In this way, Nuwa created people in Xuechen City, creating the people of the pre-Qin Dynasty.

   But in Zhuxia, Nuwa has invested 70% of the great wilderness ancestors.

   The Goddess of Shenluo is in the south, and Nuwa is in the north.

  The ancient country of Nine Continents, the north and the south are two sides, the boss of the seven crowns, the big ear Liu Xukong who fights with one heart and helps the man.

   "Is this the reverse?"

   Ye Chen can't laugh or cry, it seems that Cao Cao should dominate the north.

   But it doesn't matter, it's just a metaphor.

   In addition, Nuwa did not go to Xuechen territory now, but waited until Ye Chen married the empress.

   When the world realized that the Seven Crowns had won the Empress, then Ye Chen would release the news that he had a Nuwa.


   Void Nuwa, the seven-crowned female emperor.

   This is called, the Chamber of Resistance!

   "That's it, the plan, it looks like this..."

   Nuwa didn't think too much, she was actually not good at intrigue, but that didn't mean that Nuwa didn't notice Elise's little movements.

   However, Nuwa didn't care, she had slapped Elise before.

   Elise fought back, and Nuwa felt that she was acceptable. After the big deal, she tried to fight back.

   "Daniel, you said you want to marry the empress, the empress, who is it?"

   "Don't you know the empress?"

  As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, Chi Youli on the side said to Nuwa, "Sister Wa, the female emperor is the eldest sister."


   Nuwa exclaimed: "She, is she still alive? Great!"

   Nuwa originally thought that the goddess of creation in the land of dragons was dead, but she unexpectedly had a big sister alive, and Nuwa was extremely surprised.

   "It turns out that her husband is going to marry her."

   "Wrap this on me."

   Nuwa is extremely confident: "With me, let your husband take her home every minute."


   Ye Chen frowned, for two things: "Aren't you jealous?"

   This is the first thing.

   "Why are you jealous?"

   Nuwa puzzled: "That is the strongest and most noble woman in the seven kingdoms!"

   Said that the Shenluo Empress is the strongest and most noble woman in the Seven Kingdoms, and she is really fine.

   "It's a good thing to be able to marry her!"

   Nuwa feels that the Shenluo Empress is fully qualified to be Ye Chen's wife, and she is even more suitable than herself: "Moreover, I have never seen her as someone else's wife, hehehe."

   Black belly!

   What a black belly!

   Ye Chen once again felt the character of Nuwa, she was really black.

   Of course, if the black belly is to accept a woman for Ye Chen, Ye Chen thinks: ‘Like! ’

   "Are you sure?"


   Nuwa seems to have some secrets about the female emperor that Ye Chen didn't know.

   dignified creation god, naturally she will not aimlessly, she must be really sure.

   "Then leave it to you. I will take you to see her when that happens."

   "Don't worry, husband."

   Nuwa: "I will let her wash for nothing, and wait for you obediently."


   Ye Chen said, are you really talking about the empress?

   It is hard to imagine that the woman who was domineering in her previous life and stunned by air was like this in Nuwa's mouth.

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   "Could it be that the prerequisite to subdue the Empress is to get Nuwa?"

   Ye Chen thought so, and asked: "Xiao Wa, have you ever beaten the Empress?"

   "Can't beat it."

   Nuwa shook her head: "She is strong, I am not her opponent, nor am I two."

   "But it has nothing to do with combat power. I know how to let her go with her husband," Nuwa: "You don't need to ask anything. Then we will meet her together and leave it to me!"

   "Hang on!"

   Elise spit on the sidelines. Sometimes, no matter how powerful the plan is, it can't match the strength of some people.

  Nuwa belongs to this type, which is a type of reducing ten benefits in one effort.

   Well, so does the Empress.

   There are five demon gods...

  Dragonland’s people seem to belong to this kind of monster that can be beaten by thieves, and can make any calculations useless.

   "Then let's go back now."

   Ye Chen will act as Chi You's power source, providing her with vitality and divine power.

   In this case, even though Ye Chen is an epic, he can at least allow Chi You to exert about 30% of the legendary power.

   is definitely not as good as the peak soldier ancestor Demon God period, but it can also be seen.

