"It's not safe..."

   Mu Mengxue now thinks more about security issues.

   Xuechen's studio is going to be expanded, but the villa is so big, what if you accidentally hire a spy to come in?

   Alice now relieves them, but what about the others?

   I don’t know the roots, how can I trust them?


   Bai Tingxin said, "How about we start a company?"


   Mu Mengxue understood what she meant. Bai Tingxin wanted to establish a Xuechen Co., Ltd., which was not listed on the stock exchange and was entirely controlled by them.

   Now that they have a lot of gold coins in the game, they can establish this company in a short time.

   "Then, we will gather some competent female players in the game."

   What they want to establish is not that kind of powerful union, but for female players: "Whether it is weak or strong, only girls are recruited."

   "At the same time, in reality, we will also provide board and lodging."


   Mu Mengxue nodded and said, "We can still get out this little money."

   Although there are many leaders in the territory of Xuechen, the land of the dragon itself is not a place with high qualifications. These people who drag the family have already been screened.

   High quality, it will not be given to Ye Chen at all.

   Therefore, players are indeed a force that cannot be ignored.

   In addition, women are more in control than men.

   At least for women, being beautiful and able to stay young forever is more important than money and rights.

   "In reality, the place where we live is relatively safe."

   A lot of monitoring, countless alarms, once anyone breaks in, all the girls will wake up.

Item 0203

   "The problem in reality is not big."

   Mu Mengxue said: "If anyone dares to be the first to make a move, then everyone doesn't have to play."

   If you dare to start outside the game, then I dare too.

  So, who is still safe?

   So no one would really dare to do such a thing, let alone the safest Xia country in the world.

  The national order has not collapsed. Even if you are not afraid of death, how many people dare to bet on this one?

   "Yin Ying has been'trained' before, right?"

   "She has guns, many of them."

   Bai Tingxin did not answer positively, but said: "I have too."


   Mu Mengxue came from a big family, and it was not difficult at all to get a few guns.

  Don't underestimate Yin Ying, she is a high-tech talent with professional spy training. Not only that, Bai Tingxin often played guns when she was in the United States.

   are all veterans. If a gangster comes, he will kill him in minutes.

   As for what if they are beaten to death...

   Then there is no way to reincarnate the soul.

   are all aptitudes above the elite, plus those complete holy soul crystals left by Ye Chen.

   Today's Xuechen women, which one is not a leader.

   They are not afraid of death at all.

   Everyone has guns in their hands, either I killed you or you killed me.

   was beaten to death, let's see the real trick in Oblivion.

   Killing enmity, it's not the same!

   When the teacher becomes famous, I will destroy your territory and push you flat, and you will have nowhere to cry.

   What’s more terrifying is that when you lose everything in the game, you are old and dead in reality, but you can’t get a second life.

  Excuse me, what will you do in the future?

  Who dares to jump, the second life tree can be achieved!

   "As long as our strength in the game is strong enough," Mu Mengxue: "It's not just that they dare not do anything, but the government will protect us."

   Donghuang City has to rely on the territory of Xuechen, after all, their pressure is also great.

   It is a good thing to have people in the country who can form alliances.

   "How are we going to deal with the government?"

   Bai Tingxin’s question is actually quite troublesome, because its key lies in the relationship and attitude between Ye Chen and Xia Guo.

   "Ye Chen is not the kind of person who will be sent under the fence."

   So Xia Guo can cooperate with Ye Chen, but it is obviously impossible to frame him with national justice.

   If Ye Chen is pressed into a hurry, Bai Tingxin feels that he might even destroy Donghuang City directly.

   "Lie collapses and music is bad. In the past, as modern people, we would think that Confucius was a little stupid when we watch the Spring and Autumn Period."

   "Can you see the present in the future?"

   When there was a government in the past, perhaps the gap between the rich and the poor was the same as the difference between high and low.

   At least social stability, the people trust the government.

   "However, days like this are about to go forever," Mu Mengxue: "We will become masters. As long as we don't collapse halfway, there will be a piece of cake for us in the ruling class in the future."

