Ji Linger: "If he is destined to be a savior, then I will assist him and serve him."

   "If the sky doesn't help..."

  Ji Ling'er thought of the ancestor of Longzhixiang: ‘If the ancestor is still there, it will definitely be able to break the secret, I still miss him too far. Long'

   "Do you really think so?"

   Qiu Tianxian didn't think that Ji Ling'er was such a negative person, maybe it was the death will of the empress, which made her feel frustrated.

Item 0209


   Ji Ling'er knew that Qiu Tianxian still refused to give up, and wanted to dig her wall.


   Ji Ling'er flicked Qiu Tianxian's forehead, and said with a smile: "You always bully my softheartedness.

   But Qiu Tianxian won, she is soft-hearted and easy to be persuaded.

   "From today, I will not give orders to Kylin City."

   "The soldiers and horses in Qilin City," Ji Linger: "If he has the ability, he can borrow it."

   "Taifu wise! Linger sister wise!!"

   Qiu Tianxian is overjoyed, this Penglai Taifu's current decision seems to have given conditions, but in fact it opened the entire Kylin King City to Ye Chen.


   Ji Ling'er watched Qiu Tianxian leave, knowing that she was going to lobby Qinglong City and Baihu City.

   "Come to me first, and then use the momentum to force the other three cities."

   Ji Linger's belly slandered: "You just see me so bully, you must see me so bully! ’

   But Ji Ling'er is indeed the best temperament among the big brothers in the ancient country of Jiuzhou.

   Even if the player is jumping in front of her, Ji Linger throws it out at most.

   Good temper, good popularity.

   IQ and EQ are both high, and it is itself a minister of state governance, which can be called an almighty model.

   If Ye Chen knew that Qi Ling'er was the first person Qiu Tianxian was looking for, Ye Chen would give the peacock queen a thumbs-up, and then add: ‘Kylin is a mount, I want to try it. ’

   "Is it here?"

   Of course, Ye Chen didn't know about it.

   Now he is located in Liangzhou in the middle of Jiuzhou, which is the land of Sichuan and Shu in reality.

   This is a place under the direct jurisdiction of the Shenluo Empress. After years of transformation, it is extremely wealthy.

  Liangzhou has a suitable climate and rich products.

   Not to mention anything else, just food is worthy of the title of the land of abundance.

   So different from the real world, the Liangzhou of Nine continents on the land of Oblivion is indeed a good place.

   However, Sichuan and Shu also have shortcomings.

   That is, ‘there are mountains and ridges and ravines, and the road is not easy to walk with bend’.

   It's not easy to get in here, nor to get out.

   In terms of arms, Sichuan and Shu's arms are Jiuli One.

  Its many witchcraft and body refining methods are composed of the people who fled during the civil war in the Dragonland.

  The most powerful unit here is called the King of Jiuli, a huge, three-headed six-armed, terrifying legendary unit that resembles a Rakshasa Demon King.

   Of course, Ye Chen didn't come to Sichuan for the Lord of Jiuli.

   The Lord of Jiuli, Ye Chen definitely wanted it, but he is unlikely to get the Lord of Jiuli directly from Chalu City.

   "Our goal, is it in that city?"

   It was Vivia who spoke, and she said to Ye Chen: "With our current strength, it is easy to break this city. No other people are needed. I can do it all."

Although   Zhulucheng is one of the most powerful capitals in Sichuan and Shu, it is nothing more than that.

   It may be stronger than Vermillion Bird City and Xuanwu City. There are nearly ten legendary people, but it can face an epic Vivia who has no injuries and is in full peak state.

   It's impossible to stop her from competing in Lucheng, and another one can't stop her.

   There is no epic, the legend can only add some trouble to Vivia at best.

   In order to defeat and repel Vivia, at least ten top legends, or twenty high-ranking legends are needed.

   Otherwise, don't even think about it.

   "Guide to Jiuzhou, I didn't type it out."

   If this is North America and South America, Ye Chen will do it without saying a word.

   Regardless of whether he is standing behind the Bolamen or the tomb king, he should be killed, or destroyed, without mercy.

   "Jiuzhou, once war starts, we must kill those legends, and this is not good for us."

   The legend of the native Jiuzhou is dead.

   If Ye Chen wants to reincarnate into a legendary unit, he can only slowly collect the leaders of the Dragon Land.

   Kelong’s hometown has a huge number of leaders and not many talents.

   Don’t think that there are few talents in the land of dragons based on oriental mythology. It is a shame.

  The origin of the world of the Land of the Dragon is damaged, and the qualifications of leading the people are inferior to others.

   Otherwise, if the Empress Shenluo still had the strength of that year, she would not be so embarrassed.

   The same reason, the whole of the Dragon Land is the same.

   "So the soldiers of the Dragonland, if we can not fight, we try not to fight."