   Even so, Chi You is still a powerful existence that does not lose the current Nuwa.

   Even to a certain extent, Nuwa is not necessarily able to fight.

   "Sister Wa is not good at fighting, so she is in our Dragonland, not a combatant, but our strong backing."

   "With her, we can fight almost desperately."

   "So back then, it was Sister Wa who fell the first three goddesses, because the blood moon first targeted her and set a trap."

  Nuwa can repair the godhead, can transform the godhead, and can also create human beings and reshape broken souls, similar to the existence of spring water and base camp.

   So Nuwa does not need to fight, nor can she fight.

   Once Nuwa is injured, this is a big bad thing.

  If Nuwa hadn't fallen first, the Land of Dragons might not have been able to stop the attack of the Blood Moon Cthulhu.

   "So boss, you have to be prepared for protection."

   Chi Youli said: "Sister Wa is really important. Her most powerful force is to be able to create a soul from nothingness."

   "Even if I was beaten up by an external god, as long as Sister Wa is still there, she can summon me back from nothingness."

   "This is also OK?"

   Ye Chen realized that Nuwa's most powerful place is, it turns out that this is Nuwa's strength.

   In this way, Nuwa has really become the foundation of the Land of Dragons.

   The female emperor is the best to fight, and the female is the most important.


   "In that case, I have to think about it."

   "Elise," Ye Chen said, "Xiaowa, it may not be suitable to go to Xuechen territory."

  Because Ye Chen could not provide enough safety protection to Nu Wa in Xuechen Village anyway compared with the surrounding of the five demon gods.

   Nuwa is very strong, creation-level, and logically does not need protection.

   But her importance also prevents Ye Chen from letting her run around casually.

   Fortunately, Nuwa has the attributes of an otaku. She doesn't like walking around, and prefers to stay at home and play in the mud.

   "Ah, yes."

   Elise didn't dare to calculate Nuwa anymore, and quickly denied her previous thoughts: "So, we have to consider the long-term."

   "This matter, after I return to Xuechen, try again what it can develop into."

   "Let's take one step at a time, plan ahead, there are always omissions."

   Ye Chen thought of the Four Spirit City of Dongsheng Shenzhou, the Qilin Emperor from the previous life, and Qiu Tianxian. Although they were inferior to the five demon gods, they were also top-notch masters.

  ‘If you can count the old lady, Qilindi, etc., then with their strength, it should be enough. ’

   What's more, Nuwa will not stay in the territory of Xuechen forever.

after all…

   Ye Chen often travels on business.

   Once Ye Chen goes on a business trip, then Nuwa will naturally be beside Ye Chen.

   And if Ye Chen appeared in the territory of Xuechen, Nuwa would still be beside Ye Chen.

and so…

   To put it bluntly, Ye Chen and Nuwa will hardly be separated, wherever he goes, Nuwa will follow.

   Therefore, the protection of Nuwa can be directly regarded as the protection of Ye Chen himself.

   "It seems that there is a problem with my own plan..."

   "But this way, I slapped me, but she was slapped in vain."

   Elise sighed helplessly: "Forget it, for the sake of dust, just hit it for nothing."

   Nuwa is very powerful, beyond Elise's imagination, and her original intention is to reduce the time that Nuwa and Ye Chen stay together, so as to seduce Nuwa.

   But who thinks, there are flaws in the plan itself, and Nuwa is too important.

   "Okay Elise, stop messing around, come to my room tonight."

   With a word, Elise fell silent immediately.



   "Big trotters."

   Ye Chen forgot to be bound to the souls of several women at this time. If there is any thoughts about them, Ye Chen must hide them first, otherwise they will know.

   But Ye Chen doesn't like to deceive them, so...

   Ye Chen's idea of ​​teaching them through that kind of thing immediately appeared in the hearts of the women.


   Ye Chen: "I'm just making a joke, making a joke."

   Ilumina is okay, and Elise is also relatively calm.

   "The dusty one is really amazing."

   Vivia is a person who came here. I have experienced it several times. At this time, I have the most say: "If he didn't allow me to recover, I'm afraid I would not be able to get off for a day."


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