Fang Hao noticed that the owner of the abyss seemed to only be active on the beach, so as long as he left the beach, he could escape its attack range.

The little monkey excitedly walked all the way to the place where the rabbit-shaped beast was swallowed up just now, and then its nose began to twitch slightly, as if it was sniffing something, and it walked to the far side of the beach, sniffing while walking, and finally stopped at On a relatively high pile of sand, he started jumping on the beach excitedly.

Just as the little monkey was jumping, the sand under its feet moved, and the huge mouth of the abyss appeared in front of Fang Hao again.

This is a little distance from the place where the rabbit-shaped beast was devoured just now. How did the owner of the abyssal mouth move silently when he saw that the abyss mouth wanted to devour the little monkey, Fang Hao manipulated Feijiangang When I wanted to save the little monkey, I saw the little monkey stretched out its weak paw and pressed it on the huge mouth of the abyss.

A strange thing happened. The abyss giant mouth stopped moving when it was pressed, and the little monkey jumped into the mouth quickly. Fang Hao just wanted to stop the little monkey, and it was too late, the little monkey had disappeared in the In front of him.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend,

Chapter 270?

And the huge mouth of the abyss slowly closed after swallowing the little monkey, and got into the sand again.

Fang Hao couldn't believe that the little monkey died like this. He tried to use his flying sword to search for the beach where the abyss had disappeared, but there was nothing underneath. He rummaged through the other areas of the beach one by one, but he could not find the existence of the abyss. .

After anxiously searching for more than [-] minutes, Fang Hao suddenly found that there was movement from a corner of the beach. It seemed that something was about to come out from below. He immediately manipulated Feijian to explore there, and Feijian quickly hit. Out of the hole, a small head drilled out of the hole, which is the little monkey.

Fang Hao couldn't believe it when he saw the little monkey come out unharmed. The little monkey climbed out of the hole, stood on the beach and shook off the sand on his body, and then flew towards Fang Hao's direction.

"What about that thing?"

Fang Hao saw with his own eyes that the giant mouth of the abyss swallowed the little monkey, and he didn't believe it would spit it out again.

The little monkey didn't seem to understand Fang Hao's words, but took out a bunch of equipment from his storage ring like a baby, all of them risking: yellow light equipment.

This is the... The owner of the giant mouth burst out wrong, the little monkey is so weak, how could it kill such a huge monster "Where did this come from?"

Fang Hao and the little monkey gestured for a long time before confirming that this thing was really the thing that exploded, but how to subdue the thing, the little monkey gestured for a long time and Fang Hao didn't understand.

"Forget it, I know you're going to go.


Fang Hao touched the little monkey's head, put it on his shoulders, and walked towards the beach.

This time, when he stepped on the beach again, Fang Hao was not attacked. It seemed that the owner of the mouth was really dead.

Fang Hao came to the beach in a few minutes, the sea water washed his feet, he felt that the sea water was extremely cold, like ice water, a few light blue shrimps the size of little fingers were washed ashore by the sea, they Jumping on the beach.

Suddenly, a large group of fish creatures swam from the sea to the shore as if they were fleeing, as if there was something terrifying behind them, the little monkey also covered his ears in pain, as if he heard some noise. Same.

At this time, a huge wave swelled up in the sea, and the wave was dozens of meters high, which was enough to submerge the island.

Fang Hao hurriedly took the little monkey and flew the flying sword into the air. Only then did he realize that huge waves were surging on the surrounding sea at this time, and behind the huge waves was a group of huge whales dozens of meters long. , These... the mouths of whales are surprisingly large, this should be the swallowing whale, and the huge waves on the sea are driven by them.

It was the first time the little monkey flew so high, and its paws gripped Fang Hao's clothes tightly, as if extremely frightened.

The first wave of huge waves hit the beach at this time, the water rushed directly into the woods at the end of the beach, followed by the second wave, the trees were washed away on a large scale, the creatures on the island began to flee on a large scale, and the beach The sand on the top was also washed away at this time, revealing the huge corpse hidden under the beach.

