention to him. Everyone thought he was a little unreasonable.

   Even though Oblivion is a bit strange, it is still a game world after all.

   And now the countries have reached an important stage of development, they have invested a lot of money, it is impossible to survive by breaking their arms.

   As long as there is a strong country, other countries will not give up.

  Comparison, face, pressure, nothing more.

   "The experience of Ashes is to fight against a powerful BOSS. Whoever can survive it will get the benefit."

   "The system will give players points based on battle evaluations to exchange for items."

   "Storm is an adventure, survival on a deserted island in the sea," Mr. Bai Xiao: "A day, no matter what you do, you can go wherever you want, looking for treasures in the vast sea and endless islands."

   "So the lucky European emperor happened to get the arms building and indigenous power, and the bad luck did nothing."

   "The experience mission of the Tomb King is a big battle. The system will let the player enter the illusory ancient battlefield, making it one side randomly."

   Bai Xiaosheng: "As long as the player can defeat the opponent, then any unit in the army he currently leads can be owned by him."

   It stands to reason that the tomb king should be the simplest.

   However, this is not the case.

  The battlefield of the Tomb King is tens of thousands, and you don’t even know which one you will come to randomly.

   Even those with bad luck will only give you skeletons and zombies.

   This kind of war, even if you can win it, is so much good.

   On the contrary, those large-scale battlefields with legendary arms, let alone one day, may not be able to produce results in three or four days, it is a waste of time.

   One of the reasons why Ye Chen didn't choose the Tomb King before is also because of this.

   Uncertainty, waste of time, and will become dead in the future.

  The Tomb King has too many shortcomings, even if he is strong, Ye Chen still has to abandon him temporarily.

   "Bolamen is no different from traditional online games," Tomb King: "It is to give you a world with a large number of races. Players can choose one of them and then perform tasks."

   "What you get from the task is what you get."

   If Ye Chen chose Bolamen at first, then he could also get a lot of benefits by relying on the strategy.

   But the Bolamen start to lose too much, once the race and faction are selected, the players will be restricted, which is very troublesome.

   "Last Dragon Land..."

   Mr. Baixiao said: "When we entered that country, the first thing we saw was not a prosperous country, but a dilapidated country, a dead world."

   "Isn't this weird?"

   "Why is the ancient Jiuzhou country on the land of Oblivion so strong and prosperous," Mr. Bai Xiao: "But its homeland, the Land of Dragons, is so dilapidated?"

   So Mr. Bai Xiao came to a conclusion based on the information he collected and his amazing judgment.

   "The Land of Dragons has long been destroyed."

   Bai Xiaosheng: "All the people of the Dragon Village have descended to the land of Oblivion, the ancient country of Jiuzhou and Izumo, it is the land of dragon!"

   "Papa Papa......"

   Listening to Bai Xiaosheng’s analysis and introduction, Ye Chen couldn’t help but applaud: “How do you say something? What the heroes see is the same!”

"real or fake?"

   Three Fatty looked at the two in surprise, and asked: "Dragon Village has all moved to the land of the main world Oblivion?"

   "Then, what's the matter with that villager?"

   "That is the refugees from the Dragon Land on the land of Jiuzhou."

  The leaders of the players of the Dragonland System do not come from the seventh kingdom, they are actually from the Oblivion land itself.

Chapter 0169: The Fall Of The Gods In The Hometown Of Dragons

   "Master, I have finished eating."

   "Are you full?"



   Ye Chen smiled and got up, he patted Yasnita on the head, and then got up and left.

   "Mr. Void?"

   Mr. Baixiao was a little dazed, he said a lot, Ye Chen, he didn't seem to have said anything.

   "You have said so much, I didn't say a word, it is indeed a bit unjust."

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