So, strong people from all over the world began to discuss on the forum, and even various countries are speculating on the cause of this spectacular sight of purple gas coming from the east based on actual documents and various records.

   "The land of Jiuzhou is surprised to see the purple gas coming from the east."

   "According to our Eastern saying, the purple gas came 30,000 li from the east, this is because a saint came to the world."

   "What is a saint?"

"This one……"

   "It's probably someone like Lao Tzu Sakyamuni Jesus. To be honest, we are not very clear."

   The ancient saints in reality are not the same concept as the saints of the earth in Oblivion.

   Oblivion The saint of the earth is the only one, there is only one, and that is Fuxi, the creator and ancestor of the Land of Dragons.

   Apart from him, no one in Longzhixiang dared to claim to be a ‘saint’.

   Not only in terms of ability, but also in terms of morality, mood, and achievements, only Fuxi is recognized and recognized as a saint by everyone, and he deserves it.

   "Such a sight."

   In Xuechen Town, Mu Mengxue opened the friend contact system and wanted to ask Ye Chen what he thought of this matter.

   [Your friend is in a special environment and cannot contact you]


   Mu Mengxue looked at the system prompt, she inexplicably thought Ye Chen might be related to the current situation: "No, it's true, you made it?"

   And those who have similar ideas to Mu Mengxue, there are Bai Tingxin, and Huang Qishan and Celia who also have mortal friends.

   "Something big happened again, big brother."

   Huang Qishan has been quite familiar with Ye Chen. From Huang Qishan's point of view, Ye Chen is the kind of person who has great luck and deserves to be the emperor.

   As for Celia, she was a little dazed.

   "What did you do in such a big scene?"

   Purple Qi Donglai did not affect places outside Jiuzhou.

   It's not that he can't, but Fuxi didn't dare to play so big, for fear of being regarded as a thorn in the eyes of the six great nations.

   Through the live broadcast of the players, Celia can imagine the shock of being surrounded by purple air: "Perhaps, I shouldn't think of being an enemy of him."


   Celia told the legendary female pirate next to her: "Investigate the territories related to Jiuzhou United. We will not do their business."


   Ye Chen didn't know what happened in Jiuzhou, nor did he know what happened in reality.

   He only knows now that a large number of system prompts are resounding in his mind.

  【Acquired the ‘Creation God’s Qualification’, and the aptitude is upgraded to the creation mythology】

  【Raise level to epic】

  【Acquired the only creation priesthood "Taihao God"】

  【Because of the Godhead, liberate the authority of the priesthood】

  【Acquired the "Blood Moon Mark" of the creation priest】

  【Obtained the title of Lord God, "Father of Ten Thousand Demons"】

  【Acquired the powerful priesthood "Lord of Light and Darkness"】

Item 0238

   There are many hints, but in summary, there are only so few.

   First of all, it is aptitude. From the original legend, Ye Chen jumped over the common myth and the main god, and reached the creation level.

   This is the highest level of qualification in the entire Oblivion, and there is nothing higher than it.

   In addition, Ye Chen's level has increased, from the seventh-order legend to the eighth-order epic.

   Nowadays, Oblivion has incomplete rules of the earth, and the highest is the legend.

   Unless it can be achieved in one step and become the main god, even the myth of the level of Elise's father can only descend in the posture of the pinnacle of the legend.

   However, it is still quite difficult to reach the main **** level.

   "God Taihao."

   Ye Chen opened his attribute list and wanted to know what this exclusive class was.

   Generally speaking, epics and legends are the same, and the profession does not change much.

   The only difference is that Ye Chen will gain new abilities when breaking through the four levels of legend, myth, main god, and creation.

   But God Taihao is probably Ye Chen's current occupation.

   Of course, this is not to say that Ye Chen's career cannot be changed.

   change can be changed, but it is very difficult.

  Because unless Ye Chen gets the creation-level godhead, his profession will not increase or change.

