Subsequently, Lin Fan took Qingmeng to Luoxia Peak again.

This is the tryst sanctuary of the couples in Qiannu, and along the way, Lin Fan also met many couples and watched the scenery here.

"Master, it's so beautiful here!" Qingmeng said happily to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan also smiled when he heard Qingmeng's words, and then hugged Qingmeng's slender waist:

"It's really beautiful."

The two sat side by side, enjoying the scenery, talking about love, and talking about love, and before they knew it, it was past eleven o'clock.

"Master, I'm going to wash and sleep, and I'll come back tomorrow." Qingmeng said.

"Well, you go quickly." Lin Fan nodded.

"Master, good night!" Qingmeng smiled and kissed Lin Fan before going offline.

After Lin Fan saw that Qingmeng had disappeared, he didn't have the heart to continue to enjoy the beauty of Sunset Peak.

Therefore, Lin Fan also planned to go offline.

However, Lin Fan suddenly realized at this time that this dormitory was closed, why haven't those guys come back yet?

Could it be that those guys took the girls to open a house?

So, Lin Fan made a call to Lin Yi.

After Lin Fan dialed the phone, it rang several times before Lin Yi picked up the phone.

After Lin Yi picked up the phone, Lin Yi said to Lin Fan:

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"What are you guys doing?" Lin Fan asked.

"Uh, boss, nothing to do, let's take a few of their girls to sing in KTV!" Lin Yi said.

"I'm going, aren't you going to come back? The dormitories are closed! Lin Fan was also a little surprised.

In Lin Fan's impression, the four girls in Bei Weiwei's dormitory were not the kind of casual people!

But how could they stay up at night today?

"What? Dormitories are closed? Lin Yi looked puzzled.

Lin Fan: "Nonsense, it's already past eleven o'clock now, right?"

"Well, we all forgot the time, and now we can't go back to school to enter the dormitory, so we have to take the girls to open a room." Lin Yi said.

"Don't mess around with a few of you, if the girls don't agree, you can't use it strongly, otherwise, don't blame me for not recognizing you brothers." Lin Fan reminded Lin Yi.

"Okay, we know, we don't do illegal things." Lin Yi replied.

He then hung up.

"Alas!" Lin Fan sighed and shook his head.

Lin Fan didn't expect that this group of pit goods of them would actually take the sister to open a house.

After Lin Fan shook his head helplessly, he went offline.

After getting off the line, Lin Fan went to wash up and went to sleep.

At this time, Zhao Erxi and they finally realized that they had overplayed.

So, they are all very anxious at this time.

At this time, Lin Yi said:

"Beauty, the dormitory is closed, we can only go to open the room now."

"Bah, who wants to go with you to open a house!" Zhao Erxi immediately shook his head violently.

Zhao Erxi she can't look at Lin Yi, Lin Fan and the four of them in the dormitory, Lin Yi is the most unreliable.

"Girls, we can't go back, so we have to go to open a house!" Besides, you girls live together, and we boys live together, can't we? It's not for boys to live with girls, what are you afraid of? Lin Yi said to everyone at this time.

"Hmph!" Zhao Erxi snorted coldly.

"There are so many of you, what if something happens?" Bei Weiwei said worriedly.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be no accident, how many of us can protect you, right?" Lin Dong also said at this time.

"Okay." After Zhao Erxi hesitated, he still nodded.

Although the other two girls did not agree, they did not refuse, after all, these girls are also relatively simple, the other party is their classmates, if not for the relationship between classmates, it is estimated that they would not have come out to play with Lin Yi and them.

Subsequently, they left the KTV together and went to a nearby seven-day hotel.

In the end, they opened two rooms.

One for four girls and one for three boys.

After Lin Yi and the others finished driving the room, they walked directly to the elevator.

As soon as Lin Yi and the others entered the elevator, two young men walked in outside the elevator.

The two young men looked at Bei Weiwei and the others in the elevator, and their eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Hehe, such a beautiful chick, do you want your brothers to warm your bed?" One of the young men said lewdly.

"Get out!" Zhao Erxi said impatiently.

For this kind of little rascal, Zhao Erxi can't look at it.

"Yo he, the temper is not small, brother will teach you a lesson today." At this time, another young man also looked at Zhao Erxi lewdly and said with a smile.

"Haha, brother, let's have fun tonight." At this time, the other young man also laughed lewdly.

"Find death!" At this time, Lin Yi roared angrily, and then rushed directly up.


I saw Lin Yi smash a punch on the face of the young man in front.

In an instant, the nosebleed of the young man in front flowed out.

"Grass mud horse, you dare to hit me!" At this time, the young man who was smashed in the face by Lin Yi's punch in front scolded angrily.

"Bang~~" Lin Yi didn't bother to deal with him at all, and directly kicked him off.

At this time, Lin Hao and Lin Dong also rushed forward.

After a while, the three of them beat the two youths to the ground.

"me, or I'll beat you up." Lin Yi said coldly.

"We were wrong, we will leave immediately!" The two guys got out of here in a row.

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