It was the corpse of the swallowing whale! It was just that the corpse had been decomposed for a long time, and the flesh on the surface had been peeled off, leaving only the muscles connected to the bones inside. According to its mouth, it could be seen that this corpse was The huge mouth of the abyss that lurked on the beach to catch prey.

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Chapter 271?

It's just that the owner of this giant mouth has not moved at the moment, just like a real corpse, let the sea wash away.

Fang Hao speculated that the body of the sea-swallowing whale was pushed to the shore by the sea after it died in the shallow water. I don't know what caused the mutation. The body was resurrected and began to eat creatures near the beach for a living. When it came to the little monkey, I don't know what method it used to subdue the resurrected corpse and make it completely turned into a corpse.

Groups of sea-swallowing whales swam majestically towards the small island, as if they were going to destroy the small island. Fang Hao guessed that this might be because his arrival was detected by the sea-swallowing whale king, so it didn't. Send your own people to attack you.

It was too late to think about it. Several sea-swallowing whales had already noticed Fang Hao who flew into the air with his feet on the flying sword. .

Fang Hao hurriedly dodged, those... water cannons turned into water splashes in the air and fell to the ground.

Almost all the sea-swallowing whales noticed Fang Hao. More and more sea-swallowing whales fired water cannons towards Fang Hao. Fang Hao summoned Anna, and Anna's figure instantly grew larger, holding a lightsaber towards Li. Her closest one... Swallowing the sea whale and chopped it off.

Only a dull sound was heard, Anna's lightsaber collided with the bones of the sea-swallowing whale, and then the sea-swallowing whale was chopped in two, and a large area of ​​red stained the surrounding waters.

The red color seemed to stimulate the surrounding sea swallowing whales, and their eyes became blood red at this time, and they seemed to be in a state of madness.

Their teeth became sharper and doubled in size. The water cannons that were originally spewed out now turned into ice cannons. When they spewed out, they would freeze the surrounding air to a certain extent. A thin layer of ice.

Fang Hao manipulated the remaining flying swords into a dragon shape, and gnawed towards the swallow in the sea. The swallowing whale was naturally not afraid, and opened its huge mouth and bit the dragon that the flying sword transformed into. The battle became more and more intense. Fang Hao controlled dozens of ice arrows to shoot at the eyes of the sea-swallowing whales. Some of the sea-swallowing whales avoided Fang Hao's ice arrows, but Fang Hao was not a minority.

The most vulnerable eyes were attacked, making them start to become: manic, they began to bite everything that could be bitten around, including their companions, and the whole sea area was filled with a strong bloody smell for a while.

At this time, a huge black shadow like a small island suddenly appeared in the open sea not far away. As soon as it appeared, the movements of the... sea-swallowing whales around it stopped, including those... the sea-swallowing whales who lost their eyes. .

They retreated to both sides, as if to welcome their king.

At this time, the island-like huge black shadow also revealed its true face, which is a... huge sea-swallowing whale, its size is several times larger than the ordinary sea-swallowing whale, the ordinary sea-swallowing whale The whale is like a child in front of it.

Its huge eyes stared directly at Fang Hao, who was flying in the air. At this time, Anna, who had already killed several sea-swallowing whales, also returned to Fang Hao, standing behind him like a loyal guard, with a fearless expression on his face. looked directly at the sea-swallowing whale.

"Are you the one who came to try this time?"

The sea-swallowing whale king opened his big mouth, revealing the sharp white teeth, and an old voice came out of its mouth.

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Chapter 272? Threat

This sea-swallowing whale king even knew about the trial. It seems that the tower monsters starting from the sixth floor have the same wisdom as humans.

"To pass the level from me, you must destroy my soul, otherwise as long as I can be resurrected, I will definitely not let you pass the level.

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