No way, in the end, I really couldn't beat it, so Lin Fan said:

"Little Meng'er, take a break, take a nap, and continue at night."

"Uh-huh, okay!" Kiyome replied.

Qingmeng didn't want to fight anymore, she felt that it was because she was too stupid and dragged Lin Fan's hind legs that she couldn't pass the pass.

Subsequently, both men quit the game.

However, Lin Fan did not sleep at this time, but opened the backstage of the Red Fruit Novel Network.

Lin Fan opened it and immediately shook his head.

Because, the ancient book that Lin Fan brought over was not read by anyone.

Originally, Lin Fan thought that there would be many people!

As a result, Lin Fan opened the backstage and looked at it, only to find that his ancient book covered the sky, and there was not a single reader.

"What's going on here? How so? Lin Fan thought depressedly.

"System, will you explain it to me? Why is this book not read? Lin Fan asked speechlessly.

"Host, your book is less than 50,000 words, when you read a novel, will you not see a work of 50,000 words?" The system replied.

"Also, now the number of words is still small, if the number of words is more, there will definitely be people reading it." Lin Fan thought in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fan suddenly thought of a question, so he continued to ask:

"System, you said that no one reads because of the word count, so why is it almost 50,000 words, I haven't received a signing invitation yet?"

"Host, because the content of this book is too mysterious and does not conform to the mainstream of this world, the website does not dare to sign it." The system explained at this point.

"If I go, doesn't that mean that it is impossible for me to make money from this ancient book?" Lin Fan said depressedly.

"Yes, host, first you have to pass the signing level, if you can't pass the signing level, then what else to talk about making money?" The system replied.

"I'll go, then you tell me, how can I get through the contract?" Lin Fan questioned the system at this time.

"The system doesn't know either, please explore for yourself, good luck."

After listening to the system's words, Lin Fan almost vomited blood to his death.

Lin Fan was almost crying at this time, he already knew that this "Taikoo Covering the Sky" was so pitted, he didn't write this book in the first place.

However, Lin Fan thought about it, although "Taikoo Covering the Sky" is very bad, but this book is very powerful, after all, this book is the work of the red-haired monster, as long as he is given a chance, then, Lin Fan believes that his Taikoo Covering the Sky can definitely catch fire.

This book is definitely a work that can seal the gods in one book, and this is where Lin Fan's confidence lies.

"Alas!" After Lin Fan sighed, he lay on the bed and prepared to sleep.

After all, if this book is not signed, then it cannot make money, even if it can be a work that can be canonized?

Therefore, Lin Fan must sign a contract, no matter what, he must bookmark it!


At this time, in the editorial office of Hongguo Novel Network, there were also two people discussing Lin Fan's Taikoo Cover the Sky.

"Nuan Dong, is this book really as powerful as you say?" The editor-in-chief of Hongguo Novel Network asked the editor Nuan Dong suspiciously.

"Of course, the editor-in-chief, let me tell you, this book is the first novel of this type in the world, I have read it, it is really exciting, this book will definitely create a new genre, this author can definitely use this book to become a god." Nuan Dong said with a smile at this time.

Although the warm winter blew the Taikoo Sky to the ground, the editor-in-chief still had some disbelief.

Not only that, the mainstream novels in this world are basically martial arts or Western fantasy type novels, like Lin Fan's type of novels, he really has never seen it, not to mention, the great god author he knows, there is no one who writes this type of novel.

Therefore, he felt that Nuan Dong was fooling him, and he couldn't help but be a little angry.

"Nuan Dong, I hope this matter is not that you are fooling me, you should understand the crime of deceiving the leader, you can't afford it!" The editor-in-chief said at this time.

"Editor-in-chief, how dare I lie to you? What I said is true, this book is definitely a masterpiece, and I have carefully studied this book, it can definitely explode, otherwise, how could I give up other novels without review, and come to you specifically for this book? Nuan Dong hurriedly said at this time.

Nuan Dong was indeed frightened, and if he offended the editor-in-chief because he said the wrong thing, then his future would be completely ruined.

"Do you guarantee that this book will really catch fire?" The editor-in-chief said again at this time.

"This book has created a new genre, and if it is recommended in place, it will definitely catch fire." Nuan Dong said firmly.

"Well, in that case, you sign it!" The editor-in-chief nodded and said.

Their new book is a bit complicated to sign a new book, and it takes four editors to cross-review, and three or more editors to give suggestions that they can sign before they can sign a contract.

Nuan Dong was very optimistic about Lin Fan's Taikoo Shade Tian, but the other three review editors were not optimistic and gave the results of the non-contractable review.

So, Warm Winter came to the editor-in-chief.

As long as the editor-in-chief clapped and said that he could sign a contract, then the opinions of other editors were not important.

"Thank you editor-in-chief, I will definitely not let you down." Nuan Dong said excitedly.

"Well, go, remember, you must arrange a signing of this book as soon as possible, and then give a recommendation position first to see the recommendation effect." The editor-in-chief instructed.

"Well, I'll definitely try to complete the task." Nuan Dong said firmly at this time.

"Well, go for it!" The editor-in-chief instructed again.

"Okay, goodbye editor-in-chief." Nuan Dong waved at the editor-in-chief, and then left the office.

Subsequently, Nuan Dong came to the computer, opened the backstage, and sent a signing invitation to Lin Fan's novel "Taikoo Covering the Sky".

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