On the edge of a beach, Ronan is facing the siege of these dozen LV37 pirates and an LV40 pirate captain alone!

This pirate captain is also an elite monster.

However, Ronan was at the moment at the mercy of the pirates, and even the knife was not unsheathed.

I saw that he kept tapping the ground under his feet, and the five-fold speed burst was simply not presentable.

More than a dozen pirates approaching level forty besieged together, and they couldn’t even touch the corners of his clothes!

Obviously, Ronan is using these pirates as a sparring partner at the moment to familiarize himself with the skill of spider sensing!

In the past few hours, he has been sweeping the entire shantytown under Smogg’s lead.

Except for a few who really can’t bite, the other pirates who stay in the shantytown have become Ronan’s experience.

After all, the pirates gathered in the shantytown are ordinary pirates of level forty or fifty at most.

Those who are slightly more powerful have either entered the Great Shipping Route or are plundering inside the East China Sea, who will be idle and stationed on the island where the naval branch base is located?

There is really that kind of eye-opening, and it has long been solved by the Navy.

Those who can gather on this island are some trash fish that the navy can’t look at.

But right now it’s cheap Ronan!

After cleaning all the pirates in the shantytown, Ronan also successfully upgraded the spider induction to lv12.

After that, under the guidance of Smogg, he came to the last target.

Iron Axe Pirates, the captain offers a reward of 200w berry!

This pirate group has been roaming the nearby waters for the past month, and has been concerned by the navy because of the repeated robbery of innocent merchant ships.

Now he wants to take advantage of the execution of One Piece Roger, and the navy has no time to take care of them, and is ready to take advantage of the chaos to come to Rogue Town to purchase supplies.

However, one of the crew members was recognized by Smogg, so Smog and Ronan also followed all the way to the shore.

“LV12’s spider induction, there is no problem in dealing with pirates of this level, with the five times the speed provided by Explosive Step, they don’t want to hit me for the rest of their lives!”

After becoming familiar with the spider’s ability to predict danger, Ronan finally lost patience and pulled out his long knife.

After the sparring session is completed, these pirates will only have one value left, that is, the experience of turning into Ronan!

The long knife in his hand slashed horizontally and vertically, accompanied by the jumping out of the blood-red numbers.

Soon, one pirate after another fell in front of Ronan.

And the captain of the Iron Axe Pirate Group, who is a level forty elite, is helpless in the face of Ronan, who has explosive steps, mountain collapse strikes and spider induction!

In the end, it was also unwilling to fall!

“Ding, kill LV40 elite monsters, gain experience experience 5W points, drop 6W Berry, drop the Mark of Captain Iron Axe!”

[Mark of Captain Iron Axe]: You can redeem 200W Berry Bounty at any naval base!

The entire pirate group has provided Ronan with nearly 100,000 experience, and now there are millions of berries in the account, which can be said to be quite rewarding!

And Ronan did not hesitate to put 100,000 experience into spider sensing and successfully upgraded it to LV15!

Seeing that it was getting late, Ronan also came to Smogg, who was hiding in the distance.

“Little ghost, I’m bothering you today!”

“I can contribute to the eradication of pirates, and I am also very satisfied!”

“Okay, today’s harvest is not small, I will invite you to dinner!”

“Please eat, but please don’t touch my head!!”

“Don’t all imps like to be touched on the head by adults?”

“Because I’m not a ghost, I’m already twelve!”

“Twelve? Isn’t that still a ghost! ”

“You bastard…”


After inviting Smog to eat beautifully, Lin Mu and Smog separated.

One night without a word.

Early the next morning, Ronan arrived at the naval base stationed in Rogue Town.

In addition to the naval headquarters currently in Marin Fandor, the Navy has forty-eight branch bases, as well as fifteen branch bases!

Forty-eight branch bases are evenly distributed in the four seas, twelve in each sea area.

And fifteen branch bases, codenamed G1 to G15, are distributed throughout the Great Route!

In the naval branch among the four seas, the highest officer is generally the rank of colonel of the headquarters.

Because the rank of the headquarters is one level higher than the division, it can also be called the brigadier general of the division.

This is also the largest rank that a naval branch can have.

As for the fifteen branch bases in the Great Route, the ranks are exactly the same as the headquarters, and the supreme officers are all vice admirals without exception!

Some branch bases in high-risk areas will even have multiple lieutenant generals sitting in town!

Today, Ronan is in front of the Seventh Naval Division in the East China Sea.

However, just as Ronan was about to enter, a thin figure appeared in his field of vision.

Looking at Smog in front of him, the corners of Ronan’s mouth rose: “Little ghost, we really have a fate!” ”

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