   Ye Chen regarded the female emperor as something in her bag, as long as she took the female emperor, it would be easy to conquer the ancient country of Jiuzhou in the future.

  Other people, if you defeated him, he refused to accept, and would rather die than surrender.

   But here, if Ye Chen can take the Shenluo female emperor, he can destroy all the troops in Chalu City.

   Even if he does not occupy the city of Chailu, Chaucheng will surrender.

   And because Chailu City is an automatic surrender, it is not Ye Chen forcibly demolished, then its legendary building can be used to resurrect the dead King of Jiuli.

   In other words, they will have the opportunity to become Ye Chen's own people in the future.

   "If you encounter people from Jiuzhou in the future, if you can't kill them, try not to kill them all."

   Ye Chen said: "It will work well in the future. They are all capital and bargaining chips we use to fight against the blood moon evil god."

   "Then we..."

   "Go this way, all go this way."

   Ye Chen walked in front, followed by women such as Ilumina and Vivia, and Yasnita stood at the end of the team.

   And in the middle, the corpse brides are like the legendary zombies, stepping three or four meters, jumping forward, quite happy.

   People who didn't know thought that Ye Chen was chasing the corpse.

   "Go forward again."

   "Go here."

   Ye Chen holds a compass in his hand, which he bought when he was in Xuanwu City: "Hey, the direction is very fascinating."

   Ye Chen knew the location of the palaces of the summer, not by a compass test, but he knew where there was a reference.

   Zhu Xia Di Palace is located in the northwest of a Niutou Mountain.

   So as long as you find this Niutoushan, the location of the Palace of the Summer Palaces will be clear.

   In addition, Ye Chen didn't go to the tomb.

   Zhu Xia Di Palace is not a tomb, but a copy of the Jiuzhou series composed of nine special spaces.

   At the time, Chi You, the originator of the ruler of Jiuli, was entrusted with the last hope by the ancestor of the Dragon Land when she collapsed in the Dragon Land.

   Zhu Xia Di Palace is not a place, but a passage, connecting the passage of the town of Dragon after the destruction.

   This matter, the ancestor did not even tell the Empress Shenluo.

   is only known to Chi You, the ancestor of the soldier.

   As for the reason...

   Chi can fight especially, especially!

   If it is purely based on combat power, Chi You is on the same level as Typhon.

   and one-on-one, Typhon may not be able to beat Chiyou.

   Therefore, the ancestor gave her a troop tree of the Jiuzhou family so that she could find a new heir.

Chapter 0210

   Chiyou took a part of this troop tree, but hid the other part in her ‘grave’.

   This is Ye Chen's goal, Zhu Xia Di Palace.

   That's right, what Ye Chen wanted was Chi You's tomb.

   In other words, the broken dragon land plane connected by Chi You’s tomb.

   Chi You is not a god. She was the same as Storm Fei Lun and the Sixth Blood Moon, but unfortunately, she lost to Xuanyuan Huangdi and failed to become a legend.

   So the Yellow Emperor is a legend?

   Yes, the Yellow Emperor is a legend.

   But still that sentence, don't underestimate the legend.

   Many times, gods are not necessarily the opponent of the legendary man.

  I only talk about destructive power and combat power. If the Land of Dragons gets a ranking, Chi You can make it into the top ten.

   If Chi You were tossed at the Bolamen, she could destroy a **** system alone. For example, she would tie up all the natural gods of Bolamen, including Elise, her father, and fiance, and hang them up to fight.

   Well, with that said, it feels like Bolamen's card face disappeared instantly.

   "I don't know if Chi You died."

   In the previous life, the Palace of the Summer Palaces was opened three years later.

   At that time, the empress fell, and the land of Jiuzhou was scorched.

   When the people of the Jiuzhou Alliance entered Zhuxia Digong, all they saw was the lifeless world.

   Chiyou failed to withstand the erosion of more than 10,000 years and turned to ashes.

   So Jiuzhou United took away everything in the Palace of Summer Palaces without any pressure.

   Including legendary military buildings, including countless treasures, and even the Jiuzhou Ding, the artifact of the ancient country of Jiuzhou.

   "We came a bit early, and the Palaces of the Summer Palaces were not impacted by the power of the Eighth Kingdom. The following should have maintained a relatively large integrity."

"bring it on."

   Ye Chen has found the location of Zhuxia Di Palace, he asked a corpse bride to come forward: "Don't be afraid, put your hand on the door."

   Corpse Bride is not just an undead unit, its unit architecture will inherit a special factor.

   To put it simply, the corpse turned into by the corpse bride is actually a descendant of the Jiuli family, that is, Chi You’s direct bloodline.

   Legend has it that Chi especially has eighty-one sisters, all of whom are extremely powerful.

   After they fell, their blood was inherited by various monsters and turned into terrifying beasts that ravaged the land of dragons.

   Corpse Bride is one of the fierce beasts in the past.


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