Lin Fan looked at it, this server is called Yixiao City, in the previous life, this server and the imperial capital Fengyun server have always been the hottest server in this region, and they have to queue up every day, until several years later, they still need to queue.

After queuing, it is the interface to create the character, Lin Fan played Qiannu for seven years in his previous life, his most familiar professions are alien and swordsman, and other professions, although Lin Fan has also played, but he is not proficient.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Lin Fan chose to play alien.

Qiannu's alien is a summoner, you can summon the baby to fight for the master, the advantage is that you can directly hang up if you play copies to do everything daily, the disadvantage is that it is very expensive, and ordinary people can't afford to play at all.

However, if you don't care about the cost of krypton gold, this Inhuman is definitely a very bad profession, especially the most powerful Inhumans, who can summon ten babies to fight, and the output of one person is more powerful than that of the others.

Lin Fan has an online game Shenhao system, and he can krypton gold every day, so Lin Fan doesn't have to think about the cost at all, and only needs to play the most violent profession.

Immediately after, there is the name of the character.

After thinking about it, Lin Fan directly entered 'Xinghe,'.

Because of this ID, in his previous life, he had been with Lin Fan for many years.

After entering the game, Lin Fan's character appeared in Pujia Village, and he could follow the main quest in the early stage.

Lin Fan opened the leaderboard again and looked at it, and found that the highest level player in this area was already level 69.

This area opened at eight o'clock last night, and it took less than twenty-four hours to rise to level 69, which is enough to see that those guys are very powerful.

Lin Fan can also reach level 69 in one day, but in that case, it will cost money.

Spend money to run the maze, brush the experience scroll, and then find a tower knife with the brush tower, and you can directly rise to level 69 in one day.

Lin Fan followed the main quest, and when he reached level 30, Lin Fan spent another hundred yuan to buy the other side flower, did the other side flower task, obtained one million experience points, and directly rose to level 38.

Subsequently, Lin Fan continued to run the main task, and half an hour later, Lin Fan had already risen to level 50.

Subsequently, Lin Fan began to do the task of the bulletin board in the capital, and it took almost an hour, and after completing the task of the bulletin board, Lin Fan's number had risen to level 60.

At this time, the system prompted Lin Fan to reach the level of accepting apprentices, and Lin Fan also wanted to accept an apprentice to play, so he went to the master of Jinling and chose me to be the master, and then opened the list of masters and entered the requirements for accepting apprentices:

"My old player, only accept one apprentice, come and not disappear."

At this time, Lin Fan found that someone had chatted with him privately.

Qingmeng: Hello, can you take me as an apprentice?

Lin Fan opened this Qingmeng's information and looked at it, and found that this Qingmeng was a level 25 female doctor, of course, as for whether he was male or female, he didn't know.

Xinghe: Why is your name so similar to me?

Qingmeng: I just saw your name, that's why I asked you if you could accept disciples!

Xinghe: I definitely want to accept apprentices, but I only accept apprentices who play for a long time.

Qingmeng: I will play it for a long time, this game is very fun, I like it very much.

Xinghe: Then you come, I will pull you into the team, you agree.

Subsequently, Lin Fan invited Qingmeng to join the team.

Qingmeng was also here with Master Wang, and then Lin Fan directly ordered me to accept an apprentice.

Qingmeng also received a hint:

Player Xinghe, want to take you as an apprentice, do you agree?

After Qingmeng clicked and agreed, he became Lin Fan's apprentice.

Qingmeng: Master, are you an old player? You're so good, it's all level 60, I've been playing since last night, and now it's all level 25.

Xinghe: Yes, I am indeed an old player, I started playing at 7:30 in the morning, and it is estimated that I can rise to level 69 in the afternoon.

After Qiannu rises to 69, she will encounter a level seal, and if the seal cannot be opened, she cannot continue to upgrade.

There is a seal at 69, another seal at 89, another seal at 109, and the last seal at 129.

Under normal circumstances, a level 69 seal will be opened after one week, a level 89 seal will be opened after one month, a 109 seal will be opened after three months, and a 129 seal will be opened after half a year.

Qingmeng: Master is really powerful, I estimate that I will not be able to rise to level 69 in a week.

Xinghe: Hehe, I will teach you to play, with me teaching you, at most tomorrow, you can rise to level 69.

Qingmeng: Okay, Master, can you take me to beat Cui Meng? I can't beat that guy.

Cui Meng is a level 25 plot boss of Qiannu, and is a nightmare for countless players when they are novices.

Lin Fan played a Fangshi when he first played Qiannu, and he was killed by this Cui Meng many times at that time.

However, this Cui Meng is all trivial to Lin Fan of level 60, Lin Fan only needs to release his wooden baby, and then stand still.

Xinghe: Yes, I'll give you the captain, let's go!"

Qingmeng: Okay, thank you, Master.

Immediately afterwards, Qingmeng took Lin Fan to Yangjia Town and entered Cui Meng's house.

As soon as Lin Fan entered, he directly clicked Cui Meng, and then ignored him.

After a while, Cui Meng hung up.

Qingmeng: Wow, Master, the equipment is exploded, it is still purple equipment, Master is too powerful.

Lin Fan took a look at the equipment and found that it was a level 25 purple spell dress.

The equipment grades in Qiannu are divided into white, yellow, orange, green, blue, red, purple, ghost costume, and divine weapon.

The most powerful divine weapon needs to be obtained by divine weapon patterns and divine weapon essence cultivation, and it will not be opened until a long time after the service is opened.

So, for now, the most powerful equipment is the ghost suit.

In addition to the color of equipment, the entry of equipment is also very important, if the entry of equipment is good, blue clothing can be more harmful than ghost clothing.

Lin Fan is now wearing some red and blue equipment above level 50, and his clothes are level 55 red equipment, and his attributes are much better than these level 25 purple clothes.

Therefore, Lin Fan still couldn't see such a thing, so Lin Fan directly gave the dress to Qingmeng.

Generally, such a purple suit can be sold for one or twenty thousand silver, according to the current ratio of this district, a dollar of 6,000 silver is worth only a few dollars.

Qingmeng: Wow, thank you Master, Master is so good.

Xinghe: Hehe, this equipment is not valuable, I can't use the level 25 purple suit for a long time, let me use it for you to transition!

Qingmeng: Master, isn't this equipment worth much? There's a bad thing on it, I thought it would be worth a lot!

Xinghe: The level is too low, and the attributes of a level 65 garbage clothes are better than this clothes when you pick up a level, and when you upgrade a level, you won't need this clothes.

Qingmeng: Oh, so it is!

Xinghe: You continue to do the main task, when you achieve level 30, there will be a task of the other shore flower, you take that task, and then buy a other side flower in the ingots mall, the other side flower only needs 100 yuan, if there is no ingot, you open the mall, there is an ingots transaction, you click on him, buy 100 yuan on it, if you buy 100 yuan at present, you only need a few thousand silver, you go to the task first, if you can't beat the blame, you call me, I'll help you fight.

Qingmeng: Yes, Master! Thank you, Master.

Subsequently, Qingmeng went to continue the main quest, and Lin Fan was also ready to brush the tower.

Lin Fan planned to brush the tower to level 65, then eat 6 level 69 Sage Pill books, eat the books and click the skills, and then go to fight a dragon.

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