   "The era of the big shuffle..."

   Bai Tingxin didn't get the answer from Mu Mengxue, but she understood Ye Chen's development direction.

   is profitable, then do it.

   Helping for no reason without even thinking about it.


   Bai Tingxin said: "The Mu family..."

   "Let them die!"

   Mu Mengxue had completely broken with the Mu family, she didn't want to have any involvement with the other party at all.

   She wants to guard this last Qingming for Ye Chen and Xuechen Studio.

   "If they dare to come and tell me," Mu Mengxue said, "If you listen to your heart, tell them that we are now in the ancient country of Jiuzhou!"

   We are now in the ancient country of Jiuzhou.

What do you mean by   ?

   Mu Mengxue had anticipated that Northern Europe would be difficult to mix.

   There are many foreign players over there, but Xia Guoren, there are only so few.

  Even Ye Chen didn't touch the powerful foreign players around the Mediterranean too much, let alone Elder Mu!

   He is almost in a state of exhaustion now.

   If nothing happens, Elder Mu will soon move his territory back to the ancient country of Jiuzhou.

   And then, who is the earth snake?

  You are in Northern Europe, I can't reach you.

   But you went back to Jiuzhou, didn’t you let me round it up?

   As long as the Mu family still wants to develop, he will not dare to be presumptuous anymore, Mu Mengxue: "My Mu Mengxue, today is not what it used to be!"

   Back then, you didn’t respond to me, but now I want you to be too high!

   Mu Mengxue positioned herself as Ye Chen's woman, it was like she was married, she only had her husband and this family in her heart.

   What's more, the Mu family broke with her first.

   They are okay anymore!


   Bai Tingxin is the person in charge of the personnel department: "The expansion of Xuechen Company..."

   "For female college students."

In the era of Oblivion, people no longer have the mind to study hard. Everyone wants to obtain elite qualifications and provide insurance for their lives.

   "I will let Yin Ying investigate."


   Mu Mengxue: "In addition, for the position in the company, you are in charge of personnel, Yin Ying is in charge of legal affairs, and Xiaoyou is in charge of finances."

   Mu Mengxue is naturally the general manager, helping Ye Chen, the chairman who is always away from home, to solve problems.

   "Qing Wu, Tong Zi and Qing Ye, they are the veterans of the studio, let them lead the team separately when the time comes."

   "If the job is outstanding, we can pay for officials and provide them with a channel for promotion with elite qualifications."

   Mu Mengxue originally wanted to use the sea elves as an attraction, but after thinking about it carefully, it is better to control the elite units.

   After all, their territory is just this kind of elite arms.

   is not yet ready to take out.

   "Papa, papa, papa."

   In the quiet night sky, three figures are standing on a high place, Ye Chen standing with their hands behind them, behind him are Asnita who is eating snacks, and Elumina who is standing gracefully.

   "The master eats too."

   Seeing Ye Chen look over, Yasnita obediently pushed the big package of delicious food over.

   "I won't eat, thank you."

   Ye Chen refused. He always felt that Yasnita had been infected by Illu: "Oriental cuisine, extensive and profound, and your hobby is good."

   "But it's time to work now."

   Ye Chen looked down, where the lights were brightly lit, and it was a big village that was about to be promoted to a small town, and it was the territory of Yue Jia.

   Ye Chen said before that he wanted to kill chickens and monkeys.

   He wants to destroy Yue Jia's territory.

   Now with the protection of the will of the Eighth Kingdom, Ye Chen shouldn't actually interfere.

   What's more, Yue Jia's territory is still so expensive, a hundred times compensation, enough to make Ye Chen ruined his family.

   However, Ye Chen couldn't forget the past.

   It's a bit clichéd, but in summary, it's just one sentence, Ye Chen in the previous life was once betrayed by this guy named Yue Jia.

   will be driven out of Asia by Jiuzhou United, the big reason is this guy!

Item 0204

   "Knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart."

   "Don't say I have no grievances with you," Ye Chen looked at Yue Jia's territory: "Our hatred is really not so big!"


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