As strong as Roger, he was actually captured alive by the Navy?

This is a puzzle that every sea thief cannot understand!

Although they did not dare to make a fuss like the golden lion, they also came to Rogue Town to witness Roger’s execution!

Under everyone’s intently gaze, Roger, who was handcuffed and shackled, slowly stepped onto the execution table.

Two execution soldiers were standing on either side of Roger’s back.

The execution knives in their hands have been raised, waiting for the upcoming execution.

And at this moment, Roger, who had been lowering his head, suddenly raised his head again in full view.

On his face, a smile that overwhelmed the entire sea once again appeared!

“Want my treasure?”

The first words that Roger said attracted the attention of all the pirates, navies, and reporters present!

What the?

One Piece’s treasure?

What a fortune that would definitely make all pirates from all over the world flock to it!

But compared to the excitement of the pirates and journalists present, the navy noticed that something was wrong!

“I’ll give it to you if you want.” Go find it, I put the wealth of the whole world there! ”


The entire square suddenly became a sensation, and the eyes of countless sea thieves gathered here were bright.

And many journalists hurriedly transmitted this news back to the headquarters, and then informed the people around the world!

As for the vice admiral who supervised the execution, his face changed in vain when he heard this.

The Navy had long expected that Roger’s sudden surrender was tricky, but it was not expected that Roger was willing to play this hand with his own life!

At this moment, he didn’t care about waiting for the execution time, and directly shouted loudly: “Execution!” ”

The burly executioner received the order, his hand rose and the knife fell, and Roger’s head fell from the execution table!

One Piece, die!

However, at this time, many pirates gathered in the square no longer paid attention to Roger’s life and death.

Everyone was still thinking back to the words that Roger said before he died.

Of course, there are exceptions.

For example, at the moment by Ronan’s side, Shanks who is crying.

At the moment, Shanks is still just a teenager after all.

It is understandable that the respected captain died in front of him, and it was understandable that he wept bitterly.

As for Ronan, who is familiar with the plot of the pirate, he is also quite emotional at this time.

The navy’s public execution with this hand is really lifting a rock and shooting itself in the foot.

Originally, I wanted to fight the arrogance of the pirates by executing One Piece.

As a result, I never expected that Roger came to such a hand before he died.

For Roger’s wealth, in addition to the existing pirates, it is foreseeable that more pirates will pour into the Great Voyage in the future.

At the same time, the real-world network is also very lively.

Previously, the incident of the NPC massacre of players in Rogue Town had already set off an uproar.

It also made those players who were originally indignant because they couldn’t come for various reasons begin to gloat, and secretly sigh that they didn’t go.

If you go, won’t you drop the level for nothing?

However, immediately afterwards, some players recorded the execution clip of One Piece and posted it online.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Roger’s words before his death apparently not only inspired many people in the pirate world to become pirates.

Even many players are ready to step into the pirate camp!

After all, this game is called One Piece, not the Navy King, let alone the Bounty Hunter King.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with following the main theme at any time!


Above the Rogue Town Square.

As the navy left with Roger’s body, the people gathered in the square also quickly dispersed.

Ronan comforted for a long time before the sad Shanks stopped his tears.

Just as the two were about to leave, a teenager with a huge red nose and a clown-like appearance appeared in the field of vision of the two.

“It’s Bucky, he’s here too!”

Shanks was obviously very happy to see his former companion, waving his hand and shouting: “Bucky, look over here!” ”

Bucky turned his head when he heard the sound, but after seeing Shanks, there was not the slightest excitement on his face of reuniting his old friend, and he snorted coldly and turned to leave.

When Shanks saw this scene, he just sighed helplessly.

“He used to be on the same ship as me, but there was a slight conflict!”

Shanks explained to Ronan with some embarrassment.

And Ronan was also clear about the relationship between the two, and after nodding with a smile, he and Shanks walked towards Rogue Town.

“Ronan, what are your plans for the future?”

By the pier, Shanks turned to Ronan and asked, “I want to set up a One Piece to wander the boundless sea, do you want to come with me?” ”

Hearing Shanks’ invitation, Ronan was first a little surprised, and then a little moved.

The prestige of the red-haired pirate group will resound throughout the world in a few years.

Following Shanks seems to be a shortcut to a quick upgrade in itself, and you can also find yourself a strong backup team.


What Ronan has in his heart is greater ambition!

The corners of his mouth rose and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

“Shanks, I’m afraid I can’t accept your invitation, because like you, I have a captain’s heart!”

“Besides, now I don’t want to be a pirate…”

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