  【Ye Chen】

   Level: 8th level epic

  Qualification: Chuangshi Shen

  The priesthood of creation: God Taihao, the mark of the blood moon

  The priesthood of the lord: the father of all demons

   Ordinary priesthood: Lord of Light and Darkness

Power: Wordless Book of Heaven (you can see the future, know the past, and control everything in the present), Lianshanguizang (can create a territory at will, change the structure of the environment), the **** of creation (the territory (world) is immortal, himself immortal, Divine power and vitality are infinite), Dao ancestors (dominate all laws, all laws do not invade), a painting opens the sky (only one hand controls the great power that opens up the world), the gods (for the land of dragons, the storm monster, the blood moon demon hunter , The common belief of the light and dark elves of Boramen)

   Talent: Fuyou Sheji (When the nation is founded in the Godhead of Fuxi, **** statues can be built in the country to increase all production in the territory by 50%)

   Talent 2: The ancestor of humanities (all time-consuming types, such as strengthening, building, casting, etc., are halved)

   Talent 3: Taihao God (can understand everything in the territory, and sign a soul contract with each leader)

   Talent 4: The Land of Dragons (have created dragons, unified China, and subordinates Jiuzhou’s leadership qualifications are not full of legendary qualifications, all members will be upgraded to a quality)

   Talent 5: Harmony between man and nature (not affected by any foreign culture, ignoring restrictions on religion, school, philosophy, home country, etc., tolerating everything)

   Talent 6: Saints come to the world (for the descendants of the Land of the Dragon, the favorability degree is not less than 40, and for those who are higher than 40, 10 favorability points are added)

   Talent Seven: The beacon of the emperor of humanity (it can give the body to the intangible world will and become the beacon of the unself-conscious world will)

   Ye Chen's attributes at this time can no longer be described as powerful.

   He feels that he has unlimited power.

   Although the number of powers is small and simple, the power that Ye Chen masters is simple.

   Power is the simplest power, but it is also the most powerful.

   Maybe someone else’s skills are controlling wind, controlling light, casting magic and spells, but Ye Chen’s power has only one word—dao.

   Master Dao, dominate Dao, use Dao, turn Dao into weapon for battle.

   Dao is above all laws, even if it is only a little bit, it is more terrifying than a tsunami typhoon.

   "The future man, are you here?"

   While Ye Chen was experiencing the power brought by the Godhead of Fuxi, he suddenly found himself in darkness.


   "No, it's the sound and scene saved in advance."

   Now that he has obtained the priesthood of God Taihao, Ye Chen immediately judged the current situation.

   "Hello, new king."

   A figure appeared in front of Ye Chen, but Ye Chen did not answer.

   Because this is not something like Fuxi’s self-will, it is just a portrait, similar to a movie.

   It would be too silly to speak to the people in the movie.

   "You will come here to prove that you have passed the test of the emperor and gained my godhead."

   Fuxi's dress is very similar to Chi You and others. He wears clothes woven from animal skins, has black hair and a beard, just like an old man in his 60s or 70s.

   "I want to thank you, thank you for being able to appear in the future, and bless my Dragonland Kingdom."

   "But I can't see the future."

   "I can see you, that is my limit."

   "But I leave my voice and figure behind, not just to thank," Fuxi said, "I stayed here to tell you a message, and I hope it can be helpful to you."


   Ye Chen looked at Fuxi a little puzzled.

   If this is the remnant soul left by Fuxi himself, Ye Chen really wants to ask him.

   The message that Fuxi left behind was still at the time of the inheritance of the godhead, Ye Chen did not dare to neglect, and seriously waited for his words.

   "Blood Moon is too powerful to be matched."

   Hearing this sentence, Ye Chen frowned slightly, he felt that this sentence was meaningless.


   But the next moment, Ye Chen's eyes widened.

"what did you say?!"

   Ye Chen heard Fuxi's next sentence, and he clenched his fists abruptly.

   can be very soon, but Ye Chen released his hand in trembling.

   "Thank you very much."

   Ye Chen said these two words, but Fuxi's figure had long since disappeared.

   "It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be that way."

   Inherited Fuxi's wisdom and strength, Ye Chen's thinking ability at this time had already surpassed human beings.

   According to reason, Ye Chen in the legendary period should not lose any talents with high IQ.

   But Ye Chen is a Blue Star after all, and the Eighth Kingdom has not yet integrated with the Oblivion, so many of Ye Chen's powers can't really get a qualitative change.

   However, the epic is different.

   Once the player reaches the epic, even within one year, it will break through the shackles of Blue Star's will.

   Then one step ahead, let the two bodies merge into one.

   Therefore, Ye Chen at this time is no longer a mortal.

   He was transformed and became a god, and he was the **** of creation.


   Ye Chen said the name, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, trying to suppress the smile in his heart, but still couldn't help laughing out loud.


   What did Fuxi say to Ye Chen?

   is actually nothing, he just said to Ye Chen something that ordinary people don't understand, but Ye Chen understands: "But Noraus is too greedy."

   If it is Ye Chen before, it may take a while to understand Fuxi's meaning.

   But now, for a problem that originally took dozens of days to think about, Ye Chen wanted to understand the causes, consequences, and various key points in a flash.

Item 0239


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