Subsequently, Lin Fan kept thinking about how to use the background card.

Originally, Lin Fan planned to take his time, first type the draft, and then write some more background.

However, Lin Fan wanted to be with Mengyiran as soon as possible.

So, this slowly, Lin Fan really couldn't help it.

In the end, Lin Fan still didn't hold back and directly used the background card.

Immediately afterwards, a frame appeared in front of Lin Fan.

Then, Lin Fan discovered that this special writing background even had a word limit: 0/20.

In other words, the background of Lin Fan's writing must be limited to twenty words.

Also, this box is estimated to have a time limit.

Because, when Lin Fan first used it, there was a 59 on the side of this box, and then, every second, this number was decreasing.

At this time, there were only more than forty seconds left.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fan began to write the background:

grandfather, the number one boss in the military, and his grandfather, the world's number one chaebol master.

Lin Fan wrote these two sentences on that background card.

In fact, this is mainly because Lin Fan doesn't want to engage in urban immortal cultivation, otherwise, he directly writes what his own Heavenly Emperor reincarnates, and he can be invincible directly.

(PS: Actually, it's because readers don't like to watch urban Xiuxian, and then I can only stop writing about urban Xiuxian.)

However, Lin Fan found that after the background card was used, it was actually no different.

Because he is still him, in his memory, there is no memory of his grandfather.

At the same time, there are no memories of his grandfather.

"Huh? What's going on here? Could it be that this background card has not yet taken effect? At this time, Lin Fan thought in his heart.


At this time, what Lin Fan didn't know was that in a courtyard in the imperial capital, a middle-aged man with great majesty was excitedly reporting something to an old man.

"Father, after unremitting efforts, I have found the whereabouts of Lin Fan's nephew." At this time, the middle-aged man said.

"What? Finally found Fan'er's whereabouts? Where is Fan'er? After hearing this, this old man immediately said with an excited face.

"He is in the imperial capital now." The middle-aged man continued.

"What? You said that Fan'er is in the imperial capital? So what are you waiting for, quickly prepare the car and take me to meet Fan'er. The old man immediately said excitedly.

"Fan'er is now at Qinghua University and is a freshman in the Department of Computer Science at Qinghua University." The middle-aged man continued.

"Well, let's go now!" At this time, the old man spoke.

"Father, your body is not suitable for transportation!" The middle-aged man said worriedly.

"Don't worry, my body is fine now, let's go!" The old man said at this time.

"Okay then. I'll arrange it. The middle-aged man said helplessly at this time.

He knew that he couldn't persuade the old man at all.

Subsequently, after arranging a guard platoon to escort, the middle-aged man took the old man and left the courtyard.

This old man is the head of the Lin family, and at the same time, he is also the Huaxia military god.

And this middle-aged man is his second son, and at the same time, he is also a big general.

And their target is Lin Fan of Qingda.


At this time, after Lin Fan saw that he used the background card, and there was no effect, he immediately connected the system in his mind.

"System, you won't pit me, will you?" Lin Fan said to the system.

"Host please pay attention to words, this is not to pit you, if your IQ is high enough, then you can have a strong background, if your IQ is too low, then, sorry, even the system can't help you." The cold voice of the system came out.

"Oh... Well, I see, you have a point! After Lin Fan listened to the system's words at this time, he immediately understood.

In particular, this garbage system dares to say that its IQ is not high enough.

"Well, if you're like that, then I have nothing more to say." Lin Fan was also speechless at this time.

"Please note that the system gave the host a background card for free, and the host should be grateful to the system, rather than scolding the system in his heart." The system reminded Lin Fan and said.

"Oh, I know, then I won't call you a garbage system in the future." Lin Fan said in his heart.

After that, Lin Fan continued to code.

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